Support Calculation

Use this subtask to enter, view, and maintain an employee's support order information.

Before you can use this subtask, the Deduction Type must be Child Support Garnishment or Child Medical Support. You can enter only one Support Calculation record for each Employee Garnishment record. This subtask is non-editable if the garnishment Status is Garnishment Satisfied.

Before you can use this subtask, you must:

  1. Enter the employee work state’s minimum wage amount on the Manage Minimum Wage screen.
  2. Enter the work state support order rules for the employee on the Manage State Support Order Rules screen.

If an employee has only one support order, the pay period support limit is based on the disposable income percentage.

Support Order Information

Support Order Amounts

Detail Cash Support Amounts

Use this group box to specify the detailed cash support amounts.

Field Description
Current Child Support

Enter the current child support amount specified on the support order.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Past-Due Child Support

Enter the past-due child support amount specified on the support order.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Entering a value greater than 0.00 in this field enables the Over 12 Weeks in Arrears check box.

Over 12 Weeks in Arrears

Select this check box if the support order indicates that the past-due child support is over 12 weeks in arrears. The field is enabled if the Past-Due Child Support amount is greater than 0.00.

Current Spousal Support

Enter the current spousal support amount specified on the support order.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Past-Due Spousal Support

Enter the past-due spousal support amount specified on the support order.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Current Medical Support

Enter the current medical support cash amount specified on the support order.  

There are two ways an employee can be ordered to provide health coverage for his children.

  1. Cash support withholdings. The recipient of the cash (the custodial spouse) uses the cash to pay for insurance coverage for the children. This cash amount is entered in the Current Medical Support and Past-Due Medical Support fields.
  2. The employee is ordered to provide insurance coverage through his employer’s health benefits. A Medical Support Notice is a court-ordered health insurance coverage to be provided by the employee (the children are covered under the employee’s health insurance).

The Current Medical Support field (along with the Past-Due Medical Support field) is provided to accommodate the first health coverage support type. When the support order includes a current cash amount for medical support, enter that amount here.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Past-Due Medical Support

Enter the past-due medical support cash amount specified on the support order.  

There are two ways an employee can be ordered to provide health coverage for his children.  

  1. Cash support withholdings. The recipient of the cash (the custodial spouse) uses the cash to pay for insurance coverage for the children. This cash amount is entered in the Current Medical Support and Past-Due Medical Support fields.
  2. The employee is ordered to provide insurance coverage through his employer’s health benefits. A Medical Support Notice is a court-ordered health insurance coverage to be provided by the employee (the children are covered under the employee’s health insurance).  

The Past-Due Medical Support field (along with the Current Medical Support field) is provided to accommodate the first health coverage support type. When the support order includes a past-due cash amount for medical support, enter that amount here.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Other Amount

Enter the other support amount specified on the support order.

Modifying the amount in this field causes the Total Cash Support amount to recalculate. The Total Cash Support amount and the Pay Frequency from Order determine the Amount Due Per Pay Period, which is used by the Compute Payroll application when processing the support order.

Other (Specify)

Enter a description of the Other Amount.

Total Cash Support

This non-editable field displays the sum of the Current Child Support, Past-Due Child Support, Current Spousal Support, Past-Due Spousal Support, Current Medical Support, Past-Due Medical Support, and Other Amount fields. This amount equals the total cash support specified on the order.

Pay Frequency from Order

From the drop-down list, select the payment frequency specified on the support order. Valid options are:

  • N/A
  • Weekly
  • Bi-Weekly
  • Semi-Monthly
  • Monthly

The detail cash support amounts provided in the support order are based on a pay frequency that may not be the same as the pay frequency assigned to the employee in Costpoint. States do not force employers to change the employee’s pay frequency to match the one specified on the order. States allow employers to convert the cash detail support amounts to the employee’s actual pay frequency.

For example, if the support order specifies that $100.00 be paid weekly, but the employee is assigned to a pay cycle with a bi-weekly pay frequency, Costpoint converts the amount so that $200.00 is withheld for the support order each pay period.

If you modify the Pay Frequency from Order and the Total Cash Support amount is greater than 0.00, the Amount Due Per Pay Period recalculates.

Arrears Only

This non-editable check box indicates if the support order is an arrears-only order. If there are no current amounts when you close this subtask or save the Employee Garnishments record, the Arrears Only check box is automatically selected.

Bonus Pay Override Calculation

Use this group box to specify whether the support calculation in a bonus payroll run is based on a percentage of gross pay, a percentage of net pay, a percentage of disposable income, or a fixed amount. You can also specify whether or not the support calculated from a bonus payment is subject to the support withholding limit.

Some states have specific instructions for withholding support order amounts from a lump-sum (bonus) payment. Because these states do not specify an all-encompassing lump-sum withholding rule, but instead may vary the withholding rules from one support order to another, default values are not specified on the Manage State Support Order Rules screen for the bonus pay calculation. These values can be assigned only at the employee level.

Field Description
Bonus Pay Calculation Method

From the drop-down list, select the method that is used to calculate support order amounts when a bonus payroll is being processed.

