You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Schedule Manager > Viewing employee hours

Viewing employee hours

unavailable in ajeraCore

Hour totals appear for employees who are budgeted in the Project Command Center or scheduled in Schedule Manager. Employee hours appear for the:

  • Number of past and future weeks selected in the Customize window
  • Hours entered or scheduled during those weeks

Before you begin

To view employee hours

  1. To open the Schedule Manager click > Manage menu, click Schedule.
  2. Click the Employees tab.
  3. Click (Customize) to choose the following options:
  • Increase time span: You can select from 0 to 4 past weeks or from 1 to 104 future weeks.
  • Filters: Ajera displays the applied filters at the top of Schedule Manager. To remove the filters, either click the X next to the applied filters in Schedule Manager, or open the Projects - Customize window and clear the filter options.
Filter Description

Employee Type

The employee type associated with an employee


The department associated with an employee


The supervisor of an employee

Employee Status The status of the employee
Company Multi-company only. For this filter to appear you need to be set up for multi-company.
The company associated with an employee
  • View project detail (columns)
Column Description

Hours budget

The number of hours budgeted

This field references the Hours/Units column on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center.

Scheduled hours

The number of hours in the future scheduled in Schedule Manager

Available hours

The number of unscheduled hours remaining:

Hours Budget - (Hours Actual + Scheduled Hours)

Hours remaining

The number of budgeted hours remaining:

Hours Budget - Hours Actual

Spent remaining

The labor contract amount remaining:

Labor Contract - Spent Labor

Client The client associated with a phase or project
Labor contract The amount contracted to bill the client for labor expenses
Scheduled dollars

The amount scheduled to date in Schedule Manager

Ajera calculates the amount by multiplying the scheduled hours by the billing rate.

Available dollars

The amount of unscheduled dollars remaining:

Labor Contract - (Spent Labor + Scheduled Dollars)

Hours actual

The actual number of hours spent to date for the project (on the Projects tab) and for the weeks displayed for the employee (on the Employees tab)

This field references the project's timesheets.

Spent labor

The amount of labor expended on the project to date at the billing rates/markups

Ajera determines the spent labor amount from the billing rate table.

Department The department associated with an employee
Employee Status The status of the employee

  1. On the Schedule Manager, click (plus sign) to expand an employee row.
  1. Scroll to the right to view hours by employee:
In Schedule Manager, this Contains this
Shaded cells Timesheet hours entered to the project in past weeks
Columns with green headings

Actual and scheduled hours for current week

As actual hours are entered to the project, Ajera updates the scheduled hours in the column to the left.

Columns to the right of the columns with green headings Scheduled hours for future weeks

If you set color-coding preferences for scheduling, the total scheduled hours for the week are highlighted by those colors.

  1. Schedule hours by employee, if needed.



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