Deltek Vantagepoint 6.0.2 (Build Release Notes
Release Date: May 22, 2023
Last Updated: May 30, 2023
Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 6.0.2 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 6.0, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.
Florida Quarterly Processing Electronic Filing
Deltek’s Software ID number changes, to HyLYmBB3rF.
For more information, see:
Michigan 2023 Tax Update
The withholding tax rate for Michigan decreases, from 4.25% to 4.05%.
For more information, see the 2023 Michigan Income Tax Withholding Guide:
Utah 2023 Tax Update
The updates for Utah are effective June 1, 2023:
The tax rate decreases from 4.85% to 4.65%.
The base allowance used in the formulas increases for the following statuses:
Single employees: From $390 to $415
Married employees: From $780 to $830
The amounts subtracted from wages in the formulas increases for the following statuses:
Single employees: From $7,774 to $8,371
Married employees: From $15,548 to $16,742
West Virginia 2023 Tax Update
The updates for West Virginia are effective immediately:
There continues to be a system of two percentage methods, one for two earners or multiple jobs and one for one earner or one job.
The value of a state allowance remains unchanged at $2,000 annually.
The two-earner or multiple job method should be used for all employees unless they check a box on Form IT-104, West Virginia Employee’s Withholding Exemption Certificate. The Form IT-104 checkbox indicates that the employee is single, head of household, or married with a nonworking spouse and wishes to have tax withheld at a lower rate.
What's New in this Release
In the ? menu at the top of the screen, Vantagepoint now provides a What’s New link that directs you to an overview of the major new features delivered with this release.
Upgrade Touch Server to PHP 8.2.5
The Touch Server for this version of the Vantagepoint mobile application has been upgraded to support PHP 8.2.5.
Defect 1763813: On the Labor tab in Interactive Billing, when you modified the labor category for a line item in the labor grid, the amount in the Reg Amount field that transferred was calculated incorrectly as Hours * Salary Rate.
Defect 1925304: On the Invoice History tab of the Interactive Billing form, when you printed an invoice, you received the following error message: "A potentially dangerous Request. Path value was detected from the client ( & )." This issue occurred if the project for the invoice had the "&" character in its project number.
Defect 1925422: When you previewed or printed an invoice, you received an error message. This issue occurred when you designed invoices to have footers with user-defined field information in Settings » Billing » Invoice Template Editor.
Defect 1932195: When you printed an invoice from the Interactive Billing form, the user-defined fields in the invoice header did not display information. This issue occurred when, on the Project Info tab in Settings » Billing » Invoice Template Editor, you added standard fields before including user-defined fields in the Project Column Selection grid and you set the user-defined fields to display in the header of the invoice template.
Defect 1921688: When you modified the value of the Decimal Places field for a currency code in the Currency Format grid in Settings » Currency » Options and then viewed a bank statement with a statement date that was later than the modified date of the currency setting, the amounts still used the old decimal format. This issue occurred if the bank currency was different from the functional currency of the active company.
Defect 1916088: When you imported a bank statement or credit card statement that contained curly bracket symbols {} in the comma-separated values (CSV) or text file, you received an error message.
Defect 1817603: This issue applies to any area in Vantagepoint where you could print reports and download them as PDF files; it occurred when you had multiple tabs of Vantagepoint displayed in Microsoft Edge.
When you downloaded a PDF report from a tab other than the right-most tab, Microsoft Edge displayed the Downloads pane and displayed the right-most tab, instead of staying focused on the tab on which you generated the report for download.
Defect 1894130: This issue occurred when your role only had access to the Contacts hub and not to the Firms hub. If you attempted to create a contact record and associate a firm with that contact, you received this error message when you saved: "You do not have rights to update this record."
Defect 1928616: When you changed the Firm Address on the Contacts Overview tab in the Contacts hub, a warning message did not display.
Defect 1848500: On the Accounting tab of the Employees form, the ADP File Number field did not prefill with the number from the Employee Number field when the employee number was valid for ADP's numbering requirements.