  • Do Not Withhold:  If you select this option, no support order amount is withheld from the employee’s bonus pay.
  • Percent of Gross: If you select this option, a percentage of gross is withheld from bonus pay. Enter the percentage in the Bonus Override Percentage field.
  • Percent of Disposable Income: If you select this option, a percentage of disposable income is withheld from bonus pay. Enter the percentage in the Bonus Override Percentage field.
  • Bonus Override Fixed Amount: If you select this option, a fixed amount is withheld from bonus pay. Enter the amount in the Bonus Override Fixed Amount field.
  • Use Regular Rules: If you select this option, the same rules used to determine support withholding for regular pay are applied to bonus pay.
Bonus Override Percentage

Enter the percentage that is used to calculate the support withholding amount when computing a bonus payroll in the Compute Payroll application. This field is enabled and required if the Bonus Pay Calculation Method is Percent of Gross or Percent of Disposable Income.

If you do not enter a value in this field, 0.00% defaults into it when you save this subtask.

The override percentage is multiplied by the gross bonus amount to determine the support withholding amount for a bonus payroll. For example, Oregon specifies that payment for a support obligation must not exceed 25% of the lump-sum payment amount. This override bonus percentage is used only when processing a bonus payroll in Compute Payroll. It does not apply to the processing of a regular payroll.

Bonus Override Fixed Amount

Enter the fixed amount that is used to calculate the support withholding amount when computing a bonus payroll on the Compute Payroll application. The field is enabled and required if the Bonus Pay Calculation Method is Bonus Override Fixed Amount.

Apply Support Order Limit

Select this check box if the state instructs you to apply a limit to the support withholding amount when running a bonus payroll.

This check box is enabled only if the Bonus Pay Calculation Method is Percent of Gross, Percent of Disposable Income, or Bonus Override Fixed Amount.

Costpoint Pay Period Cash Support Payments

Use this group box to view the total cash support amount due per pay period as specified in the support order and the amount due per pay period based on the employee’s Costpoint pay frequency. You can also override the pay period amount due.

Field Description
Amount Due Per Pay Period

This non-editable field displays the expected support amount due based on the employee’s pay frequency in Costpoint. This amount is calculated using this formula:

Amount Due Per Pay Period = (Total Cash Support Amount x Pay Frequency from Order) / Employee’s Pay Frequency

The value displayed here may not be the amount that is withheld from the employee for the support order. If the employee’s support withholdings exceed the support limit specified by the state, the support withholding amount may be reduced. Another scenario where the actual pay period withholding amount may not be the same as the expected pay period withholding is when states mandate that the same amount be withheld each month. If the employee is paid on a weekly or bi-weekly pay frequency, some months have more paycheck dates than others. For example, with a bi-weekly pay cycle, there are only two paychecks in most months. However, there are two months each year with three paychecks within the month.

Override Calculated Pay Period Amount

Select this check box to override the calculated support amount with the amount entered in the Pay Period Override Amount field.

The Support Order Limits are not applied to the override amount, so it is imperative that you understand the state rules and regulations concerning support order withholdings.

The Pay Period Override Amount acts as a pay period limit. This is important when you have more than one paycheck in a pay period (for example, a bonus paycheck and a regular paycheck). When a Pay Period Override Amount is specified, the total amount withheld for the support order within a pay period does not exceed the Pay Period Override Amount. For example, assume the Pay Period Override Amount is $300.00 and the entire $300.00 is withheld when the employee is paid his bonus for the pay period. If you then run a regular payroll, no amount is withheld for the support order because the full $300.00 override amount was already fulfilled for the bonus payroll.

You must discontinue the override amount when necessary by clearing this check box.

Pay Period Override Amount

If you selected the Override Calculated Pay Period Amount check box, enter an override amount to be withheld when payroll is computed. The Support Order Limits do not apply to the override amount.

Support Order Limit

Use this group box to enter the state-mandated support order withholding limits. You can specify the percentage that is multiplied by the employee’s disposable income to determine the employee’s support withholding limit amount.

In 1977, the U.S. federal Consumer Credit Protection Act was amended to limit the amount of withholding for child, spousal, or medical support to 50% - 65% of an employee’s disposable earnings, depending on the employee’s status.  

  • Employee is supporting a second family: 50%
  • Employee is supporting a second family and owes more than 12 weeks in back support payments (arrears): 55%
  • Employee is not supporting a second family: 60%
  • Employee is not supporting a second family and owes more than 12 weeks in back support payments (arrears): 65%

States may enforce different statuses and different limits, as long as it is the same or more beneficial to the employee (a lower limit is placed on the amount that can be withheld for a support order or orders). Because they must comply with federally enforced limitations on support order withholdings, all U.S. states have rules to limit support withholding. Most follow federal CCPA limits, but some states have enacted limitations that differ from the federal government CCPA rules and are more beneficial to the employee.  

For low-income scenarios, you can use the Apply Support Order Limit check box to specify the withholding limit percentage based on the employee’s support status and override percentages.

Field Description
Employee Supports Second Family

Select this check box if the employee supports a second family.

In most states, the employee’s second-family status is used to determine the percentage of disposable income limitation being placed on any support withholding for that employee.

Percent of Disposable Income

Enter the percentage of disposable income to be used when determining the support withholding limit. You can enter a maximum of two decimal points. You cannot enter a value greater than 65.00.

The support order states the amount the employee owes per period of time, but both the federal government and the state governments limit the amount that can be deducted from an employee so that the employee is not left with too little money. Most states use the U.S. federal CCPA limits to determine the support order limits for employees in their states.

However, some states mandate withholding limits that are more beneficial to the employee. Therefore, you can use this field to enter and maintain default withholding limit percentages by state. Because states sometimes change their withholding limit rules, you can also store these default withholding limit rules by effective date.


Subtask Description
Health Insurance Coverage Click this link to open the Health Insurance Coverage subtask. Use this subtask to assign support ordered medical insurance coverage to an employee.