Project Command Center window (Project list)

At the top of the Project Command Center is a list of your projects. This list acts as a quick summary of your projects. You select the projects and type of information that you want to see for these projects.  

You can use the search to find any project you selected to show in the project list. Find a project by typing any part of the name in the Search field. You can also search by project ID or client if you first select the ID or Client option.

This is a complete list of all the columns that can appear for your projects in the project list:

Field Description

PM Action

unavailable in ajeraCore

View only - If selected, indicates that a client invoice is ready for review by the project manager.

BM Action

unavailable in ajeraCore

View only - If selected, indicates that a client invoice is ready for review by the billing manager

Prin Action

unavailable in ajeraCore

View only - If selected, indicates that a client invoice is ready for review by the principal.

Acctg Action

unavailable in ajeraCore

View only - If selected, indicates that a client invoice is ready for review by accounting


The identifier for the project


The name of the project

Project status

The project status


The client associated with the project. If the project involves multiple clients, the client associated with the first invoice group appears.

Project type

The project type, such as Medical or Residential


Multi-company only.

View only - The company responsible for the project


Only applies if your company is using departments in Ajera. It is the department that owns the project.

Final budget

unavailable in ajeraCore

If selected, the budget for the project is final.


Notes entered for the project

Project manager

The project manager of the project

Principal in charge

The principal-in-charge for the project

Marketing contact

Your company's marketing representative for the project

Billing contact

The contact for the client that handles billing issues on this project

Billing type

The billing type of the project

Rate table

The rate table used to define the pricing structure for the project

Invoice format

The invoice format for the project

Billing review stage

unavailable in ajeraCore

The most current billing review stage associated with the project

If the project contains multiple client invoices at the same stage, the name of the billing review stage appears.

If the project contains multiple client invoices at different stages, the phrase Multiple Billing Review Stages appears.

Start date

The date when you actually begin work on the project

Completion date

The date when you actually complete the project

Est start date

unavailable in ajeraCore

The date when you expect to begin work on the project

Est completion date

unavailable in ajeraCore

The date when you expect to complete the project

Reported % complete

unavailable in ajeraCore

The latest percent complete entered for the project

RPC entered date

unavailable in ajeraCore

The date when the latest percent complete for the project was entered

RPC amount

unavailable in ajeraCore

The dollar amount of the work completed according to the most current reported percent complete

RPC remaining

unavailable in ajeraCore

The dollar amount of the work not yet completed according to the most current reported percent complete

Hours budget

The number of hours budgeted for the project

Hours actual

The actual number of hours spent on the project to-date

This amount includes the hours worked that are entered on the Project Info > Beginning Balances tab. It excludes billed hours entered through > Setup > Company > Beginning Balances > Unbilled Work-in-progress.

Hours remaining

The budgeted number of hours remaining to complete the project

Hours % spent

The percent of hours budgeted that have already been worked

Contract amount

The total amount contracted to bill the client, and the total fee amount budgeted for the project


The total amount of time and expense expended on the project at the billing rates/markups. Ajera determines the spent amount from the billing rate table.

Spent remaining

The contract amount less the spent amount

% Spent

The percent of the contract amount for the project already spent:

% Spent = Spent Amount / Contract Amount * 100 

Spent Profit

The total amount of time and expense expended on the project at the billing rates less the cost burdened

Spent profit %

(Spent - Cost)/Spent * 100


The amount already billed for the project. This includes invoices that have a status of Final or Written-off. It does not include invoice adjustments or sales tax amounts.  

For Time & Expense projects, this amount equals the billed value of time (and expense/ consultants if selected) invoiced.

For fee-type projects, this amount equals the fee billed amount.

Billed remaining

The contract amount less the billed amount

% Billed

The percent of the contract amount already billed for the project:

% Billed = Billed Amount/Contract Amount * 100 

Billed profit

Project-to-Date Billed - Project-to-Date Cost Burdened

Billed profit %

Billed + WIP Profit %

Work-in-progress balance

Billable time (and expense/consultant) that has not yet been included on a final client invoice

Billed + WIP

Billed + Work-in-Progress balance

Billed + WIP remaining

The Contract Amount - (Billed + WIP)

% Billed + WIP

The percent of the contract amount already billed + WIP for the project:

% Billed = (Billed +WIP)/Contract Amount * 100 

Billed + WIP profit

Project-to-Date (Billed + WIP) - Project-to-Date Cost Burdened

Billed + WIP profit %

Billed + WIP Profit / Billed + WIP *100 and rounded to the nearest whole number

Receivable balance

The amount of unpaid client invoices for the project