Time & Expense List window (Expenses by Employee tab)

Field Description


The employee submitting the expense report


The ending date of the expense report


A short description which identifies the expense report


The total amount of all items on the expense report

Optional columns:

First name

The employee's first name. To sort the list by first name, click the heading for this column.

Middle name

The employee's middle name. To sort the list by middle name, click the heading for this column.

Last name

The employee's last name. To sort the list by last name, click the heading for this column.


The amount of any advance given to the employee as reported on the expense report

Credit card amount

The amount of all items on the expense report charged on a company credit card

Personal expense

The amount of all items charged on a credit card that the employee reported as a personal expense

Reimbursement amount

The amount that the company will reimburse the employee. It is the amount of all expenses less advances and personal expenses.


If selected, it indicates the employee submitted the expense report.

Supervisor approved

If selected, it indicates the employee's supervisor approved the expense report.

Accounting approved

If selected, it indicates the accounting staff approved the expense report.

Expense rejected

If selected, it indicates the expense report was rejected the supervisor or accounting staff.


If selected, it indicates the vendor invoice was created, the credit card entries are reflected on the register, and the entries are available in client invoices and reflected on reports and financials.

Needs reapproval If selected, it indicates the expense report needs reapproval.
Reapproved If selected, it indicates the expense report has been reapproved.