Deltek WorkBook 2.1.784
These release notes contain a summary of the features and enhancements for Deltek WorkBook 2.1.784. It also includes the software issues that this release resolves.
Deltek WorkBook 2.1.784 | February 9, 2023
Mobile - Push Notifications on iOS Devices
Push notifications are now available for iOS mobile devices. If the application is closed and a message is received, a notification from the sender and the first lines of the message will be shown as a native notification on the device.
The user has the option to turn off push notifications in
.Attention: You must be running WorkBook version 13.2 or later for this functionality to work.
Software Issues Resolved
Mobile - Resources Tab - Online Status Indicator Did Not Display for Available (Online) Employees
Employees with online/available status were on the list but the corresponding status indicator was either not displayed or colored black (the same as the background color), which made it unnoticeable.
Parent Topic: Deltek WorkBook Release Notes