Running certified payroll

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

Before you begin

To run certified payroll

  1. As part of setting up a project, on the Project Info tab > General subtab of the Project Command Center ( > Manage > Project Command Center), select the Project requires certified PR check box for projects and phases that require a certified payroll report.
  • Select the check box at both the project level and the phase level.
  • Select the wage rate table for the project or phase, if needed.
  1. As the project proceeds, employees enter time for hourly work on projects in > Manage > Time & Expense.
  2. To run payroll, from the > Manage menu, click Payroll.
  3. From the Reports menu, click Certified and print the Certified payroll report for the project or date range you want.

The report prints one week at a time. Print a separate week for other weeks, if needed