Export Timesheets Screen

Use the Export Timesheets screen to export timesheets to a labor staging table or payroll staging table, using the values set up for the Labor Distribution and Manage Payroll options on the Manage Timesheet Classes screen.

In most cases, timesheets must be approved before you can export them. However, you have the option to export in-process (unapproved) timesheets for those timesheet classes that are set up to allow it.

Note: See Timesheet Configuration: Export Options and Timesheet Classes: Basic Information for more information.

The timesheet transaction remains in these staging tables for pickup, or the export application may call a transformer to transform the table entries into a specific ASCII layout.  

Attention: For more detailed information about implementing the export process, see Time Configuration: Export Options and review the "Export Time Data" section in the Deltek Time & Expense Technical Guide.


To display the Export Timesheets screen, complete the following step:

  1. Click Time & Expense > Time > Timesheet Interfaces > Export Timesheets.


Screen Fields

Field Description

Select the type of timesheets that you want to export. The following timesheet types are available:

  • Approved
  • In-Process with Signed (not yet approved)
  • In-Process without Signed (not yet approved)
If Time & Expense is not set up to export in-process timesheets, you can only export approved timesheets. In addition, if you have enabled timesheets for the automatic calculation and distribution of overtime, the overtime is available for export only after timehseets are approved.
Subcontractor Export

When selected, this check box differentiates subcontractor timesheets from the timesheets of regular employees. Additionally, all other screen options are disabled, because only the subcontractor data displays. When processing of the export is finished, the data is exported to Costpoint, where the prime contractor can create a subcontractor invoice.

Reload Defaults Click this button if, having entered new values, you want to revert to the previously saved default values.
Save Defaults
Click this button to save the currently selected options as default values. When you click Save Defaults, values entered in the following fields are either saved or not saved as indicated in the following list:
  • Basic fields:
    • Saved values include: Timesheets, Subcontractor Export, and Costpoint Company.
    • Batch ID and ADP Filename are not saved.
  • Export Options - All values in this section are saved.
  • Print Options - All values in this section are saved.
  • Export to Costpoint Options - No values in this section are saved.
  • Auto Adjust Options for Regular Timesheets - All values in this section are saved.
  • Timehsheet Generation - All values in this section are saved.
  • Default Information - No values in this section are saved.
Batch ID

Enter a unique export batch identifier of up to 10 alphanumeric characters. You cannot enter a previously used batch ID.

Note: The name of the exported file is based on the batch ID.
ADP File Name

In ADP File Name, enter the file name for the payroll file to be exported to ADP.

This field only appears if Time & Expense is set up to export payroll information to ADP.

Costpoint Company

Click to select the Costpoint company for which you are exporting timesheets.

The Costpoint companies available for selection are those for which the specified type of timesheets (approved or in-process) exist for the selected timesheet period.

This field only appears if the Costpoint Multicompany check box is selected in the Miscellaneous tab of the Configure General Settings screen.

The Costpoint interface allows only one company to be exported at a time.

Export File

This read-only field displays the name of the export file. The location where the file is saved displays as a prefix to the filename. The location is configured in Time & Expense > Configuration > General Controls > Configure General Settings..

Export Options

Field Description
Export Work Schedules

Select this check box to export your company's work schedule information. This option is only available if the ASCII Layout option is Costpoint 7.x or Greater on the Time ›› Settings ›› Time Configuration ›› Export Options tab.

In cases where you do not have direct connectivity between Costpoint and Time & Expense (stand-alone), it is necessary to export your work schedule information to Costpoint using a comma delimited file that will contain the company level work schedule data as described in the following:

  • Work Schedule Code
  • Work Schedule Description
  • Date
  • Day of Week
  • Standard Hours
  • Holiday Indicator
  • Non Work day Indicator
Make Next Period Current Select this check box to make the next period current.
Export Directly to Costpoint Select this check box to automatically execute the import of timesheets into Costpoint at the same time as they are exported from Time & Expense. You can set the Costpoint import parameters in the Export to Costpoint section of this screen.

Print Options

In this section, select the type of report you want to print.

Field Description
Labor Distribution This option is available if the timesheet classes you selected are configured for labor exports.
Include Detail

Select this option if you want the Labor Distribution report to include the first six UDTs, charge descriptions, and cell date and hours for the exported records of each employee.

If you do not select this option, the Labor Summary report prints instead, which shows the same information summarized at the line level, and hours are not broken down by date.

