Charge Favorites Subtask

Charge Favorites displays all of the timesheet charges you have added as favorites.


The Charge Favorites subtask is available from the More drop-down list. For each charge that you have added as a favorite, the information related to that charge, such as the description or account and project ID also display.

Field Description
Order Use the Order column to reorder charges by applying a sequence to them so that your most important or frequently used charges display at the top.

For example, to position a charge at the top of the table, enter a 1 in Order for that charge, and if there are other charges you want to display in second, third, or fourth position (and so on), enter the sequence number for those charges.

You do not have to sequence all the charges the charges in table. Charges where no sequence number is applied will display starting after the last one that is sequenced. The un-sequenced favorites simply display in order of Account Code or Project Code, whichever is primary.

You can enter numbers ranging from 1 to 999 for each charge to indicate the preferred display order.


When you add a charge to Favorites the Load checkbox is selected. This means that the charge will load on your timesheet automatically. Clear the checkbox if you do not want the charge to load to your timesheet.

Work Pct

Some companies use the Generate Exception-Based Timesheets feature to generate timesheets containing default hours for their employees. The amount of time assigned to each charge is based on a work percentage. (For example, if you work half of your time on the same task each day, 50% of your time is charged to that task).

If your timesheet is generated in this way, a Work Pct column displays in the table. You must supply a work percentage for each favorite, and the percentages for all favorites must total 100%. Enter the percentages as whole numbers, 0 to 100.


Your timesheet may be set up to automatically enter holiday hours when it loads favorites.

If so, a Holiday column displays in the Favorites table. You must have one and only one favorite designated as a holiday charge.

Select the Holiday check box if the favorite is for holiday time.


Your timesheet may be set up to automatically enter scheduled vacation hours when it loads favorites.

If so, a Vacation column displays in the Favorites tree. You must have one and only one favorite designated as a vacation charge.

Select the Vacation check box if the favorite is for vacation time.


Use this field to enter information to help you track multiple charges that you use on various projects. The field allows up to 4,000 characters