File Data Layout

The file data layout is explained below.

Inbound Requisition Layout

Starting Record

Field Name Starting Position Length Format Costpoint Column Notes
Type 1 12 literal


Custom Area Key 13 3 Null
Partner ID 16 20 Null
Std Agency 36 1 Null
Version 37 10 Null
Transaction Set 47 6 Null
Test/Prod Flag 53 1 Null
Release 54 1 blank Null

Inbound Requisition Layout - Header Record

Field Name Starting Position Length Format Costpoint Column Notes
Type 1 12 literal


Action 13 12 literal '00'
Prefix 25 4
Number 29 8 Null
Suffix 37 6 Null
Ship-To Center 43 12 Use requestor’s default ship-to center from the eProcurement User List table.

The 20 character Costpoint ship-to address code will go in the new external ship-to address field.

Ship-To Addr ID 55 12 Null
Bill-To Center 67 12 Null
Bill-To Addr ID 79 12 Null
Type 91 2 Null
Date Entered 93 8 YYYYMMDD RQ_HDR. RQ_DT
Date Due 101 8 YYYYMMDD Null
Date Promised 109 8 YYYYMMDD Null
Total W/FRGT&TAX 117 16 999999999.99999- Null
Total of Lines 133 16 999999999.99999- Null
Total Tax 149 16 999999999.99999- Null
Total Freight 165 16 999999999.99999- Null
Distribution Code 181 12 RQ_HDR_DFLT. INVT_ABBRV_CD
Requestor 193 12 RQ_HDR. RQST_EMPL_ID
Requestor Name 205 35 Null
Currency Type 240 4 RQ_HDR.TRN_CRNCY_CD
Approval Class 244 12 'APPROVED' if requisition has been approved, else leave Null
Suggested Vendor 256 12 RQ_HDR_DFLT. VEND_ID
Commodity Class 268 12 Null
Suggested Buyer 280 12 BUYER. EMPL_ID (from RQ_LN. BUYER_ID)
Work Order # 292 20 RQ_HDR. RQ_ID
Miscellaneous 1 312 20 Null
Miscellaneous 2 332 20 Null
Miscellaneous 3 352 20 Null
Transfer From Grp 372 12 Null
Transfer To Grp 384 12 Null
Misc. Code 1 396 12 Null
Misc. Code 2 408 12 Null
WP Document ID 420 12 Null
Final Dest Ctr 432 12 Null
Final Dest Addr 444 12 Null
Origin. Center ID 456 12 Null
Type of Use 468 12 Null
Telephone 480 20 RQ_HDR. RQST_PHONE_ID (20 characters)
Procurement Type 500 12 Null
Contract Prefix 512 4 Null
Contract Number 516 8 Null
Contract Suffix 524 6 Null
Organization 530 12 Null
Override Status 542 4 Null or REQH. Export process will load REQH if user wants to modify it in eProcurement before submitting for approval.  If null, req will be submitted for approval if it hasn't been approved already in Costpoint.
External Ship-to Address 546 30 RQ_HDR_DFLT.SHIP_ID (20 characters)
External Bill-to Address 576 30 Null

Line Record (At least one required)

Field Name Starting Position Length Format Costpoint Column Notes
Type 1 12 literal

'50 LINE'

Action 13 12 '00'
Line Number 25 6 RQ_LN. RQ_LN_NO
Item Number 31 20 Miscellaneous Type code if applicable. For non-miscellaneous types,  we will need a static value here. This can either be sent from Costpoint or defaulted in the eProcurement interface. This item number will be there to meet system requirements, but will not be displayed after the system-wide enhancement to show the full Costpoint item number and revision are in place. The exception will be any reports which are not on the Phase 2 critical report list.
Item Description 51 60 RQ_LN. RQ_LN_DESC
DT Entered 111 8 YYYYMMDD RQ_LN. RQ_DT
QTY Requested 127 16 999999999.99999- RQ_LN. RQSTD_QTY
Unit Cost 147 16 999999999.99999- RQ_LN. EST_NET_UNIT_AMT
Unit Cost U/M 163 4 RQ_LN. RQ_LN_UM_CD
Extended Cost 167 16 999999999.99999- RQ_LN. EST_RQ_LN_EXT_AMT
Warehouse Group 183 12 Null
Distribution Code 195 12 RQ_LN. INVT_ABBRV_CD
Cost Code 207 2 Null
Commodity Class 209 12 Null
Buyer ID 221 12 BUYER. EMPL_ID (from RQ_LN. BUYER_ID)
Vendor ID 233 12 RQ_LN. PREF_VEND_ID
Ship Center 245 12 Null
Ship Addr ID 257 12 Null
Bill Center 269 12 Null
Bill Addr ID 281 12 Null
WP Doc ID 293 12 Null
Tax Percent 305 8 999.999- Null
Tax 313 16 999999999.99999- RQ_LN. EST_SALES_TAX_AMT
Freight 329 16 999999999.99999- 0
Direct Ship 345 1 Null
Item System Code 346 12 Inventory req line: Y or N
Misc Field 1 358 20 RQ_LN. CLIN_ID
Misc Field 2 378 20 RQ_LN. ORDER_REF_ID + ‘ – ‘ RQ_LN. ORDER_REF_LN_NO
Misc Field 3 398 20
Misc Field 4 418 20
Misc Field 5 438 20
Vendor Catalog # 458 30
Final Dest 488 12 Null
Final Dest Addr 500 12 Null
Type of Use 512 12 Null
Procurement Type 524 12 Null
Misc Field 6 536 20
Misc Field 7 556 20
Misc Code 1 576 12
Requestor Name 588 35 EMPL. LAST_FIRST_NAME
Telephone 623 20 RQ_HDR. RQST_PHONE_ID
Store# 643 30 Null
External Ship-to Address 673 30 RQ_LN. SHIP_ID (20 Characters)
External Bill-to Address 703 30 Null

