You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > Schedule Manager > Exporting schedules by project to Excel

Exporting schedules by project to Excel

You can export what you see on the Projects tab to Microsoft Excel.

You can control which schedules are exported by selecting only expanded projects, applying filters, or both.

Before you begin

To export scheduled by project

  1. Click (Export).
  2. Select your export settings:
Select To

Export expanded projects only

Export schedules for only expanded projects on the Projects tab.

If the check box is cleared, Ajera exports schedules for all displayed projects on the Projects tab.

Export with colors and shading

Export the colors and shading as applied on the Projects tab.

  1. Click the Export button.
  2. Navigate to where you want to export the schedules, select the file type, and click Save.

Ajera exports only the data, no formulas or formatting. In Excel, you can create formulas, format the information, and expand or collapse rows by clicking or .



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