Defect 1865526: On the Associations tab of the Firms hub, when you tried to filter the Projects grid by the Type column, you received the following error message: "Invalid column name 'DefaultTypeDropDown'."
Defect 1917140: In the Firms hub, when a firm's address details included a phone number and you used the Contacts tab to create a contact to associate with the firm, Vantagepoint did not populate the Phone field for the new contact until you saved the record.
Defect 1929380: Performance issues that occurred when loading the Team Members grid after selecting a project record have been improved.
Defect 1907969: When you selected the Contract tab and clicked Export as CSV in the Contract Details grid, the Contract Details Subtotals values were incorrectly doubled.
Defect 1928585: This issue occurred when your role did not have access rights to the Summary tab of the Estimates form. When you tried to copy a project, orange messages at the top of the form identified fields that were secured for your role and indicated that unexpected results may occur if you continued.
Defect 1920839: On the Labor tab, when you reassigned a resource and clicked Reassign on the Reassign dialog box, the loading process took longer than expected. You also received an error message and the following functions were not operable:
Resource Management » Resource View
Resource Management » Project View
Resource Management » Resource Management Reporting
My Stuff » Reporting (Resource Planning reports)
Hubs » Projects (all applications)
Defect 1921681: When you checked out a published plan in Hubs » Projects » Plan, made a change, and saved the plan, the plan remained in a Published state.
Defect 1871136: When you created a project on the Projects form by using Copy Project, you were not able to search for a promotional project number in the Copy Promotional Project from field.
Defect 1917635: This issue occurred if an employee without any role was entered at the project level and you added a new phase or task to the project record. When you entered the same employee and then added a role at the phase or task level, you received the following error message: "Employees are assigned to the same role more than once."
Defect 1922333: When you used the Create a Linked Promotional Project action in a regular project, Vantagepoint displayed the short name of the regular project as the long name of the promotional project.
Defect 1925367: This issue occurred when you added a recurring activity to a project and then set a reminder for the activity. Vantagepoint displayed multiple entries of the same activity on the Activities tab of the Projects form.
Defect 1925783: When you upgraded from Vision to Vantagepoint, opportunity records from Vision that were converted to project records in Vantagepoint did not populate Billing Client Address information.
Defect 1928058: On the Record Access tab in Settings » Security » Roles, if you set your record access for projects to Add/Modify only instead of Full, when you navigated to the Accounting tab of the Projects hub and tried to delete a record in the Restrict Charge Companies grid of the Multicompany section, you received the following error message: "You do not have rights to delete this record."
Defect 1929766: This issued occurred when you created a project and Vantagepoint did not follow the Sequence Number Position that you specified for auto numbering project records in Settings » Workflow » Numbering.
Defect 1921076: This issue occurred when your approver role was set to approve purchase orders for multiple companies. When you reviewed purchase orders for one company and then switched to another company, incorrect details were displayed.
Defect 1897730: This issue occurred for dashparts with the AR detail dashpart base. The value displayed in the Invoice Fully Paid column did not include invoices with zero totals resulting from transactions other than credit memos and cash receipts.
Defect 1910796: This issue occurred in dashparts with the Project Detail dashpart base, when the base was configured to display transaction details for overhead type projects. The displayed transaction details did not use the active period of the selected fiscal year.
Defect 1887279: This error occurred if you were an approver and you tried to attach a supporting document to an expense line. You received a "Record not found" error message when the following occurred:
A user submitted an expense report with two expense lines, with supporting documents associated for each line.
As an approver, you deleted the second expense line and saved the changes and then added the line back with a supporting document.
Defect 1917546: This issue occurred when you split a credit card charge into multiple expense reports and only imported partial amounts for the first two expense reports. In the Credit Card Transaction grid of the Credit Card Charges pane, the Balance amount was incorrect because the amount added to the first expense report was not subtracted from it.
Defect 1918719: When you entered a value in the Amount field in an expense line, the value of the Payment Exchange Rate field was incorrect because Vantagepoint used the exchange rate on the date that the expense report was created (the Report Date). This issue occurred when you used a different currency in the expense report and in the payment amount.
