Work Schedule Screen

Use the Work Schedule screen to review and update your work schedule properties, review leave balances, schedule leave, or if required, submit leave requests.


To display the Work Schedule screen, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Time & Expense > Time > Timesheets > Work Schedule.


Screen Sections

Field Description

The legend provides keys to the color-coding used for each type of day that displays in the month/year results table.

If the schedule includes any holiday, pending leave, leave, or off-site hours for a date, that date's color will be the color for the non-standard day, even though it may include some standard work hours as well.

Month/Year Click to select the month and year you want to display. The results display in the month/year results table in the lower section of the screen. If you change the date, click to update the table.
Leave Balances

The Leave Balances subtask shows the number of hours of leave available to you as of the current system date, for each leave type.

The balances are calculated as leave accrued less leave actually taken. Any leave requested or scheduled but not yet taken is still included in the balance amounts.

Leave Requests

Click this button to review or cancel leave requests that are awaiting approval.

Request Time Off/New Planned Leave

Click the this button to submit a request for leave. If you are required to request leave, the button label Request Time Off. If you are not required to request leave, the button label displays as New Planned Leave.

Edit Daily Schedule Click this button to edit properties for a particular day of the week. These properties will then recur as specified on the same day every week.
Month/Year Results Table The table in the lower portion of the screen displays the results of the month and year you entered in the Month/Year field above. When viewing a work schedule, refer to the legend to interpret the color coding.
Edit Day Click this button to edit properties for a particular date. These properties apply to that date only and so do not recur in subsequent weeks.