Opportunity Primes/Competitors Subtask

Use this subtask to associate one or more prime contractors and/or competitors with the opportunity and define their roles.

You can assign the same role to multiple contractors or competitors.

Table Window

Click New to add a new line.

Field Description
Prime/Competitor Select Prime or Competitor from the drop-down list.

This field displays either Competitor or the customer type of the prime contractor that you want to associate with the opportunity.

  • If you selected Prime and entered/selected a customer ID, this field displays Customer or Prospective Customer.
  • If you selected Competitor and entered/selected a competitor ID, this field displays Competitor.

If you selected Prime, enter, or click to select, the customer or prospective customer that you want to assign as a prime contractor for the opportunity.

If you selected Competitor, enter, or click to select, the competitor that you want to associate with the opportunity. By default, only competitors with a status of Active on the Manage Competitors screen are displayed in the lookup, but you can manually enter inactive competitors.

Name This field displays the prime contractor or competitor name.

Enter, or click to select, the role that you want to assign to the prime contractor or competitor. Valid values are only those that exist on the Manage Contract Management Roles screen and for which the following check boxes are selected:

  • Customer check box for Prime
  • Competitor check box for Competitor
Role Description This field displays the description of the role.
Address Code This field displays the address code for the prime contractor. This field is inactive for competitors.
Address 1, Address 2 These fields display the prime contractor's street address and any address information other than the city, state/province, country, or postal code. These fields are inactive for competitors.
City This field displays the city of the prime contractor. This field is inactive for competitors.
State/Province This field displays the state/province of the prime contractor. This field is inactive for competitors.
Zip/Postal Code This field displays the ZIP or postal code of the prime contractor. This field is inactive for competitors.