GCC Moderate Non-Active Features

While we strive to make all features within Costpoint available to all our customers, some features rely upon other applications for functionality and those processes are not FedRamp Moderate compliant. Therefore, these features are not active for our GCCM clients to ensure that you meet your FedRamp Moderate requirements. Here are the Costpoint features that you may have heard about but are not active in our GCCM cloud.

Non-Active Features

Feature Additional Notes
Ask Dela N/A
ICR to Scan AP Vouchers N/A
ICR Expense Receipts N/A
MS Teams with AI Capabilities For MS Teams Notification functionality you will need to turn off the AI interactions by going to Admin > Configure System Settings > Corporate Settings > Dela Tab and select Disable Dela for MS Team Integration. Detailed setup information is available in the Deltek Costpoint Configuration Utility Guide.
Smart Summaries N/A
Interactive Emails The Interactive Email feature relies on Adaptive Card technology. If your company is using Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud High (GCC High), this platform does not support Adaptive Cards, so the feature is unavailable to you.