Reviewing and updating tasks by project

unavailable in ajeraCore

Before you begin

To review and update tasks by project

  1. If you are not already working with the project, open it by clicking it in the project list at the top of the Project Command Center.
  2. Click the Manage tab.
  3. Select the Show task rows check box located above the table.
  4. To see resources (especially if you later want to add tasks to them), select the Show resource rows check box also located above the table.
  5. Review the percent complete for tasks (as reported by the employees working on them) and any other information you need to help you monitor the progress of the phase or project.
  6. Add, change, or delete tasks, as needed.
  7. Click Save.


To print or inquire on the information, from the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Resource and select an inquiry.