Fields and Operators Used in Revenue Method Definitions

All revenue method definitions, whether standard or user-defined, consist of fields and operators.


Operator Description
+ This operator inserts an addition sign in a revenue method formula. Vantagepoint adds together the two values that border this operator.
- This operator inserts a subtraction sign in a revenue method formula. Vantagepoint takes the difference between the two values that border this operator.
* This operator inserts a multiplication sign in a revenue method formula. Vantagepoint multiplies together the two values that border this operator.
\ This operator inserts a division sign in a revenue method formula. Vantagepoint divides the two values that border this operator.


This operator inserts left and right parentheses in a revenue method formula. For the values that are between the left and right parentheses, Vantagepoint calculates an amount and then uses it in the rest of the definition.
Subject to Max This operator is available only for user-defined revenue method formulas.

It sets a maximum on the value preceding it in a formula by accruing revenue up to the project's total fee, as specified in Compensation on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.

If a project's Compensation is zero, or not specified, this operator has no effect on revenue calculations for that project.

Vantagepoint applies Subject to Max to the entire section of formula preceding it, regardless of parentheses. These equations each calculate the same amount:

JTD Billings + JTD Direct Expenses @ Cost [Subject to Max]

(JTD Billings + JTD Direct Expenses @ Cost) [Subject to Max]

In this example, to apply the Subject to Max operator to direct expenses only, build the formula this way:

JTD Direct Expenses @ Cost [Subject to Max] + JTD Billings

Compensation is the only revenue field designed to work with this operator.

Greater of... Use this operator to create a formula taking the greater of the two values calculated by the method formulas bordering it. You specify the two methods.
  1. Click Greater of...
  2. On the Greater of Two Methods dialog box, select a method from the drop-down list in the First Method field.
  3. From the drop-down list in the Second Method field, select the other method.
  4. Click OK.

The dialog box closes, and the formula that you defined displays in the User Defined Formula column, with the two methods separated by brackets [ ].

Lesser of... Use this operator to create a formula taking the lesser of the two values calculated by the method formulas bordering it.

You specify the two methods.

  1. Click Lesser of...
  2. On the Lesser of Two Methods dialog box, select a method from the drop-down list in the First Method field.
  3. From the drop-down list in the Second Method field, select the other method.
  4. Click OK.

The dialog box closes, and the formula that you defined displays in the User Defined Formula column.

Revenue Method Fields

For any field involving billing amounts, those amounts include any journal entries made to revenue accounts when Enable Option to Update BTD for Journal Entries to Revenue is set to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.

If you use multiple currencies, an asterisk (*) beside a field indicates that any condition that results in a transaction with a zero cost amount can cause unexpected results when Revenue Generation translates from billing currency to functional currency to project currency. This revenue method is not recommended for multiple currency situations that may have a zero cost transaction.

Field Report and Location
Cur Billings This is the total billings for the project for the current period.
YTD Billings This is the total billings for the project year-to-date.
JTD Billings This is the total billings for the project job-to-date.
Cur Interest Received This is the interest received for the project for the current period. This is interest posted from cash receipts, not invoices.

This field enables you to add interest to a revenue method calculation such as P (Percent complete times compensation) that does not include billing amounts, and thus interest is omitted.

YTD Interest Received This is the year-to-date interest received for the project. This is interest posted from cash receipts, not invoices.

This field enables you to add interest to a revenue method calculation such as P (Percent complete times compensation) that does not include billing amounts, and thus interest is omitted.

JTD Interest Received This is the job-to-date interest received for the project. This is interest posted from cash receipts, not invoices.

This field enables you to add interest to a revenue method calculation such as P (Percent complete times compensation) that does not include billing amounts, and thus interest is omitted.

Cur Fee Billings

This is the total fee billings for the project for the current period. Fee billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Fees entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.

