Deltek Vantagepoint 5.0.2 (Build Release Notes
Release Date: May 31, 2022
Last Updated: May 31, 2022
Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 5.0.2 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.
Renamed Buttons and Options
On the Import tab in Cash Management » Bank Reconciliation, the Create Receipt option was renamed to Invoice Lookup in the following areas:
In the label that displays when you hover over the
at the end of the row in the Imported Records grid.
As one of the options when you click
at the end of the row in the Imported Records grid.
On the Lookup dialog box, the following buttons were renamed:
Create Receipt is now Create Cash Receipt.
Go to Receipt is now Go to Cash Receipt.
On the Cash Receipts form that launches when you click the Create Cash Receipt or Go to Cash Receipt, the Cancel button was added and the Delete button was removed.
Filter Using the Balance of Net Interest Field in Invoice Lookup
On the Invoice Lookup in Bank Reconciliation, the Balance Net of Interest field was added to the Invoice Lookup dialog box to reflect the outstanding balance of an invoice without the interest amount. Vantagepoint uses the value of the Balance Net of Interest field to filter the invoices in the Lookup dialog box and displays only those that match the Receipts amount of the imported record.
When you select records on the Invoice Lookup dialog box, the value of the Applied field is the sum of all the amounts in the Balance Net of Interest field for the selected records. Previously, this value was the sum of all the values in the Amount field. The Amount field now displays the sum of the Balance Net of Interest amounts plus any interest amount.
If the invoice includes an interest amount, Vantagepoint uses the value of the Amount field to compute the Unapplied amount (Amount - Applied = Unapplied). This may result in the value of the Unapplied field not amounting to zero and Vantagepoint not automatically creating a Cash Receipt record. In such cases, you must select the Go To Cash Receipt option and add a line in the Project Information grid of the Cash Receipt transaction record for the interest.
The SF330 Proposal was updated to the 7/2021 version.
Use a Read-Only Alternate Reporting Database for Resource Planning and Project Reports
This enhancement applies if you use the Vantagepoint on-premises product.
Previously, Resource Planning and Project reports that used a Planning budget source (specified in the report's options) ran against the OLTP database even if you set up an alternate reporting database in the Weblink utility. Now you can use a read-only alternate (replica) reporting database for these reports. To support this change, the fields below the Alternate Planning Temp Database check box on the Report Server tab in the Weblink utility have been updated.
For more information review these help topics:
Vantagepoint Connect Meeting Activities
Previously, when you created and saved meeting activities in Connect, the details were automatically synced to Outlook or Gmail and all associated contacts were invited to the meeting when you saved. Now when you create an activity with a display type of Calendar, you receive a warning message prompting you to confirm that you want to save the activity and notify all attendees. The message text is as follows:
"Because you selected a type that displays on your calendar, this activity will be synced to your email application's calendar and all attendees will be invited to it. Select an activity type that does not display on your calendar to avoid inviting attendees."
Click OK to save and notify the attendees or click Cancel to cancel the update.
In Mobile CRM, the warning message mentioned above also displays when you select or change the Type value of a meeting activity to Calendar, if the Vantagepoint Connect add-in in Deltek Vantagepoint has been configured to allow synchronization of contacts and calendar items for your account.
The Calendar type of Mobile CRM is the equivalent of the Calendar display type in Vantagepoint (in Settings » Labels and Lists » Lists).
Allow Private IP Addresses
The General tab of the Weblink Form now includes an Allow Private IP Addresses grid, in which you can save a set of private IP addresses for use with Vantagepoint. Normally, calls to outside webservices are blocked if their URL is in a private address space. Any IP address that you specify in this grid will be allowed for calling such webservices.
Defect 1653875: When you created a batch for a set of journal entries using the POST Create Journal Entry Control API endpoint, which has multiple master records that have multiple detail lines, the reference number for the first master record was set as the reference number for the detail records of all the subsequent master records.
Defect 1595792: This issue occurred in Batch Billing when you created invoices for a draft run type, and on the Schedule dialog box, you selected the Submit to a Profile check box and entered an existing profile to submit to. The invoice batch was not submitted to the profile in Utilities » Process Server » Profile Editor.
Defect 1647026: After you processed a final invoice batch in Batch Billing, the current fee amount for projects with fee billing terms was incorrect.
