Deltek generates this information using a live connection to the development database. Tables and columns related to features in a future release may appear in the data dictionary without descriptions, or with the phrase reserved for future use. You may also see tables and columns for features that you have not purchased or enabled.
Table Name |
None |
Table Name |
AuthorizationLog |
Table Name |
None |
Table Name | Column Name | DataType |
apControl | CloseFullyVoucheredPO | varchar(1) NOT NULL |
apControl | VoucheredFromPO | varchar(1) NOT NULL |
apDetail | MiscPaymentAmount1 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | MiscPaymentAmount2 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | MiscPaymentAmount3 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | MiscPaymentAmount4 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | MiscPaymentAmount5 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | PODetailPKey | varchar(32) |
apDetail | ShipPaymentAmount | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | TransactionMiscAmount1 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | TransactionMiscAmount2 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | TransactionMiscAmount3 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | TransactionMiscAmount4 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | TransactionMiscAmount5 | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
apDetail | TransactionShipAmount | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
BILD | LastPSAExportDate | datetime |
CFGAPMain | EnableICRForApproval | varchar(1) NOT NULL |
CFGFormat | PreAwardWBS1Enabled | varchar(1) NOT NULL |
CFGFormat | wbs1AutoNumSeqLenA | smallint NOT NULL |
CFGFormat | wbs1AutoNumSeqPosA | smallint NOT NULL |
CFGFormat | wbs1AutoNumSeqStartA | int NOT NULL |
CFGVisionSystem | EnableMSTeams | varchar(1) NOT NULL |
ClientPhoto | PhotoDetail | varbinary |
ClientPhoto | PhotoThumbnail | varbinary |
ContactPhoto | PhotoDetail | varbinary |
ContactPhoto | PhotoThumbnail | varbinary |
CustomDashpart | MemoText | nvarchar(max) |
CustomDashpartCalculation | Multiplier | decimal(19,4) NOT NULL |
EMPhoto | PhotoDetail | varbinary |
EMPhoto | PhotoThumbnail | varbinary |
FW_InfoCenterTabsData | ColumnCount | smallint NOT NULL |
InvoiceApproval | MarkupDraftInvoiceEnabled | varchar(1) |
LD | LastPSAExportDate | datetime |
MktCampaignPhoto | PhotoDetail | varbinary |
MktCampaignPhoto | PhotoThumbnail | varbinary |
PRAdditionalData | PhotoDetail | varbinary |
PRAdditionalData | PhotoThumbnail | varbinary |
SEUser | AnalyticsID | nvarchar(42) |
SEUser | DefaultQualifiedStatus | varchar(10) NOT NULL |
SEUser | EducationInterests | varchar(20) |
tkDetail | DetailPKey | varchar(32) NOT NULL |
tkDetail | MasterPKey | varchar(32) NOT NULL |
tkMaster | MasterPKey | varchar(32) NOT NULL |
WorkflowActivity | TimeZoneOffset | bigint NOT NULL |
Table Name |
Column Name |
New DataType |
Old DataType |
None |
Table Name | Column Name | DataType |
CFGResourcePlanning | UntWBSLevel | smallint NOT NULL |
FW_CFGSysConfig | EnableBTEWeb | varchar(1) NOT NULL |
FW_CFGSystem | MarketType | nvarchar(10) |
PNPlan | UntWBSLevel | smallint NOT NULL |
RPPlan | UntWBSLevel | smallint NOT NULL |
Table Name |
New Column Name |
Old Column Name |
None |
Object Name | Object Type |
ActivityCompletionIndRecurrenceIndReminderIndIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemApplicationIDItemParentApprovalLevelIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemApplicationKeyAssignUSRIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemApplicationKeyItemParentUIDIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemAssignUSR_IDItemTypeUIDIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemItemParentItemTypeIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemItemTypeItemLinkIDX | Index |
ClendorNameIDX | Index |
PNTaskClientIDIDX | Index |
PRLostToIDX | Index |
RPTaskClientIDIDX | Index |
tkDetailPKeyIDX | Index |
tkMasterPKeyIDX | Index |
stRPReassignResource | Stored Proc |
stRPReassignUnit | Stored Proc |
ExtractEnclosedColumns | Function |
stRP$tabProjOrgChangeInfo | Function |
Object Name | Object Type |
ActivityRecurrenceIndCompletionIndReminderIndIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemApplicationIDApprovalLevelItemParentIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemApplicationKeyIDX | Index |
ApprovalItemAssignUSR_IDIDX | Index |
SERoleIDX | Index |
Object Name |
None |