Report Entity window

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Use this window to create reporting entities. Also use it to change a reporting entity.

General tab

Notes tab

General tab

Field Description

General reporting entity information:


The name of the reporting entity

Organizational level

Use only if your corporate structure is complex or consists of multiple layers.

Organizational levels reflect the structure of your company. For example, you might have City, State, or Region organizational levels if you have branch offices in different cities, states, or regions.

If you select an organizational level and no reporting entities appear in the table, verify that the organizational level below the selected level contains reporting entities.

Reporting entity details (in the table):


If selected, the department or reporting entity is used in the reporting entity.

Department or Reporting entity

The name of the department or reporting entity that can be used in the reporting entity

Notes tab

This tab contains any notes for the reporting entity.