Service Requests

As the Vantagepoint administrator for your company, you can request additional services from Deltek as part of your annual subscription fee. SQL Any script that needs to run on a recurring basis should be scheduled via Scheduled Workflow once Cloud Ops has run the script.

Service requests can only be submitted by a designated Vantagepoint administrator. If Deltek receives a service request from someone other than a designated Vantagepoint administrator, the request will be rejected.

You can submit requests for the following services.

Service Description
Administrator Password Reset If you lose or forget the password for your Vantagepoint Administrator account, you (the Vantagepoint administrator) can use the Deltek Support Center site to submit a request for a password reset. When you submit this request, you must include the user ID of the account that needs the password reset. These requests are typically completed within two business hours.
Analysis Cubes Refresh If you own the Analysis Cubes or Vantagepoint Intelligence module (which also includes Analysis Cubes), your analysis cubes are refreshed automatically every night. You can submit a service request to have your cubes refreshed at another time. After you submit the request, stop all transactional activity to prevent data integrity issues in the cubes. These requests are typically completed within 4 hours.
Database Upload As you implement Vantagepoint and work through the data conversion process, you or an implementation consultant may need to upload multiple iterations of your database. Submit a service request to initiate this process. You will be directed to the Deltek File Transfer Tool and related instructions. These requests are typically completed within 24 hours.

If databases were uploaded by 8 PM EST Friday, they will be restored for go live by 8 AM EST on the following Monday.

If you have ODBC users configured in your database, you must reconfigure the ODBC access for these users after completing the restore process.

Manage ODBC Account for Development Environment Customers with Enterprise offerings can make this service request. If you need to deploy and test stored procedures in a development environment, you can submit a service request to create an ODBC account that has read, write, and execute rights. You can request to create the account, change the password for the account, or delete the account.

These requests are typically completed within three business days. Deltek Customer Success will notify you when the process is completed.

For more information, see the How to Manage ODBC Account for Development Environment article on the Deltek Support Center site.

Database Refresh Use the Database Refresh service request to refresh a database from a copy of another database. For example, you can refresh your sandbox database from a copy of your production database. A sandbox is a separate database in the Vantagepoint production environment that can you can use for testing new configurations, for exploring functionality, and for training purposes. If you do not have a sandbox, you can use the Database Refresh service request to have one created for your Vantagepoint instance.
  • Sandbox creation: When you request the creation of a new sandbox, Deltek Cloud Operations creates a copy of your existing production database, properly renames the copy, and adds the copy to the instance of Vantagepoint as a separate item available in the Database field on the login screen. You are allowed a single sandbox.
  • Sandbox refresh: You can also request that an existing sandbox be refreshed. This process replaces data in the existing sandbox with your latest production data. You are allowed 6 sandbox refreshes annually.

After you submit a sandbox creation or refresh request, Deltek Customer Success will send the sandbox information via email message within 3 business days.

When creating/refreshing a sandbox or preview database, Deltek Cloud Operations will also inactivate all in-product integrations, workflows, alerts, and process server queues in the new sandbox or preview. These items can be reactivated within the respective applications, as necessary.

Production Database Restore If you need to restore your database to a previous point in time, submit a backup restore request. Vantagepoint customer databases are backed up every 24 hours. You are allowed four backup restores annually. Backup restores are completed as soon as possible.

For more information, see Back up and Retention Policy.

Production Database Backup Download You can request a backup copy of your Vantagepoint database, which will be sent to you via secure FTP. When you request a backup, be sure to specify the point in time that the backup should reflect. You are allowed four backup copies of your database annually. Database backup requests are typically completed within three business days.

If you need a secure FTP site to receive your backup, you must complete a Data Consent Case.

For more information, see Back up and Retention Policy.

Changing an Absent Administrator If all of your Vantagepoint administrators are no longer with your organization and you need to designate a new administrator, you must submit a request to Deltek Customer Success.

Requirements: This request must include the following:

  • A formal letter on company letterhead
  • The signature of an officer at your organization
  • The new administrator’s name, email address, title, and phone number

Submit your request using the Deltek Support Center site or fax the request to Deltek at 339.469.8970. These requests are typically completed within two business days.

SQL Script Upload If you need to run a script against your transaction database, create the script and then use this service to upload and run it. You might do this, for example, to run a batch update to clean up a large number of records, or to deploy a stored procedure to the database.

This process cannot run SQL scripts that return data, only those that make changes to the database. You are responsible for writing SQL scripts and stored procedures that maintain the integrity of your database.

These requests are typically completed within one business day. Deltek Customer Success will notify you when the process is completed.

Upload Vantagepoint Intelligence Dashboard Image If you own the Vantagepoint Intelligence module and want to use a custom image in VI workbooks, submit a service request to upload the image file to the Vantagepoint environment. After the image is uploaded, you can reference it by filename in your VI workbooks.
Enterprise Upgrade Use the Enterprise Upgrade service request to upgrade any of your enterprise environments. Each environment requires a separate upgrade request.

Pay close attention to the advance notice requirements listed in the service request:

  • Maintenance Release upgrades require 5 days advance notice.
  • Release upgrades require 30 days advance notice, due to possible infrastructure requirements.

After you submit your upgrade request, you will receive follow-up communication from Deltek regarding upgrade details and outage times.

Vantagepoint Analysis Cubes OLAP User Access/Removal

A cloud administrator can upload the Analysis Cubes User Setup Form to have Deltek grant or remove Analysis Cubes OLAP access. Deltek will notify you when the user access request is completed within the next 5 business days.