This issue occurred when you did the following:
In Batch Billing, you submitted a batch of invoices for approval.
In Hubs » Projects » Draft Invoice Approvals, you entered comments and approved the invoices in the batch.
In Interactive Billing, you updated the percent complete for more than one project that had invoices in the batch.
You returned to Batch Billing and processed a final run for the batch.
In Interactive Billing, the current fee for the invoices with fee billing was incorrect. The updates to the percent complete amounts that you made in Interactive Billing in step 3 were ignored.
Defect 1621005: This issue applies if you use invoice approvals. In Interactive Billing, when you added comments for a draft invoice and you included a URL link in the comments, the URL did not open when you clicked it. This issue occurred when you clicked More in the Draft Invoices Comment field on the General tab.
Defect 1621922: This issue applies when you log in to Vantagepoint using the French (Canada) language. On the Invoice History tab in Interactive Billing, when you opened the Email Invoice dialog box and set the Select Attendees From option to Project Roles, the list of project roles incorrectly displayed Primary Contact, Billing Contact, and Biller in English.
Defect 1627010: On the General tab in Interactive Billing, when you clicked More in the Draft Invoice Comments field and added an image file on the Draft Invoice Comments dialog box, after you saved the comments, you were unable to click More in the Draft Invoice Comments field to view or update the comments.
Defect 1650272: In Interactive Billing, you were allowed to re-allocate fee amounts to work breakdown levels 2 and 3 (phase and task) that were not approved for use in processing. This caused the invoice transaction entry to have a different amount than the accepted invoice.
Defect 1670952: This issue applies if you enabled and specified add-ons for a project's billing terms. When you printed an invoice in Interactive Billing, the add-on descriptions were prefixed with the letter N and were enclosed in single quotes.
Defect 1673594: On the Email Invoice dialog box, the cursor did not display when you clicked the CC and BCC fields. Although you were still able to enter information, the entered text appeared in a blue popup below the intended field.
This issue also occurred in Billing » Batch Billing and in Hubs » Projects » Draft Invoice Approvals.
Defect 1675513: In Interactive Billing, when you modified a pay-when-paid (PWP voucher), modified it again, and then accepted the invoice that included the PWP voucher, the PWP voucher record did not show the accepted (paid) invoice.
Defect 1681378: This issue applies when a project's billing terms has the Enable Add-on check box selected on the More Calculations tab at the project level, but not at the phase or task (WBS 2 or 3) levels. When you accepted an invoice in Interactive Billing, you could see the add-on listed on the Invoice Accept dialog box. However, the add-on did not display on the invoice as it should have. (The Invoice Posting log correctly showed the add-on for the invoice.)
Defect 1650275: This issue occurred if you use invoice approvals for a project. When you changed the entry in a field that is part of the invoice approval workflow after you enabled the approval process for the project in Billing Terms, but before you submitted an invoice for an approval, the entry in the field was not used for the approval process as it should have been.
Defect 1652063: In the Payments grid in Bank Reconciliation, the value in the Amount field was incorrect. This issue occurred if:
You allowed multiple paid vouchers to be printed on the check stub.
The payment was an Electronic Fund Transfer.
Defect 1672331: When the amounts in the Calculated Balance and Closing Balance fields were the same on the Summary tab of the Bank Reconciliation form, you incorrectly received the following message: "Bank Reconciliation does not tie out."
Defect 1619198: On the Charges tab of the Credit Card Reconciliation form, when you clicked Transaction Date to sort by the most recent transactions, some rows at the bottom of the Charges grid were hidden from view.
Defect 1654808: This issue occurred when you created a voucher from a purchase order record and set the pay terms in the desktop application. When you selected the voucher for payment, you received this error message: "Code 10 does not exist. The value for field PayTerms will not be set. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
Defect 1669810: This issue occurred when you did not have access rights to the Employees hub but you did have access to all vendor functionality and Vendor Payments. When you processed vendor payments and tried to send remittance advices, you received a "You do not have access" error message.
Defect 1662402: When you created and saved a new employee record, you received the following error message: "Withholding Core {0} already exists for this Team Member." The issue occurred for users without access to the Payroll tab of the Employees form.
Defect 1669977: When you exported employee information from the List View grid, the column header for Home Phone exported as Home, and the column header for Mobile Phone exported as Mobile.
