System Checks When a Change Request is Completed

An extra check is performed by the system to confirm that the values loaded into Cobra match what is displayed on the change request form. If the values do not match, the Cost Difference field is updated with the difference.

Before the Complete Step is Processed

The Update Cost Details Grid step action refreshes the Cost Details grid and the Cost and Date group boxes on the change request form. The Cost group box information is used during the final check to ensure that the data loaded into Cobra correctly. If the process completes as expected, resuming the values for the Total Cost field should match the contents of the change request form.

See the Dates group box on the General Tab of the Change Management Form and How the Budget/Forecast Details Grid is Populated for more information about how these fields are populated.

After the Complete Step is Processed

PM Compass has many checks in place; but occasionally a process does not detect an error and the end costs are not as expected. To confirm that the final result of processing the change request matches what went into Cobra, the following checks are made after the complete step is processed:

  1. The processed total is summed from the live project.

  2. This result is then subtracted from the total in the Cost group box on the change request form.

  3. If the difference is +/- $1:

    1. The Cost Difference field is updated to match the amount processed.

    2. The Total field in the Cost group on the change request form is updated to match the amount processed.

    3. The Budget Details grid on the change request form is not updated and still matches what was approved.

    4. An email describing the discrepancy is sent to the user listed on the last step of the workflow. It includes the change request ID as well as the expected and actual totals, and the difference. The user can add comments about this difference in the memo field on the Advanced tab of the change request form. See the Explanation field for more information.

    5. A message displays below the Cost group box on the parent change request form as well as on each child form. It explains that the Total cost doesn't match the Requested cost by x dollars and to see the Advanced tab for details. If the difference is in multiple control accounts, each child workflow displays the difference for the related control account.

      To confirm that the message will display on the change request form when needed, see Reposition the Cost Difference Field and Change the Label.

When you run the Work Authorization report, the cost difference is displayed along with the Explanation memo field.

What do you want to do?

See the system checks that are performed when a change request is approved

Run a Contract Change Report

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