Create Federal W-2 File

Use this screen after printing and reviewing the W-2s.

Note: If you select the Enable Payroll Tax Interface check box on the Configure Payroll Tax Export Settings screen, this application cannot be used.

This is a separately licensed product for the current release of Deltek Costpoint.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires employers filing more than 250 W-2 Forms (per employer ID number) to file electronically, unless granted a waiver by the IRS. If this applies to you, obtain and read the current year's IRS publication regarding electronic filing.

You must rename the data file created by this application to the IRS required file name W2REPORT (no extension). You then send this file to the SSA.

The Federal W-2 File report automatically prints each time you create the file in this screen. After running this program and reviewing the printed report, name the file (W2REPORT — no file extension) and send it electronically to the SSA.  The information included in the file is identical to the printed W-2s. Do not send paper W-2s to the IRS if you submit electronically. The Federal W-2 File report gives totals for all W-2s, which may be useful, even if you are not filing electronically. The file and report created must be kept as part of your permanent payroll tax accounting records. See the current IRS Publication for the current requirements.

The source of the file is the W-2 Table (created by the Create W-2 Table screen). Currently, you must file Federal Mag Media by February 28th (or 29th) following the end of the year for which the information is being filed.

Note: There are two ways to work with export files in Costpoint:
  • You can save the file to an Alternate File Location.
  • You can save the file to the Costpoint database.

If you decide to use the first option, click in the File Location field to select the alternate file location to which you want to save the file. If you choose the second option, leave the File Location field blank when you export the file.