Bank Account window

General tab

Address tab

Accounts tab

Direct Deposit tab

Contacts tab

Attachments tab

Notes tab

General tab




Required. The name of the bank


The name of the branch servicing this account

Account number

The account number for this bank account


The description for the bank account to be used internally at your company

Last check number

The last check number you used for this account

Ajera starts printing checks with the next number.


Multi-company only

Required. The company in your organization associated with this bank account

Account type

Identifies this account as a bank account or a credit card

Credit limit

For credit card accounts only

The current credit limit for the credit card


For credit card accounts only

The vendor that you set up for the financial institution associated with this account

By selecting a vendor here, you are linking the account to a vendor so that you can then pay the financial institution as you would any other vendor.

Payroll direct deposits

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

For in-house payroll only

Select this check box if you want to pay employees from this bank account using direct deposits.

Phone numbers

Up to three phone numbers for bank contacts associated with this account

Type a description to the right of each number.


The fax number and any description to the right of it


The email address to use for correspondence related to this account


The website address for the bank

Address tab




The bank's main address

In the first three lines, enter the bank's street address, suite number, and so on.

City, State, Zip Country

The bank's city, state, zip code, and country

Mailing address

The mailing address for the bank

Same as address

It indicates if the bank's mailing address is the same as the main address you entered.

Accounts tab




unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

Applies only if you chose to use departments when setting up company preferences

The department that reflects the expenses for bank charges and interest income for this bank account


Cash account

The current asset account to use for entries made to this bank account

Bank charges account

The expense account to use for bank charge entries made to this bank account

Interest income account

The income account to use for interest income entries for this bank account

Interest expense account

The expense account to use for interest paid entries made to this bank account

Credit card:

Payable account

The liability account to use for payments made for this credit card

Late charges account

The expense account to use for late charge entries made to this credit card

Interest charges account

The expense account to use for interest charge entries made to this credit card

Direct Deposit tab

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Payroll add-on

This tab appears only if you are processing payroll in-house and selected the Payroll direct deposits check box on the General tab of this window. More on setting up your bank account for direct deposits



Source and destination:

ID is a routing number

Origin name

Origin ID

Destination name

Routing number

To enter your company as the source and your bank as the destination:

  1. Select the ID is a routing number check box.
  2. Type the name of your company in the Origin Name field.
  3. Type your company's Federal ID, or other ID provided by your bank, in the Origin ID field.
  4. Type the name of your bank in the Destination Name field.
  5. Type the routing number of your bank in the Destination Routing Number field.

To enter your bank as the source and the ACH institution as the destination:

  1. Ensure that the ID is a routing number check box is cleared.
  2. Type the name of your bank in the Origin Name field.
  3. Type the routing number of your bank in the Origin ID field.
  4. Type the name of the ACH operator in the Destination Name field.
  5. Type the routing number of the ACH operator in the Destination Routing Number field.

Descriptive date

A description (up to six characters) as requested by your bank

This date appears in the direct deposit ASCII file in the exact way that you enter it here. It is not formatted.

File options:

Transaction type

If your bank requires a special code in position 14 of the File Header for the bank, enter that code. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

This code identifies the type of transaction (such as, direct deposit, electronic fund transfer, and so on.) Contact your bank for information regarding its requirements for this item. 

Allow unbalanced file

If you do not want to generate the offsetting debit entry to your company's checking account, select this check box. If you select it, you may need to handle this entry manually with your company's bank. This option is normally used when the origin ID type is the routing number.

File modifier type

A file modifier type, which is included as part of the header for the direct deposit ASCII file. It is used if your company submits more than one direct deposit ASCII file on any one day to the same bank.

File modifier types are:


This default is most commonly used.

The letter A is automatically assigned as part of the header for the direct deposit ASCII file. If you submit more than one ASCII file to the same bank in the same day, the next letter in the alphabet is used for subsequent direct deposit ASCII files.


If your bank requires the file modifier to be numeric, select this option.

The number 0 is automatically assigned as part of the header for the direct deposit ASCII file. If you submit more than one ASCII file to the same bank in the same day, the next number is used for subsequent direct deposit ASCII files. (0-9 are valid entries, starting with 0).

Contacts tab




The contact name

Contact comments

In the field directly below each contact name, type a description or any notes about the contact.

Attachments tab




The category of the attachment

An attachment category is a group of files with similar characteristics (for example, RFPs). You can set up categories if your security settings give you access to them.


The name of the attachment


The date and time when the attachment was made

Notes tab

This tab contains any notes about the bank.