Payroll This option is available if the timesheet classes you selected are configured for payroll exports.
Include Detail

Select this option if you want the Payroll report to include the pay types, payroll codes, payroll earnings code, and hours for the employees and timesheet classes.

If you do not select this option, the Payroll Summary report prints, which does not include the breakdown by employee or timesheet class.

Export to Costpoint Options

In this section, select the type of report you want to print.

Field Description
Timesheet Start Date This option is available if the timesheet classes you selected are configured for labor exports.
Timesheet End Date

Select this option if you want the Labor Distribution report to include the first six UDTs, charge descriptions, and cell date and hours for the exported records of each employee.

If you do not select this option, the Labor Summary report prints instead, which shows the same information summarized at the line level, and hours are not broken down by date.

Fiscal Year This option is available if the timesheet classes you selected are configured for payroll exports.

Select this option if you want the Payroll report to include the pay types, payroll codes, payroll earnings code, and hours for the employees and timesheet classes.

If you do not select this option, the Payroll Summary report prints, which does not include the breakdown by employee or timesheet class.


Select this option if you want the Payroll report to include the pay types, payroll codes, payroll earnings code, and hours for the employees and timesheet classes.

If you do not select this option, the Payroll Summary report prints, which does not include the breakdown by employee or timesheet class.

Auto-Adjust Salaried Employees Select this check box to auto adjust timesheets for salaried employees. This check box is available only if the Enable for Salaried Employees check box is selected in the Selective Auto-Adjust group box on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Costpoint > People > Labor Controls > Configure Labor Settings screen.
Note: C type timesheets are not auto-adjusted when imported into Costpoint.
Auto-Adjust Hourly Employees Select this check box to auto adjust timesheets for hourly employees. This check box is available only if the Enable for Hourly Employees check box is selected in the Selective Auto-Adjust group box on the Overtime Settings subtask of the Costpoint > People > Labor Controls > Configure Labor Settings screen.
Note: C type timesheets are not auto-adjusted when imported into Costpoint
Override Auto Adjust % Enter the auto adjust percentage to be applied. If you do not specify an Override Auto Adjust %, Costpoint uses the Default Auto-Adjust % on the Costpoint > People > Labor > Timesheet Entry/Creation > Manage Timesheet Periods screen for the employee's timesheet cycle.
The rules for Auto-Adjustment of D and N Type Timesheets are as follows:
  • If the Use Ref Date in Correcting and Labor Only TS check box is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen, Costpoint uses the D or N timesheet's Reference Date to determine the employee's Salary Amount and Rate Type status for use in auto-adjusting.
    Note: The Reference Date is supplied in the input file.
  • If the Use Ref Date in Correcting and Labor Only TS check box is NOT selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen, Costpoint uses the D or N Timesheet Date to determine the employee's Salary Amount and Rate Type status for use in auto-adjusting.
  • If the employee is Salaried and the Auto-Adjust Salaried Employees check box is selected, Costpoint auto-adjusts any D and N type timesheets for that employee. If you specified an Override Auto Adjust % in this screen, that value is used; otherwise, the Default Auto-Adjust % for the employee's Timesheet Cycle is used (this is current auto-adjust logic).
  • If the employee is Hourly and the Auto-Adjust Hourly Employees check box is selected, Costpoint auto-adjusts any D and N type timesheets for that employee. If you specified an Override Auto Adjust % in this screen, that value is used; otherwise, the DefaultAuto-Adjust % for the employee's Timesheet Cycle is used (this is current auto-adjust logic).
  • After inserting D and N timesheets into Costpoint tables, the application sets the timesheet type (TS_HDR. S_TS_TYPE_CD) to C. The Sequence Number (TS_HDR.TS_HDR_SEQ_NO) is incremented to a maximum value of 99 to avoid duplicate key issues. A sequence number is assigned to the N type timesheet, then the D type timesheet.
Note: The D and N type timesheets are considered separate timesheets until they are inserted into TS_HDR and TS_LN (basically, they are never rolled up into one timesheet). They are auto-adjusted as separate timesheets.
The assumptions for D and N Type Timesheets are as follows:
  • Time & Expense exports timesheet types R (Regular), C (Correcting), N (Reversing), and D (Replacement).
  • Do not change the original timesheet in Costpoint. (This could cause an imbalance between the original timesheet and the reversal (N type) timesheet from Time & Expense.)
  • If timesheets are auto-adjusted for salaried employees in Costpoint, the Signature Process must be set to Auto-Adjust for all salaried Employee Classes in Time & Expense.
  • If timesheets are auto-adjusted for hourly employees in Costpoint, the Signature Process must be set to Auto-Adjust for all salaried Employee Classes in Time & Expense.
Timesheet Type From the drop-down list, select the timesheet type to be used as a default if there is no timesheet type in the input file. This does not override values entered in the input file. Valid options are:
  • Bonus
  • Correcting
  • Labor Only
  • Regular
Effective Bill Date Override Enter, or click to select, a date to override the effective bill date Default Method from the Configure Labor Settings screen.
Roll Up Timesheet Dates Select this check box to ignore dates in the input file and put all records on one timesheet.
Note: If you select this check box, the End Date specified in the Timesheet Dates range will used as the timesheet date for the imported records.