YTD Fee Billings This is the total fee billings for the project year-to-date. Fee billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Fees entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
JTD Fee Billings This is the total fee billings for the project job-to-date. Fee billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Fees entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
Cur Consultant Billings This is the total consultant billings for the project for the current period. Consultant billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Consult entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
YTD Consultant Billings This is the total consultant billings for the project year-to-date. Consultant billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Consult entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
JTD Consultant Billings This is the total consultant billings for the project job-to-date. Consultant billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Consult entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
Cur Reimb Billings This is the total reimbursable billings for the project for the current period. Reimbursable billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Reimb entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
YTD Reimb Billings This is the total reimbursable billings for the project year-to-date. Reimbursable billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Reimb entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
JTD Reimb Billings This is the total reimbursable billings for the project job-to-date. Reimbursable billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Reimb entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
Cur Unit Billings This is the total unit billings for the project for the current period.
YTD Unit Billings This is the total unit billings for the project year-to-date.
JTD Unit Billings This is the total unit billings for the project job-to-date.
Cur Add-on Billings This is the total add-on billings for the project for the current period. Add-ons billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Add-on entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings (Settings > Billing > Accounts Receivable). This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
YTD Add-on Billings This is the total add-on billings for the project year-to-date. Add-ons billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Add-on entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
JTD Add-on Billings This is the total add-on billings for the project job-to-date. Add-ons billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Add-on entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
Cur Labor Billings This is the total labor billings for the project for the current period. Labor billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Labor entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
YTD Labor Billings This is the total labor billings for the project year-to-date. Labor billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Labor entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
JTD Labor Billings This is the total labor billings for the project job-to-date. Labor billings are amounts posted to revenue accounts that have Labor entered in Project Column in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings. This setting controls the column in which the revenue amount is included on the Office Earnings report.
Cur Other Billings This is the total billings for the project in the current period that are not associated with a project column on the Office Earnings report.

This means that invoice amounts posted to a revenue account that has not been associated with a project column (for the Office Earnings report) in the Invoice Mapping Accounts section of the Accounts Receivable settings form in Billing Settings are considered to be "Other Billings." Because the revenue account has no column designation, the invoice amounts posted to it are included in the Other Billed column on the Office Earnings report.

YTD Other Billings This is the total billings for the project year-to-date that are not associated with a project column on the Office Earnings report.

As for Cur Other Billings, for invoice amounts posted to a revenue account not associated with a project column, invoice amounts are included in the Other Billed column on the Office Earnings report.

JTD Other Billings This is the total billings for the project job-to-date that are not associated with a project column on the Office Earnings report.

As for Cur Other Billings, for invoice amounts posted to a revenue account not associated with a project column, invoice amounts are included in the Other Billed column on the Office Earnings report.

