Reapproving an expense report

If an employee changes an approved expense report, the expense report will be flagged has needing to be reapproved.

To reapprove an expense report

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Time & Expense.
  2. Click the Expenses by Employee tab.
  3. In the table, you can choose to:
  1. Click the expense report you want to reapprove. To reapprove it without looking at it, click Reapprove, and skip to Step 10 of these instructions. Otherwise, click Edit and proceed to the next step of these instructions.
  2. To view optional columns for the expense report, click (Customize), select the optional columns you want to show, and click OK.
  3. To reject an expense, right-click the row of the expense and click Reject. If you reject an expense by mistake, right-click the row and click Reject again.
Note: If you reject an expense, you cannot approve the expense report. It is automatically unapproved and unsubmitted. The employee must correct it, and submit it again.
  1. You can also correct an expense if your company preferences for expense entry are set up to permit it. Make the change, and click Save.
  2. To enter any manager notes or comments for an expense, do the following:
  • If the Manager Notes column does not appear, click (Customize), select the Manager notes check box, and click OK.
  • In the Manager Notes column for the expense, enter your notes.
  1. Click Close. The Time & Expense List window appears.
  2. Click the row of the expense report you want to approve, and click Approve.
  3. Do one of the following:


Do this

Reapprove as a supervisor

Select the Supervisor Approved check box, and click OK.

Reapprove as an accounting manager

Select the Accounting Approved check box, and click OK.