Contract Change Request

Use the Contract Change Request to initiate a single change request involving multiple control accounts and route them for approval. You can document the proposed cost and/or schedule change, budget request details, justification and other explanative details about the budget change. You can submit a Contract Change request even when there is no schedule attached to a cost project. In this case, you enter the value of the change at the work package level.

When you access the Change Details view from the Contract Change Request, you see all of the control accounts you selected. You can expand these control accounts to see the work packages and activities below the control account.

You as the originator can edit Change Details data before you start the workflow steps. After the workflow steps are started, only the CAM (not assignee) for each control account can edit the schedule and cost details.

Each Control Account Manager (CAM) is able to edit the schedule and cost details relating to their control account (including fully pricing the proposed changes) and have them reviewed by the scheduler and Project Controls Analyst (PCA) prior to them being routed for final approval. During this process, the approved schedule and cost budget are not impacted by the changes being made. The default configuration uses a unique system-generated number to identify each change.

On final approval, the changes are automatically applied to the approved schedule and cost budget and the project budget log is updated. Contract Change Requests provide auditable records of the budget changes for Control Accounts.

For more information on change management, see the following:


Before creating a Contract Change Request:

Form Toolbar

All workflow categories in PM Compass share a common form toolbar.

Form Tabs

The Contract Change form includes the following tabs:

Use the Tabs on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration to determine the labels for tabs and to add or remove tabs for each workflow type.

Contract Change Report

The Contract Change Request report is the default report for Contract Change Requests. This report is very useful when the Total Cost does not match Requested Cost because you can review the Control Account Change child workflows to determine which control accounts have the discrepancy. See How to Run a Contract Change Report for more information.

What do you want to do?

Create a Contract Change Request

Customize the form using Form Designer

Copy data from an existing class into the new Budget Change Request class

Learn about the Change Baseline

Customize the form using Form Designer

Run a Contract Change report

Run an Unapproved Change Management Requests report

View location

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