If the Calculation Method in the Prorate Options group box in the Configure Labor Settings screen is Days Per Cycle, this check box is cleared and disabled.

Roll Up Timesheet Lines Select this check box to add together lines in the input file when they belong to the same account, project, organization, and so forth. If the Withholding State differs, the lines are not rolled up.

If the Calculation Method in the Prorate Options group box in the Configure Labor Settings screen is Days per Cycle, this check box is cleared and disabled.

Parse Segmented IDs Select this check box to format segmented IDs. Segmented ID fields are Costpoint fields (such as account, organization, project, reference number 1, reference number 2, project report, and organization) that require segment separators (periods or dashes). If you select this check box, the upload takes longer.
Prorate Salaried Employees Select this check box to prorate labor costs for salaried employees in the final upload of the timesheet cycle. If the Calculation Method in the Prorate Options group box in the Configure Labor Settings screen is None, this check box is cleared and disabled
Generate Union Fringe Select this check box to have Costpoint calculate applicable union cash fringes when you import a timesheet for a union employee. This check box is enabled only if the Enable Union Functionality check box is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen. Union cash fringe timesheet lines are built according to settings on the Costpoint > People > Labor > Deltek Time and Expense Interface > Manage Union Profiles screen

Timesheets Periods Table

This table displays the periods for those timesheets that are eligible for exporting.

If Time & Expense is set up to allow the export of timesheets for only one timesheet period at a time, select the period for which you want to export timesheets.

If Time & Expense is set up to allow the export of timesheets for more than one timesheet period at a time, click the check box at the top of the table to select all rows.

Field Description
Timesheet Period

This column lists the timesheet periods for which eligible timesheets exist.

If Timesheets contain Approved, the column contains all timesheet periods for which approved timesheets exist.

If Timesheets contain In-Process, the column contains all timesheet periods for which open timesheets exist; these, typically, are for employees assigned to timesheet classes that allow the exporting of in-process timesheets.


A check mark indicates a row is selected and will be included in the export results. Click the check box to select or clear a row.

Start Date

Press Enter to accept the displayed date or click to select the beginning timesheet period date. Only timesheet cell records dated between the starting and ending dates are exported.

End Date

The default date in End Date is the selected timesheet period's ending date. Click to the right of the field to select a different end date. Only timesheet cell records dated between the start and end dates are exported.

Timesheet Date

The default date in Timesheet Date is the selected timesheet period's ending date. Click to the right of the field to select a different timesheet date. This date is shown as the timesheet date on the cover page of the Export Timesheets Report.


This table displays the employee groups that have timesheets with the required status and timesheet period. The only groups that display are those for which you are the designated supervisor.

Field Description

A check mark indicates a row is selected and will be included in the export results. Click the check box to select or clear a row.

You can select individual rows or click Select All to select all the records in the table.

Type This field displays the employee group type description.
Group This field displays the employee group.


This table displays the timesheet classes that contain employees who have timesheets with the required status and timesheet period. The only groups that display are those for which you are the designated supervisor.

Field Description

A check mark indicates a row is selected and will be included in the export results. Click the check box to select or clear a row.

You can select individual rows or click Select All to select all the records in the table.

Timesheet Class This field displays the employee timesheet class description.


When you have entered the timesheet selection information, you can process and export the records.

Field Description

Click to collect the timesheet data to be exported.

When you click , Time & Expense marks timesheets as unavailable if the timesheets meet the selection criteria. As a result, the timesheets cannot be changed while the process is ongoing. This process also updates the appropriate staging tables with the collected timesheet information.

Note: If processing fails for a batch, all updates revert automatically. Additionally, any timesheets rejected by Costpoint are not marked as processed.