Opportunity Assessment Details Subtask

Use this subtask to rate the opportunity based on the rating descriptions assigned to the assessment format you selected on the Assessments tab.


Field Description
Rating Description

This column lists the rating descriptions assigned to the assessment format. A maximum of 10 descriptions can display here.

You set up rating descriptions on the Manage Opportunity Assessment Rating Descriptions screen, and you assign them to assessment formats on the Manage Opportunity Assessment Formats screen.


Use this column to enter your rating for the opportunity on each rating description. You can rate each description on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 indicating very poor and 10 representing very good.

Total Score is displayed at the bottom of the column as well as on the Assessments tab.

Comments Use this column to indicate any comments regarding your assessment for the opportunity on a specific rating description.
Notes Enter additional assessment notes in this field.