View Regular and Overtime Hours Totals for a Timesheet

Total hours by timesheet row and by day always display. If your settings are configured to allow entry of overtime hours, you can display separate column, row, and timesheet totals for regular, overtime, and, if used, secondary overtime hours.

If your firm does not allow entry of overtime hours, only a Total column and Total row display.
  • Regular and Overtime totals are available if:
    • Your system administrator set Entering Overtime to Yes inSettings > Time > Options.
    • Regular and Overtime are selected in the Right Grid Column Selections dialog box.
  • Overtime-2 totals are available if:
    • Your system administrator set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.
    • Overtime-2 is selected in the Right Grid Column Selections dialog box.

To view row and day totals broken down by types of hours:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Timesheet.
  2. If the timesheet displayed is not the one that you want, use the search field to search for and select the one that you want to update.
  3. Do either or both of the following:
    • To view regular and overtime hours totals for each timesheet row when they are not currently visible, scroll the right section of the grid horizontally until the totals columns appear.
    • To view regular and overtime hours totals for each day column when they are not currently visible below the grid, click to the right of the Total row.
  4. To hide the regular and overtime hours totals for the day columns, click to the right of the Total row.