Distribution Account Record (Optional)

Field Name Start Length Format Costpoint Column Notes
Type 1 12 literal

’70 DISTRIB’ – header

’80 DISTRIB’ – line

80 DISTRIB (line) level records will be sent when specific project/account/organizations are provided. They will not come in at the header level.
Expanded or Compressed 13 1 E - Expanded (space between segments), C - Compressed Default value = ‘C’
Account String 14 70 Max size is 65 if Compressed. RQ_LN_ACCT. PROJ_ID, ORG_ID, ACCT_ID Field - Project:

Start =

Length = 25

Field - Org

Start = 31

Length = 20

Field - Acct

Start = 51

Length = 15

Project Should be 30

Pct or Amt Flag 84 1 P or A Default value = P
Pct or Amt Value 85 15 9.5 100

Note Record (Optional)

Field Name Starting Position Length Format Costpoint Column Notes
Type 1 12 literal ’20 NOTE’ if header note

literal ’60 NOTE’ if line note

Action 13 12 Null
Note Text 25 70 RQ_HDR. RQ_NOTES, (Header Note)


Line 1 - RQ_LN. DEL_TO_FLD (25 Characters),

Line 2 - RQ_LN. SHIP_VIA_FLD (15 Characters)

Line 3 - RQ_LN_NOTES. RQ_LN_TXT (split into 70 characters sections)

(Line Note)

Attribute Record (Optional)

A record will be populated for each element listed below that is not Null or Blank on a Requisition Line.

Field Name Starting Position Length Format Costpoint Column Notes
[Attributes will be associated with proceeding 50 LINE requisition line.]
Type 1 12 literal ’90 ATTRIBUTE’
Attribute Category 13 100 CP LINE KEY,











Attribute Code 113 100 RQ_LN. RQ_LN_KEY,











Specific Data Elements Required to Accommodate Additional Information from Costpoint

Costpoint Location in Import Location for Catalog Item To reside here in eProcurement Modifiable on Req
(Attribute category names are suggestions unless noted)
Requisition Line Key Attribute N/A Category: CP LINE KEY   No
Commodity Code Attribute Catalog attribute If relates to eProcurement commodity, req line commodity else attribute (Category: CP COMMODITY) Yes
CLIN number (a government part number) Miscellaneous field To be manually entered on eProcurement reqs. Req line miscellaneous field. Line level field. Often need to enter manually. Yes
Deliver To Note Can be manually added as a note Header or line item external note Yes
Item ID Attribute Catalog attribute Category: ITEM ID Yes

(must be valid)

Item Revision Attribute Catalog attribute Category: ITEM REVISION (or should this field be concatenated onto the Item ID? Yes

(must be valid)

Manufacturer’s Part No. Attribute Catalog attribute Category: MANUF PART (use this category name) Yes
Manufacturer Part Revision Attribute (shouldn’t be combined with part no.) Catalog attribute Category: MANUF REVISION Yes
MIL Spec ID Attribute Attribute Category: MIL SPEC ID Yes
Warehouse ID Attribute Attribute Category:


Miscellaneous Type Attribute Attribute Req line item number Yes

Must be valid Misc Type

NSN ID Attribute Catalog attribute Category: NSN ID Yes
Order Reference ID

And Line

A Misc Field Misc Field (if marketbuilder; would be the customer PO number) Can be combined Costpoint reqs: No

eProcure. Reqs: Yes

Ship Via Line level external note Line level external note Yes
Taxable ‘Tax’ field on requisition line. If tax = 0, not taxable but you can override. Tax will default based on eProcurement tax tables Requisition line tax amount Yes
Vendor Part ID Attribute Catalog attribute Category: SUPPLIER REVISION Yes
Project ID These 3 elements can either be sent in a 70 DISTRIB or 80 DISTRIB record, or a valid Distribution Code may be sent in and eProcurement will attach the associated project/organization/account. Assigned distribution ID or user entry (when not an inventory item) Distribution Account table. Yes

When modified, Project/Org/Acct must be automatically adjusted on req line.

Account ID See above No
Org ID See above No
Certificate of Conformance Attribute Catalog attribute Yes
Source Inspection Flag Attribute Catalog attribute Yes
QC Required Flag Attribute Catalog attribute Yes