Resource/Task inquiry

unavailable in ajeraCore

A resource is an item that you add to your budget on the Manage tab in the Project Command Center. You use resources to enter and track a specific labor, expense, or consultant cost.

A task is work that needs to be performed. You add tasks to your schedule on the Manage tab in the Project Command Center, and use them to track the progress and scope of the project.

Use this inquiry to see information for your resources and tasks, such as project or phase ID and description, employee, activity, vendor, units/hours, and actual start and completion dates.

If needed, you can add predefined columns and view supplemental information. For example, you can view resource/task description, cost amount, fee amount, and estimated start and completion dates.

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Resource > Resource Task.


Accounting staff


This inquiry is grouped by Activity Type and Employee. You can always group or ungroup columns, as needed.

Standard columns

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

Project ID & Description


The ID and description of the project associated with the resource/task


Phase ID & Description


The ID and description of the phase associated with the resource/task




The name of the employee assigned to the labor resource


Employee Type

Employee Type

The name of the employee type assigned to the labor resource


Activity Type


The name of the activity type assigned to the expense resource

Examples: Labor, Expense, Consultant




The name of the activity associated with the expense resource




The name of the vendor assigned to the expense or consultant resource


Reference/Commitment #


A short description that further identifies the resource




The number of units or hours assigned to the resource


Actual Start Date


The actual date when work for the resource/task begins


Actual Completion Date


The actual date when work for the resource/task is complete




Any notes about the resource or task


Defined links:



A link to the Task inquiry


Reported % Complete

Reported % Complete

A link to the Reported % Complete inquiry


Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. Many columns are available, organized in these categories:

Column Links to this inquiry Description Date range available

Project and phase:

Project Key


The database identifier of the project associated with the resource/task


Project ID


The ID of the project associated with the resource/task


Project Description


The name of the project associated with the resource/task


Phase Key


The database identifier of the phase associated with the resource/tasks


Phase ID


The user-provided identifier of the phase associated with the resource/task


Phase Description


The name of the phase associated with the resource/task


Phase Order


The position of the phase associated with the task in the Project Command Center

Example: You may sort the inquiry by phase order so it mirrors the order of the work breakdown structure in the Project Command Center.



Resource Key


The database identifier of the resource




The position of the resource on the Manage tab in the Project Command Center

Example: You may sort the inquiry by resource order so it mirrors the order of the resources on the Manage tab.


Resource Type


The resource type assigned to the resource/task

Examples: Resource, Task


Resource/Task Description


The name of the resource/task


Is Task


Indicates whether this is a task


Is Resource


Indicates whether this is a resource


Parent Resource Key


The database identifier of the parent resource


Activity, employee, and vendor:

Activity Key


The database identifier of the activity associated with the resource/task


Employee Type Key

Employee Type

The database identifier of the employee type associated with the resource/task


Employee Key


The database identifier of the employee associated with the resource/task


Vendor Type Key

Vendor Type

The database identifier of the vendor type associated with the resource/task


Vendor Type

Vendor Type

The vendor type associated with the resource/task


Vendor Key


The database identifier of the vendor associated with the resource/task


Amounts and rates:

Cost Rate


The rate that reflects the actual cost of the resource/task without overhead or profit


Cost Amount


The amount paid to employees for work performed, or the out-of-pocket costs to the company for expenses and consultants, for the resource/task


Fee Rate


For billable billing types, the billing rate for the resource/task


Fee Amount


For billable billing types, the contract amount for the resource/task


Scheduled Hours


The number of hours in the future scheduled for the resource in Schedule Manager


Scheduled Dollars


The amount scheduled to date for the resource in Schedule Manager

Ajera calculates the amount by multiplying the scheduled hours by the billing rate.


Markup Rate


Beginning Balance Cost Amount


The amount entered in the Committed Cost Invoiced column on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center for the expense or consultant resource


Beginning Balance Fee Amount


The amount entered in the Committed Contract Invoiced column on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center for the expense or consultant resource




The status of the task, which is selected on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center

Examples: In Progress, Not Started, Complete, Waiting, Deferred




The importance of the task

Examples: High, Medium, Low



Reported % Complete Date

Reported % Complete

The date when you report the percent of work that is complete for the resource/task


Estimated Start Date


The date when work is scheduled to begin for the resource/task


Estimated Completion Date


The date when work is scheduled to be complete for the resource/task



Percent Distribution


The percent of the total hours/units, cost amount, or contract amount represented by the resource


Reported % Complete

Reported % Complete

The percent of a project or phase that is complete for the resource/task as reported on a specific date in the project lifecycle