Working with the project tree

Building a project work breakdown structure is very simple. You work with a project tree where you can add phases and subphases, as needed.

The project tree is very flexible in the way that you can add various levels of phases to a project. In fact, you can add as many as six levels of phases to a project, although it is typically most practical to limit the number of subphases to two or three. You can always change the level of phases or add or delete phases as needed.

For your invoicing needs, you can also add invoice groups and billing groups to the project tree.

Ajera uses color in the project tree to help you distinguish among the different types of items in your work breakdown structure.

Use the project tree at the bottom left of the Project Command Center window to build your project work breakdown structure as follows:

  • In addition, you can add an adjustment phase if you want to add an adjustment to an invoice.
  • You can also perform some tasks by right-clicking in the project tree.


Phases appear on invoices and reports in the order that they appear in the project tree.

To Do this

Add a phase

Click the project name in the project tree, and click the New Phase button.

A blank phase appears in the project tree. Type a name for it in the Description field on the General subtab. Move the phase, as needed, using the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Add a subphase

Click the phase under which you want to add a subphase, and click the New Phase button.

A blank phase appears in the project tree. Type a name for it in the Description field on the General subtab. Move the phase, as needed, using the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Move phases into the correct order

Click the phase, and click the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Make a phase a subphase

Click the phase, and click the right arrow at the bottom of the window.

Make a subphase a phase

Click the subphase, and click the left arrow at the bottom of the window.

Copy a phase from existing one

Click the phase you want to copy, and click the Copy button. Click Yes to copy the phase.

The copy appears below the original phase.

Delete a phase

Click the phase, and click the Delete button. Click Yes to delete the phase.


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

Resources appear on the Manage tab under phases or subphases.

To Do this

Show resources and resource icons

Select the Show resource rows check box. To hide them, clear the check box.

Add a resource

Click the icon in the Description column where you want to add a resource, and then click Add labor, Add expense, or Add consultant.

Move a resource in project tree

Click the resource, and click the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window. You can only move a resource within a phase, not between different phases.

Delete a resource

Click the resource, and click the Delete button. Click Yes to delete the resource.


unavailable in ajeraCore

Tasks appear on the Manage tab under phases, subphases, or resources.


Do this

Show tasks and task icons

Select the Show task rows check box. To hide them, clear the check box.

Add a task

Click the icon in the Description column where you want to add a task.

Move a task in project tree

Click the task, and click the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Delete a task

Click the task, and click the Delete button. Click Yes to delete the task.


An attachments icon ( or ) appears for each project, phase, and subphase on the Manage tab.

This icon indicates that the project, phase, or subphase contains attachments; this icon indicates that it does not.

To Do this

View attachments

Click this icon.

Add attachments

Click either icon ( or ), and add attachments, by linking to related documents. A linked document must be in a shared location for other people to open it.

Invoice groups

To Do this

Add an invoice group

Click the project name in the project tree, and click the New Invoice Group button.

An Invoice Group appears in the project tree. If you want a specific name for it, highlight it and type the name.

For complete instructions, see setting up invoice groups.

Move an invoice group in the project tree

Click the invoice group, and click the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Copy an invoice group

Click the invoice group you want to copy, and click the Copy button. Click Yes to copy the invoice group.

A copy of the invoice group, with all its subordinate phases and subphases, appears below the original invoice group.

Delete an invoice group

When you delete an invoice group, you delete all its subordinate phases and subphases.

Click the invoice group, and click the Delete button. Click Yes to delete the invoice group.

Billing groups

To Do this

Add a billing group

Click a phase that you want to make a billing group. The phase must already have subphases under it.

On the Billing subtab under the Project Info tab, select the Is billing group check box.

For complete instructions, see Setting up billing groups

Move a billing group in the project tree

Click the billing group, and click the Up or Down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Copy a billing group

Click the billing group you want to copy, and click the Copy button. Click Yes to copy the billing group.

A copy of the billing group, with all its subordinate phases and subphases, appears below the original billing group.

Remove a billing group

Click the phase that you no longer want to be a billing group. On the Billing subtab, clear the Is billing group check box.