Add/Move Assignments Overview

Add New Assignments

When you add a new assignment, the system adds an assignment for the selected user on the current step. The existing assignment record is not changed. A new assignment record is added and populated as follows:

The Last updated by and Last update fields are updated. If you selected multiple workflows, the new assignment is added for each workflow if the workflow is not closed when the basic rules (below) are adhered to.

Rules for Adding New Assignments

Move Assignments

When you move an assignment, the system will attempt to replace the assignment record for the user indicated with an assignment record for the newly selected user.

When reassigned, the existing assignment record is marked as closed with the following changes:

A new assignment record is added and populated as follows:

The Last updated by and Last update fields are updated. If you selected multiple workflows, the reassignment is done for the selected From user on each workflow for which they have an assignment that is not closed when the basic rules (below) are adhered to.

Rules for Moving Assignments

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