Defect 1691141: When you generated a Resource Utilization by Organization report, no values displayed under the Total Planned Hours column.
Defect 1742937: This issue occurred in the following reports when you did not select the Estimate Overhead option on the Options tab of the report settings:
Project Progress
Project Detail Reports
In the Financial Analysis section of the reports, the value displayed under the Spent column did not include the actual overhead value.
Defect 1838694: This issue occurred in the Employee Ledger report when you set the Report Format option to Single Line per Employee on the Options tab of the report settings. The generated report did not display the opening balance.
Defect 1915264: This issue occurred when you performed a drill down from a custom report. The report did not display and you received a server error message.
Defect 1917320: When you ran an AR Ledger report, the Average Collection Period column on the report displayed a different value than the value displayed in the Average Age of Receivable field in Hubs » Firms » AR Review.
Defect 1917363: This issue occurred when you, in the Employees hub, selected Actions » Print » Current Selected Records. If you then navigated to Reporting and selected the Accrued Time report from the list of reports, you received an error message.
Defect 1917577: This issue occurred in the Voucher Schedule report when you had the following report configuration on the Options tab:
You selected the Display Unpaid Pay When Paid Vouchers as Unscheduled option.
You set the Schedule According To option to Invoice Date.
Invoices, with an aging date and invoice date difference that fell within the third aging date grouping, had amounts incorrectly displayed under the Unsched column.
Defect 1921701: This issue occurred if you assigned a project's Charge Type to either Promotional or Overhead on the Projects form. When you ran the Employee Labor Audit report, Vantagepoint displayed the debit account specified in the posting log in Settings » Accounting » Labor Posting instead of the debit account specified on the Time Analysis form in Settings » Accounting » Time Analysis.
Defect 1860268: This issue occurred when you either refreshed the browser or navigated to a different Vantagepoint area and returned to My Stuff » Timesheet. If you then, on the Timesheets form, clicked the Change Timesheet Settings option (the gear icon above the dates grid), the Print Report When Submitted option reverted to Do Not Print Report.
Defect 1860275: When you generated a work file in Payroll » Form W-2 Processing in the Vantagepoint desktop application, you received an error message if a user-defined tax locale withholding code field had more than 2 characters and the corresponding W-2 Box field was set to State in Settings » Payroll » Withholding Codes.
Defect 1842872: This issue occurred for firm records that were active but did not have Client Firm Type information. On the Proposal Properties dialog box, the Client field displayed the Client ID Number instead of the Client Name. In the Custom Proposals list, the Client field displayed the firm type.
Defect 1906394: In custom proposals, when you used the Manage Records option to add employees to a hub record element, some of your selections on the Manage Records dialog box displayed employee numbers instead of employee names.
Defect 1920334: This issue occurred when some phases had similar phase numbers and one of the phases had planned hours. The displayed job-to-date (JTD) hours for a resource were copied from one phase to another for the affected phases. This caused the JTD hours for the phases to be higher than they should have been.
Defect 1930523: In Resource View, when you tried to reassign estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours at the project level, the application seemed to load continuously and you could not proceed. This issue occurred when you were assigned to assignments at several levels of the WBS and one of the project levels only had hours before the ETC.
Defect 1878163: In the Notification Center, you received a credit card past due alert for an employee that was not assigned to use a secondary credit card. This issue occurred if you were the supervisor of the employee, the system administrator, or the company administrator, and your role was set up to receive alerts for credit card transactions that were past due.
Defect 1925362: When you ran the Budget Milestone process, you did not receive alerts via email notifications. This issue occurred even when the target value that you set for the Budget Percent field was achieved.
Defect 1913966: When you selected a new role on the Roles form, you received a "Please Wait" message and the application stopped functioning. This issue occurred when you, in Purchase Orders » List View, set the Save For option to Everyone.
Defect 1917548: The character limit for the Description field was incorrectly set to 200 in the Actions grid of the following workflow forms:
User Initiated Workflows form
Scheduled Workflows form
Application Workflows form
The character limit is now 250 characters.