Defect 1673520: If you checked out a plan and selected Other Actions » Delete Plan Assignments, when you viewed the plan in Hubs » Projects » Revenue Forecast the plan's revenue forecast entries were incorrectly deleted.
Defect 1646990: This issue occurred after upgrading to 4.5. On the Team tab of the Projects form, the Team Member grid displayed no firms for contacts.
Defect 1652257: This defect applies if you use the Purchasing application. On the Purchasing Tab of the Project Review form, when you included a voucher in a purchase order, the Vouchered Amount field prefilled with a value even if the invoice was not posted.
Defect 1585025: When you submitted an expense report without closing the keypad screen, the signature screen incorrectly displayed on the right side; it should be displayed at the center of the mobile screen. This issue only occurred on Android devices.
Defect 1681105: When the Electronic Signature with the signer's text in the Time or Expense settings was enabled and you logged in using your Azure account, you received an error message after you submitted an existing timesheet or expense report.
Defect 1651658: This issue occurred in dashparts with the project dashpart base if you included the Effective Multiplier column twice. When you applied a date range to the first Effective Multiplier column but did not apply a date range to the second Effective Multiplier column, the date range configuration of the first Effective Multiplier column was also applied to the second one.
Defect 1613168: When you configured the New Credit Card Transactions Available alert in the French language, the process incorrectly sent an alert with the text in English: "Click here to view this credit card item."
Defect 1677334: This issue occurred if you do not use multiple companies. When you printed an expense report, both the print preview and the printed expense report were blank.
Defect 1679277: When the Electronic Signature with the signer's text in Time or Expense settings was enabled and you logged in using your Azure account, you received an error message after you submitted an existing timesheet or expense report.
Defect 1599406: When you generated the Project Planning Performance report, incorrect amounts were included if your user role did not have full access to Labor Cost Rates/Amounts in Security » Roles » Accounting.
Defect 1648698: When you generated the Billing Terms List, the billing limits information was not included in the report. This issue occurred even when you included the billing limits information in the report options and also defined the details in the Billing Limits section on the More Calculations tab in Hubs » Projects » Billing Terms.
Defect 1650123: This issue occurred when you generated a Project Summary report and, on the preview report, drilled down on the value of the Current Hours field or the Current Billed field. The value that displayed was that of the JTD Hours or JTD Billed field.
Defect 1651607: This issue occurred on the Tax Analysis report. When you selected Use Cash Basis on the Options tab of report options, invoices with zero tax rates were not displayed on the report.
Defect 1673648: After you upgraded to Vantagepoint version 4.5.8, users that had multi-factor authentication enabled for Vantagepoint were unable to generate any report in My Stuff » Reporting.
Defect 1676362: If you selected a presentation currency when generating the Trial Balance report with multiple organizations included, you received the following error message: "An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for dataset 'ReportDataset'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) For more information about this error, navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors."
Defect 1681751: For the Employee Labor Audit report, when you selected Date Range in the Time Frame field on the report's Options tab and entered a starting and ending date, you were unable to generate the report or the report incorrectly contained data outside the date range.
The same issue applied for the Employee Labor Detail report when you select any of the time frames on the report's Options tab except Current Period and Job-to-Date.
Defect 1683192: This issue applied when you selected the Include All Invoices with Retainage option for the AR Aged report. If an invoice was paid, but the retainage was not yet billed, the retainage didn’t print on the report as it should have. All open retainage should have printed on the report, regardless whether or not the original invoice was paid.
Defect 1624505: When you clicked the Awaiting Approval icon on the Approval Timeline dialog box, the name of the requester's supervisor was not the assigned supervisor for the employee (as specified on the Overview tab of the Employees form in Hubs » Employee » Employees).
Defect 1649743: When you entered a project for a timesheet, it took a long time for the Project lookup to display. You encountered a performance issue in displaying records when you did one of the following:
You clicked
in the Project Lookup.
You entered a keyword in the Project Lookup.
You entered a keyword in the Project/Project Number field.
Defect 1636293: The Notifications Center displayed an incorrect timesheet ending date for an overdue timesheet.
Defect 1646992: In the Notification Center, you received an overdue alert for a timesheet record that you already submitted. This issue occurred if you submitted your timesheet past the end date of the timesheet period.
