This procedure allows you to define project-level thresholds which are set and stored in the cost system. Project Level Thresholds drive the color banding seen on the Cost Analysis view, which is the primary view that CAMs, PCAs, and so on use to analyze and drill down to more cost detail on their control accounts.
To set up project-level thresholds, complete the following steps:
On the Navigation menu, click Projects ยป Projects. The Projects form is displayed.
On the Projects form, click Form View.
Click the Thresholds tab.
Select Use Color Banding.
Set the color banding scheme in the Cost Analysis Color Banding Ranges group box by entering the values for the corresponding elements.
Deltek PM Compass is shipped with default range values that are applied to the elements (SV, CV, CPI, SPI, and VAC) for each color band. You are not required to use all metrics and ranges. However, the low and high values of ranges must both be populated. For example, you must enter the low and high values for the Marginal and Good ranges.
Find control accounts or work packages that are not progressing according to plan
View time phased resource data for a control account or work package
Set Up a Project for Explain Variance