Client Receipt inquiry

You enter client receipts to record payment from clients or credit memos to clients. You can apply the payment or memo to a client invoice, or you can enter the amount as a prepayment.

Use this inquiry to see information for your client receipts, such as receipt date, type, and status; breakdown of the amount by labor, expense, and consultant; and deposit bank and date.

If needed, you can add predefined columns and view supplemental information such as the project manager, principal, and billing contact.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Client > Client Receipt.


Accounting staff

Standard columns


Links to this inquiry


Date range available

Receipt Text


The client name, receipt date, and receipt key associated with the receipt

This is used to group detail to obtain a subtotal by receipt.


Receipt Type


The type of receipt

Examples: Client Receipt, Credit Memo, Miscellaneous Receipt




The name of the client associated with the client receipt or credit memo


Project ID & Description


The ID and description of the project associated with the client receipt or credit memo


Invoice Number

Client Invoice

The ID of the client invoice associated with the client receipt or credit memo


Receipt Date


The date of the receipt


Receipt Method


The method of receipt

Examples: Cash, Check, Credit Card, EFT, Wire Transfer


Receipt Status


The status of the receipt

Examples: Active, Voided


Method ID


The ID of the receipt as entered in Manage Client Receipts




The total amount of the receipt, including amounts for labor, expense, consultants, adjustments, and sales tax


Amount Labor


The amount of the labor paid by the receipt or credit memo


Amount Expense


The amount of expenses paid by the receipt or credit memo


Amount Consultant


The amount of consultant paid by the receipt or credit memo


Amount Adjustment


The total amount of invoice adjustments paid by the receipt or credit memo


Amount Adjustment Labor


The amount of invoice adjustments with an activity type of Labor


Amount Adjustment Expense


The amount of invoice adjustments with an activity type of Expense


Amount Adjustment Consultant


The amount of invoice adjustments with an activity type of Consultant


Reduced Bill


Indicates if the credit memo reduces the project billed amount

Applies if the Reduce project billed amount check box is selected for the credit memo on the Manage Client Receipts window.


Deposit Bank Name


The name of the bank where the receipt is deposited


Client Invoice

Client Invoice

A link to the Client Invoice inquiry

The inquiry contains information about the client invoice associated with the receipt or credit memo.


Deposit Date

Bank Entry

The date the client receipt was deposited in the bank


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. These columns are available:


Links to this inquiry


Date range available

Receipt Key


The database identifier of the client receipt


Method ABA


An optional identification for the client receipt

This is the number that you write on the deposit slip for the receipt.




The company or person issuing the payment

Applies only to Miscellaneous Receipts.


Receipt Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the client receipt


Receipt Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the client receipt




Notes entered on the receipt


Client Invoice Key

Client Invoice

The database identifier of the client invoice associated with the receipt or credit memo


Invoice Date


The date of the client invoice paid by the receipt or credit memo


Client Key


The database identifier of the client paid by the receipt or credit memo


Project Key


The database identifier of the project paid by the receipt or credit memo


Project ID


The ID of the project associated with the receipt or credit memo


Project Description


The name of the project associated with the receipt or credit memo


Project Type Key

Project Type

The database identifier of the project type associated with the receipt or credit memo


Project Type

Project Type

The project type associated with the receipt or credit memo

Examples: Residential, Commercial, Interiors


Client Type Key

Client Type

The database identifier of the client type associated with the receipt or credit memo


Client Type

Client Type

The client type associated with the receipt or credit memo


Project Manager Key


The database identifier of the project manager associated with the receipt or credit memo


Project Manager


The project manager associated with the receipt or credit memo


Principal in Charge Key


The database identifier of the principal in charge associated with the receipt or credit memo


Principal in Charge


The principal in charge associated with the receipt or credit memo


Billing Contact Key


The database identifier of the billing contact associated with the receipt or credit memo


Billing Contact


The billing contact associated with the receipt or credit memo


Project Company Key


Multi-company only. The database identifier of the company associated with the project


Project Company Name


Multi-company only. The name of the company associated with the project


Deposit Key

Bank Entry

The database identifier of the deposit of the receipt or credit memo


Defined links:

Link - Client Invoice

Client Invoice

A link to the Client Invoice inquiry


Link - GL Entry- Accrual

GL Entry - Accrual

A link to the GL Entry inquiry


Link - GL Entry - Cash

GL Entry - Cash

A link to the GL Entry inquiry with a condition limiting the information to cash entries