Defect 1913240: This issue occurred when you updated fields and then clicked a workflow button in a hub record. When you clicked Save, the workflow button continued to display a spinning wheel even if you received a notification saying that your changes were saved.
Defect 1926054: When you updated standard or user-defined grids through a user-initiated workflow, you received the following error message: "The given key was not present in the dictionary."
Defect 1917550: In Workflow Settings in the desktop application, when you removed specified recipients on the Email Configuration dialog box, such as users, security roles, or approval roles, Vantagepoint continued to display these values after you saved your changes.
Defect 1931537: The value of the Invoice Amount column was zero for all records when you viewed the invoices using list view. However, when viewed in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » All Transactions, the Amount column for invoices displayed non-zero values.
Defect 1764270: This error occurred when your user role was CRM and Admin and you had full record access to projects. When you navigated to Utilities » Desktop Imports in the desktop application and set Table Description to Projects, you could not select the Memo field in the Text File Fields Mapping grid.
Defect 1847347: This issue occurred in the desktop application when you selected Allow Updates on the Main tab of the Import Utility form. When you validated the import .TXT file, you received the following error message: "UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view "Item" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger."
Defect 1593195: When you filtered the AP voucher records based on a value in the Voucher Balance column, you received an "Invalid Column Name" error message.
Defect 1920595: When you used the Planning Data Export utility to export a project's labor planning data, the generated file did not display values for the planned hours and labor amounts.
These Connect defects have been fixed and apply to all previous versions of Vantagepoint that support Connect (you do not need to update Vantagepoint to this MR to get these updates).
25 January 2023 Software Issues Resolved
VNTGPNT-1870: When you saved an email message via the Add-In or Quick Log in read-only mode, the email message was duplicated on the second synchronization.
Gmail Add-in:
VNTGPNT-1878: There was no parsing for events and errors in the Console.
VNTGPNT-1886: The login form was reset every time there was a page reset or errors occurred in the Console.
VNTGPNT-1888: When you used the Suggest Meeting Times link, all time slots were shown as available.
VNTGPNT-1890: An endless Add-in initiation occurred for meetings.
16 February 2023 Software Issues Resolved
VNTGPN-1843: A sync error occurred on the second synchronization session for recurrent appointments.
VNTGPNT-1877: The links that you created using the Quick Send Availability and Quick Log Emails contained no available time slots.
VNTGPNT-1896 and VNTGPNT-1897: When an email message in compose mode contained an employee as a recipient, you received the following endless message: "Loading data from Vantagepoint."
31 March 2023 Software Issues Resolved
VNTGPNT-1873: Performance has been improved when you change the Connect group in Connect Administration.
VNTGPNT-1892: When you used the Send Availability feature, the Finish button was disabled if the Suggest Meeting Times option had previously been opened.
VNTGPNT-1894: The body of the email message had extra line breaks when saved to the activity's Notes field.
VNTGPNT-1901: Images that were in the email message body (for example, logos in the email signature) were automatically selected to be added as file attachments on the activity. When you create an activity from an email, inline images are no longer selected by default to be added as attachments.
25 April 2023 Software Issues Resolved
VNTGPNT-1905: When you used Connect for Gmail, contacts included in an email were not always automatically suggested by the add-in. When you searched for the contact and clicked Log Email, you received the following error message: "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."
Defect 1913161: This issue applies for customers who have integrated Vantagepoint with Talent Management using the Integrations utility. When syncing new hire records from Deltek Talent Management to Vantagepoint, you encountered an error and Vantagepoint did not save the records in the Employees hub. Because the records were marked as exported in Talent Management, when a new transfer job was run from Talent Management, the records were not synced with Vantagepoint.
Defect 1921685: This issue occurred when you used a database with the following configuration:
You used only one company.
You had only one organization level.
You did not use delimiters for your organizations.
When you used the key format utility for Organizations, you received the following error message: "Please provide a value for table KEYCONVERTWORK."
Database Changes (Deltek Vantagepoint 5.5 to Deltek Vantagepoint 6.0)
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