Defect 1648703: When you clicked a link in a purchasing email notification for an approval, you were redirected to the desktop application. A blank screen displayed and you were unable to view the record.
This issue occurred even when you selected the Enable Purchase Orders in the Web Application check box in Settings » General » Modules, which should have resulted in the purchase order record being displayed in the browser application.
Defect 1652079: On the Purchase Orders form, if you tried to copy a purchase order that contained a cost distribution for a dormant project, the dormant project's cost distribution row was copied to, instead of excluded from, the new PO.
Defect 1652083: When you rejected a purchase order, the Vendor field was incorrectly shaded (grayed out) and you could not change its value.
Defect 1671238: When you opened a purchase order and clicked Mark Final on the Actions bar, you received a random, alphanumeric error message.
Defect 1651700: When you were using a very large database, if you selected a resource, clicked +, and selected a project on the Add Assignments dialog box, you may have received the following error message: "Lock request time out period exceeded."
Defect 1508040: This issue occurred when you selected a project, phase, or task that did not belong to the active company in any of the following areas of the software:
In the Credit Project, Credit Phase, or Credit Task fields on the Add Unit dialog box in Settings » Accounting » Units
In the Project, Phase, or Task fields in the Project Information grid of the Units form in Transaction Center » Transaction Entry » Units
When you ran a draft or final intercompany billing process, you received one of the following error messages: "There were no intercompany transactions to process for the active company in the files selected" or "Input string was not in a correct format."
Defect 1652280: When you generated a text file from the User Defined File Format tab in Banks Settings, the first transaction detail appeared twice. This issue occurred if you did the following:
You set the Line Type option to Detail 1.
In the Employee grid, you added a row and then set the Data Mapping option to Record Count.
Defect 1607478: You could not reorder the employee titles on the Employee Title Settings dialog box. This issue occurred if there were 100 or more employee titles in the Employee Title list.
Defect 1673792: In Settings » Project » Project Templates in the desktop application, when you tried to create or update a project template, you received the following error message: "Cannot find column [PR.WBS2]." This issue occurred when the project was specified in an active workflow and projects were set to use automatic numbering in Workflow Settings.
Defect 1595794: When you clicked + Add Employees in the Employees grid, the Employee Lookup took a long time to retrieve employee records.
Defect 1646994: If your user role did not have access to Settings » Security » Users, the Post User field on the Posting Review form displayed the value of the Username field and not the value of DisplayUsername field.
Defect 1646292: This issue occurred when you edited the category code in the Category field for an existing time category. Timesheet entries that used the old category code did not display on timesheet records in My Stuff » Timesheets.
Defect 1653239: The value of the Value field in a condition row changed to the code value of the selected option. This issue occurred if you did the following:
You set up a workflow action with multiple condition rows and one of the rows displayed a drop-down menu for the Value field.
You selected an option from the Value drop-down field.
You deleted the condition row below the row with the drop-down field.
Defect 1611281: This issue occurred when you created a Cash Receipt transaction record. If you used the Invoice Lookup to select an invoice, the invoice number initially displayed correctly but was then quickly replaced by the value of a random invoice.
Defect 1511178: In a Journal Entries transaction record, the Phase field and the Account field of the detail line became disabled and you received an error message that read: "Phase Name: Indirect Account is not permitted with a regular Project."
This issue occurred if you did the following:
You added a detail line in the Project Information grid and selected a regular project in the Project field and a liability account in the Account field.
You changed the value of the Project field and selected an overhead project and changed the value of the Account field to an indirect account, and then saved the record.
You changed back the value of the Project field to a regular project and changed back the value of the Account field to a liability account.
Defect 1674981: This applies when you log in to Vantagepoint using the English (International) language. Some instances of the words Synchronisation and Authorisation incorrectly used the English (United States) spellings, Synchronization and Authorization.
Defect 1613080: This issue occurred if you use multiple currencies. In the Account Balances grid of the Account Balances form, the Account Currency column displayed the functional currency instead of the currency associated with the account.
Defect 1652077: When you ran the key conversion utility to combine employee records, you received the following error message: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'tkBreakTimePK'."
Defect 1652056: When you ran the key conversion utility to combine two firm records with different firm types, there were missing vouchers in the merged firm record in Hubs » Firms » Voucher Review.
Database Changes (Deltek Vantagepoint 4.5 to Deltek Vantagepoint 5.0)
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