Control Account Change Request

The Control Account Change is usually selected as the child workflow for a Contract Change Request. This selection is made in the Multiple control accounts: Generate this workflow type field on the General tab of Workflow Type Configuration.

A Control Account Change Request cannot be manually created. It is automatically generated for each control account selected on the Contract Change Request. It contains the cost details for the change amount related to the specific control account when the parent workflow is completed. This workflow and is useful when viewing important change requests about a control account in the dashboard or from the Work Authorization report. The only editable field is the Proposed Change field where you can enter notes relating to your changes. There are no workflow steps and there is no approval process at this level.

The Control Account Change Request does not display in the Navigation menu. You can see it on the Contract Change Request Child Workflows tab. You can click the parent title to see the Contract Change Request that initiated the change; however, you cannot see the time phased adjustments and changes to the work package dates. You can view these by accessing the temporary cost project, or by waiting until the parent Contract Change Request is approved.

Form Toolbar

Use the form toolbar to save the Control Account Change, view the Control Account Change list, or access help.

Form Tabs

The Control Account Change form includes the following tabs by default:

Use the Tabs on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration to determine the labels for tabs and to add or remove tabs for each workflow type.

What do you want to do?

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Learn about parent/child relationships

Learn about parent/child workflow steps

Create a Contract Change Request

Run a Contract Change report

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