GL Entry inquiry

This inquiry contains the entries for all the accounts that appear on your company's financial reports. Because the GL Entry inquiry can be quite large, you may want to set conditions on the inquiry so that only the information you want appears.

Use this inquiry to see information for your GL entries, such as accounting date, amount, session, department, and account.

If needed, you can add predefined columns and view supplemental information such as the transaction, project, employee, client, vendor, and bank.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard inquiries > General Ledger > GL Entry.


Accounting staff

Standard columns

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available



The type of GL entry produced by the session task

Examples: Bank Entry, Beginning Balances, Billed, Cost, Payroll Payment, Premium Cost


Accounting Date


The date Ajera uses to determine the period for which the GL entry appears on financial statements




The total amount of the GL entry


Accrual Department


The accrual department associated with the GL entry


Accrual Account

GL Account

The accrual account associated with the GL entry


Cash Basis Department


The cash basis department associated with the GL entry


Cash Basis Account

GL Account

The cash basis account associated with the GL entry


Session Task


The session task that resulted in the GL entry; indicates where the GL entry was made in Ajera

Examples: Client Invoices, In-house Expenses, Journal Entries, Process Payroll, Time & Expenses, Vendor Invoices, Vendor Payments


Project ID & Description


The ID and description of the project associated with the GL entry


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. Many columns are available, organized in these categories:

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

General info:

GL Entry Key


The database identifier of the GL entry


Accrual Department Key


The database identifier of the accrual department associated with the GL entry


Accrual Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the accrual company associated with the GL entry


Accrual Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the accrual company associated with the GL entry


Accrual Account Key

GL Account

The database identifier of the accrual account associated with the GL entry


Accrual Account ID

GL Account

The ID of the accrual account associated with the GL entry


Cash Basis Department Key


The database identifier of the cash basis department associated with the GL entry


Cash Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the cash basis company associated with the GL entry


Cash Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the cash basis company associated with the GL entry


Cash Basis Account Key

GL Account

The database identifier of the cash basis account associated with the GL entry


Cash Basis Account ID

GL Account

The ID of the cash basis account associated with the GL entry


Transaction Key


The database identifier of the transaction associated with the GL entry


Transaction Date


The date of the transaction associated with the GL entry


Control Account Type


The type of control account associated with the GL entry

Examples: Accounts Payable, Cash, Payroll, WIP


Is Current


Indicates if GL entry is current

As you make changes in Ajera, GL entries may be rewritten to reflect that change.

Non-current GLs show history.


Is Beginning Balance


Indicates if GL entry is the result of a beginning balance session task


GL Offset Key


Matches debit to credit GL entries when they have a one-to-one relationship


Is Accrual Intercompany Account


Multi-company only. Indicates if GL entry is an accrual intercompany entry


Is Cash Intercompany Account


Multi-company only. Indicates if GL entry is a cash intercompany entry



Session Key


The database identifier of the session associated with the GL entry



Project Key


The database identifier of the project associated with the GL entry


Project ID


The ID of the project associated with the GL entry


Project Description


The name of the project associated with the GL entry


Project - Project Type Key

Project Type

The database identifier of the project type associated with the GL entry at the project level


Project - Project Type

Project Type

The project type associated with the GL entry at the project level

Examples: Residential, Commercial, Interiors


Project Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the project


Project Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the project


Phase Key


The database identifier of the phase associated with the GL entry


Phase ID


The ID of the phase associated with the GL entry


Phase Description


The name of the phase associated with the GL entry


Phase ID & Description


The ID and description of the phase associated with the GL entry


Phase - Project Type Key

Project Type

The database identifier of the project type associated with the GL entry at the phase level


Phase - Project Type

Project Type

The project type associated with the GL entry at the phase level

Examples: Residential, Commercial, Interiors


Activity Key


The database identifier of the activity associated with the GL entry


Activity Description


The description of the activity associated with the GL entry

Examples: Administration, Billable Time, Fees & Permits, Meetings, Mileage, Photocopies, Vacation


Activity Type


The type of activity associated with the GL entry

Examples: Consultant, Expense, Labor



Employee Key


The database identifier of the employee associated with the GL entry


Employee Name


The name of the employee associated with the GL entry


Employee Type Key

Employee Type

The database identifier of the employee type associated with the GL entry


Employee Type Description

Employee Type

The description of the employee type associated with the GL entry

Examples: Administration, Architect, Employee, Principal


Employee Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the employee associated with the GL entry


Employee Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the employee associated with the GL entry


