Contents of the Tax Codes Dialog Box for Journal Entries

Use these fields and options to select and calculate debit and credit taxes for journal entries.

Tax Codes Grid Options

Field Description
Tax Codes Drop-Down
  • To print grid data, click Print. On the Print Preview form, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the grid data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into the field, in the sequence that you want them to display.
Insert Click this option to insert a blank row in the grid. Then enter a tax code with which to calculate a tax amount for the debit or credit amount that you entered for the journal item on the Journal Entries form. The calculated tax amount then prefills in either the Debit or Credit column in this dialog box, based on whether you entered an amount in the Debit or Credit field on the Journal Entries form.
Delete Select a tax code in the grid to delete from the tax debit or credit calculation and click this option.

Tax Codes Grid Fields

Field Description
Tax Code Select a tax code from the drop-down list.
  • If you selected Input (Purchases) in the Tax Type field on the Journal Entries form, the drop-down list includes tax codes that are entered in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes, with check boxes selected in only the Inputs section (and none selected in the Outputs section), or check boxes selected in both the Inputs and Outputs sections. Taxes with check boxes selected only in the Output section are not included in the drop-down list.
  • If you selected Output (Sales) in the Tax Type field on the Journal Entries form, the drop-down list includes tax codes that are entered in Taxes Settings with check boxes selected in only the Outputs section (and none selected in the Inputs section), or check boxes selected in both the Inputs and Outputs sections. Taxes with check boxes selected in only the Input section are not included in the drop-down list.

The tax rate that is entered for this tax code in Taxes Settings is used to calculate the debit or credit tax amount that prefills in the Debit or Credit fields in this row. A tax debit amount is calculated and prefilled in the Debit field on this dialog box if you entered an amount in the Debit field for the journal item on the Journal Entries form. If you entered an amount in the Credit field for the journal item on the Journal Entries form, a tax credit amount is calculated and prefilled in the Credit field on the Tax Codes dialog box.

You can enter multiple tax codes in the grid on the Tax Codes dialog box for calculating taxes. However, you cannot add the same tax code more than once.

Description This column prefills with the description of the tax code that you entered in the Tax Code column. The description is retrieved from Taxes Settings.
Debit This column prefills with a calculated tax debit amount that is based on the tax code that you entered for the row and the debit amount that you entered for the journal item on the Journal Entries form. You can change the prefilled amount. You cannot enter both a debit amount and a credit amount in the same row.
Credit This column prefills with the calculated tax credit amount that is based on the tax code that you entered in the row and the credit amount that you entered for the journal item on the Journal Entries form. You can change the prefilled value. You cannot enter both a debit amount and a credit amount in the same row.
Sum Bar The sum of tax debit amount or tax credit amount that is calculated on the Tax Codes dialog box displays on the bar below the tax codes grid, below the Debit and Credit columns. These total amounts prefill the Total Tax Debit or Total Tax Credit field in the grid on the Journal Entries form when you click OK on this dialog box.


Field Description
OK After you complete the entries on this dialog box, click this button to return to the Journal Entries form. The total amounts from the Sum Bar on this dialog box prefill the Total Tax Debit or Total Tax Credit field in the grid on the Journal Entries form.