Print Federal Certified Payroll Report

Use this screen to print timesheet and payroll information that can be used to satisfy the certified payroll requirement.

To provide a Certified Payroll Report, you must enter daily timesheets and use a weekly timesheet and payroll cycle. The report information is obtained from the Payroll Edit table, for records with paycheck numbers and dates only, and/or from the Employee Earnings table.

Print this report after entering and processing the weekly timesheet data to payroll or after posting the payroll to the Employee Earnings table for the pay period that you want to report.

Multi-state functionality was added to a number of applications. This functionality allows the proper calculation of withholdings for employee who work in multiple states during a single pay period. Because new tables are needed for multi-state calculation, this application now looks at two new tables, EMPL_PR_STATE and EMPL_EARN_STATE.