Customize the Appearance of PM Compass

Use this procedure to customize the general appearance of PM Compass according to your preference.

For more information, see Display Settings Overview.

To customize the general appearance of PM Compass, complete the following steps:

  1. On the application toolbar, click Settings » User Preferences.

  2. On the User Preferences dialog box, click Display Settings. .

  3. Use the options on each of the Display Settings dialog box tabs to make changes to different elements. Use the Preview area at the top of each tab to preview changes as you make them.

    If the options are disabled, confirm that the Use Default Values field is deselected. Alternatively, a field may be disabled if you cannot edit that option for the selected element.

  4. Click Apply.

    PM Compass displays and adjusts the appropriate settings only on the Display Settings dialog box. Applying the settings to the dialog box is only temporary.

  5. Click Save for the settings to take effect throughout PM Compass.

What do you want to do?

Save a display setting

Rename a saved display setting

Restore default values for a selected element

Restore default values for all elements

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