Timesheet Key


The database identifier of the timesheet associated with the GL entry


Timesheet Row

Timesheet Detail

The timesheet row associated with the GL entry


Timesheet Date


The end date of the timesheet associated with the GL entry


Timesheet Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the timesheet associated with the GL entry


Timesheet Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the timesheet associated with the GL entry


Expense Report Key

Expense Report

The database identifier of the expense report associated with the GL entry


Expense Report Row

Expense Report Detail

The expense report row associated with the GL entry


Expense Report Date

Expense Report

The end date of the expense report associated with the GL entry


Expense Report Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the expense report associated with the GL entry


Expense Report Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the expense report associated with the GL entry


Journal Entry Key


The database identifier of the journal entry associated with the GL entry


Journal Entry Reference


The reference ID of the journal entry associated with the GL entry


Journal Entry Description


The description of the journal entry associated with the GL entry


Journal Entry Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the journal entry associated with the GL entry


Journal Entry Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the journal entry associated with the GL entry


In-house Expense Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the in-house expense associated with the GL entry


In-house Expense Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the in-house expense associated with the GL entry



Client Invoice Key

Client Invoice

The database identifier of the client invoice associated with the GL entry


Client Invoice Date

Client Invoice

The date of the client invoice associated with the GL entry


Client Invoice Number


The ID of the client invoice associated with the GL entry


Client Key


The database identifier of the client associated with the GL entry




The name of the client associated with the GL entry


Client Type Key

Client Type

The database identifier of the client type associated with the GL entry


Client Type

Client Type

The client type associated with the GL entry

Examples: Builder, Government, Hospital



Vendor Invoice Key

Vendor Invoice

The database identifier of the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Invoice Date

Vendor Invoice

The date of the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Invoice Number


The ID of the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Invoice Description


The information in the Description field on the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Invoice Notes


The information in the Notes field on the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Invoice Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Invoice Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the vendor invoice associated with the GL entry


Vendor Key


The database identifier of the vendor associated with the GL entry




The name of the vendor associated with the GL entry


Vendor Type Key

Vendor Type

The database identifier of the vendor type associated with the GL entry


Vendor Type

Vendor Type

The vendor type associated with the GL entry

Examples: Communications, Electrical Consultant, Insurance



Bank Entry Key

Bank Entry

The database identifier of the bank entry associated with the GL entry


Bank Entry Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the bank entry associated with the GL entry


Bank Entry Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the bank entry associated with the GL entry


Receipt Key


The database identifier of the client receipt associated with the GL entry


Receipt Project Key


The database identifier of the client receipt project associated with the GL entry


Receipt Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the client receipt associated with the GL entry


Receipt Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the client receipt associated with the GL entry


Paycheck Key


The database identifier of the paycheck associated with the GL entry


Payroll Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the paycheck associated with the GL entry


Payroll Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the paycheck associated with the GL entry


Is Cash


If the accounting basis is not marked accrual, this column indicates if the accounting basis for the GL entry is cash.


AxTransaction Notes


Any notes about the transaction associated with the GL entry




Any notes associated with the GL entry as entered in Manage Journal Entries


Transaction Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company linked to the transaction associated with the GL entry


Transaction Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company linked to the transaction associated with the GL entry


Defined links:

Link - Department - Accrual


A link to the Department inquiry with a condition limiting the information to accrual departments


Link - Department - Cash


A link to the Department inquiry with a condition limiting the information to cash departments


Link - Transaction

Transaction - All

A link to the Transaction - All inquiry


Link - GL Account - Accrual

GL Account

A link to the GL Account inquiry with a condition limiting the information to accrual accounts


Link - GL Account - Cash

GL Account

A link to the GL Account inquiry with a condition limiting the information to cash accounts


Link - Session


A link to the Session inquiry


Link - Project


A link to the Project inquiry


Link - Employee


A link to the Employee inquiry


Link - Timesheet


A link to the Timesheet inquiry


Link - Expense Report

Expense Report

A link to the Expense Report inquiry


Link - Client


A link to the Client inquiry


Link - Client Invoice

Client Invoice

A link to the Client Invoice inquiry


Link - Client Receipt

Client Receipt

A link to the Client Receipt inquiry


Link - Vendor


A link to the Vendor inquiry


Link - Vendor Invoice

Vendor Invoice

A link to the Vendor Invoice inquiry


Link - Vendor Payment

Vendor Payment

A link to the Vendor Payment inquiry


Link - Bank Entry

Bank Entry

A link to the Bank Entry inquiry


Link - Paycheck

Check Detail

A link to the Check Detail inquiry