Check Activity report

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

Use this report to review totals on paychecks. It lists hours worked and amounts paid (regular, overtime, and other time), gross pay, net pay, employee and employer taxes, deductions, and fringe benefits for the date range specified.

You can drill down to see the detail that prints on an individual paycheck.




Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Payroll > Check Activity.

Report options




Multi-company only. The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field.


The report contains information for all employees unless you select a specific employee in this field.

Date range

The report contains information for the current month unless you select a different date in this field.

After changing report options, click (Refresh). 

Customize options



Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Check status

You can select to print information for all paychecks or only those with a status of preliminary, processed, paid, or voided.

Limit employees by

You can select to print information only for the employee who is producing the report or for all employees.

Print voided checks

If selected, it includes voided checks in the amounts.

Use drilldown

If selected, you can drill down to further detail on the report. If cleared, all information, including the lowest level of detail, prints on the report.

Print customize options on report

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Report contents



Regular Hours

The number of regular hours worked

Regular Amount

The pay for the regular hours worked

Overtime Hours

The number of overtime hours worked

Overtime Amount

The pay for the overtime hours worked

Other Time Hours

The number of hours worked as other premium time (such as double time)

Other Time Amount

The pay for hours worked as other premium time (such as double time)

Hours paid

The number of hours paid

Gross pay

The gross pay of the paycheck, which is the pay before deductions and taxes


The total of deductions made to the employee's pay

Employee taxes

The total of taxes paid by the employee

Net pay

The amount of the check, which is gross pay less deductions and taxes

Employer taxes

The total of taxes paid by the employer


The total of any fringe benefits

Drill down:


Detail for the types of pay which appear on the paycheck


Detail for deductions that apply to the paycheck

Employee Taxes

Detail for taxes paid by the employee

Employer Taxes

Detail for taxes paid by the employer


Detail for fringe benefits that apply to the paycheck