Retainage This is the total accounts receivable retainage balance for the project.
Cur Receipts This is the total receipts, excluding value added tax amounts received, for the project for the current period.
YTD Receipts This is the total year-to-date receipts, excluding value added tax amounts received, for the project.
JTD Receipts This is the total job-to-date receipts, excluding value added tax amounts received, for the project.
Prior Yr JTD Revenue This is the total amount of revenue recognized for the project job-to-date as of the prior year.
Prior Pd JTD Revenue This is the total amount of revenue recognized for the project job-to-date as of the prior period.
YTD Revenue This is the total amount of revenue recognized for the project year-to-date.
JTD Revenue This is the total amount of revenue recognized for the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Exp @ Cost This is the direct expense amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Exp @ Cost This is the direct expense amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Exp @ Cost This is the direct expense amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Exp @ Billing This is the direct expense amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Exp @ Billing This is the direct expense amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current, year-to-date, or job-to-date period.
JTD Direct Exp @ Billing This is the direct expense amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Exp @ Cost This is the reimbursable expense amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period. Reimbursable expenses include both reimbursable consultant and reimbursable other amounts.
YTD Reimb Exp @ Cost This is the reimbursable expense amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date. Reimbursable expenses include both reimbursable consultant and reimbursable other amounts.
JTD Reimb Exp @ Cost This is the reimbursable expense amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date. Reimbursable expenses include both reimbursable consultant and reimbursable other amounts.
Cur Reimb Exp @ Billing This is the reimbursable expense amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period. Reimbursable expenses include both reimbursable consultant and reimbursable other amounts.
YTD Reimb Exp @ Billing This is the reimbursable expense amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date. Reimbursable expenses include both reimbursable consultant and reimbursable other amounts.
JTD Reimb Exp @ Billing This is the reimbursable expense amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date. Reimbursable expenses include both reimbursable consultant and reimbursable other amounts.
Cur Direct Consultant @ Cost This is the direct consultant amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Consultant @ Cost This is the direct consultant amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Consultant @ Cost This is the direct consultant amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Consultant @ Billing This is the direct consultant amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Consultant @ Billing This is the direct consultant amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Consultant @ Billing This is the direct consultant amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Other @ Cost This is the direct other amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Other @ Cost This is the direct other amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Other @ Cost This is the direct other amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Other @ Billing This is the direct other amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Other @ Billing This is the direct other amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Other @ Billing This is the direct other amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Consultant @ Cost This is the reimbursable consultant amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Reimb Consultant @ Cost This is the reimbursable consultant amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Reimb Consultant @ Cost This is the reimbursable consultant amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Consultant @ Billing This is the reimbursable consultant amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Reimb Consultant @ Billing This is the reimbursable consultant amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Reimb Consultant @ Billing This is the reimbursable consultant amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Other @ Cost This is the reimbursable other amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Reimb Other @ Cost This is the reimbursable other amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Reimb Other @ Cost This is the reimbursable other amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Other @ Billing This is the reimbursable other amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Reimb Other @ Billing This is the reimbursable other amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Reimb Other @ Billing This is the reimbursable other amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Unit @ Cost This is the direct unit amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Unit @ Cost This is the direct unit amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Unit @ Cost This is the direct unit amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Unit @ Billing This is the direct unit amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Unit @ Billing This is the direct unit amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Unit @ Billing This is the direct unit amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Unit @ Cost This is the reimbursable unit amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Reimb Unit @ Cost This is the reimbursable unit amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Reimb Unit @ Cost This is the reimbursable unit amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Reimb Unit @ Billing This is the reimbursable unit amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Reimb Unit @ Billing This is the reimbursable unit amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Reimb Unit @ Billing This is the reimbursable unit amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Labor @ Cost This is the labor amounts at cost rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Labor @ Cost This is the labor amounts at cost rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Labor @ Cost This is the labor amounts at cost rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Direct Labor @ Billing This is the labor amounts at billing rates charged to the project for the current period.
YTD Direct Labor @ Billing This is the labor amounts at billing rates charged to the project year-to-date.
JTD Direct Labor @ Billing This is the labor amounts at billing rates charged to the project job-to-date.
Cur Total Spent @ Cost This is the total spent for the project’s direct labor, direct expenses, reimbursable expenses, units, and overhead for the current period, at cost rates.
YTD Total Spent @ Cost This is the total spent for the project’s direct labor, direct expenses, reimbursable expenses, units, and overhead year-to-date, at cost rates.
JTD Total Spent @ Cost This is the total spent for the project’s direct labor, direct expenses, reimbursable expenses, units, and overhead job-to-date, at cost rates.
Cur Total Spent Hours This is the total hours spent for the project’s direct labor for the current period.
YTD Total Spent Hours This is the total hours spent for the project’s direct labor year-to-date.
JTD Total Spent Hours This is the total hours spent for the project’s direct labor job-to-date.
Cur Total Spent @ Billing This is the total spent for the project’s direct labor, direct expenses, reimbursable expenses, units, and overhead for the current period, at billing rates.
YTD Total Spent @ Billing This is the total spent for the project’s direct labor, direct expenses, reimbursable expenses, units, and overhead year-to-date, at billing rates.
JTD Total Spent @ Billing This is the total spent for the project’s direct labor, direct expenses, reimbursable expenses, units, and overhead job-to-date, at billing rates.
Budgeted Labor @ Cost This is the labor, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Labor @ Billing This is the labor, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Directs @ Cost This is the direct expenses, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Directs @ Billing This is the direct expenses, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Reimb @ Cost This is the reimbursable expenses, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Reimb @ Billing This is the reimbursable expenses, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Direct Consultant @ Cost This is the direct consultant expenses, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Direct Other @ Cost This is the direct other expenses, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Direct Consultant @ Billing This is the direct consultant expenses, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Direct Other @ Billing This is the direct other expenses, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Reimb Consultant @ Cost This is the reimbursable consultant expenses, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Reimb Other @ Cost This is the reimbursable other expenses, from the cost rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Reimb Consultant @ Billing This is the reimbursable consultant expenses, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Budgeted Reimb Other @ Billing This is the reimbursable other expenses, from the billing rate budget for the project.
Labor ETC Amount This is the labor estimate-to-complete amounts, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Labor ETC Hours This is the labor estimate-to-complete hours, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Direct Exp ETC Amount This is the estimate-to-complete amounts for direct expense accounts, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Reimb Exp ETC Amount This is the estimate-to-complete amounts for reimbursable expense accounts, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Labor EAC Amount This is the labor estimate-at-completion amounts, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Labor EAC Hours This is the labor estimate-at-completion hours, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Direct Exp EAC Amount This is the estimate-at-completion amounts for direct expense accounts, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Reimb Exp EAC Amount This is the estimate-at-completion amounts for reimbursable expense accounts, as entered on the Project Budget Worksheet.
Work-in-progress @ Cost This is the monetary value of the project’s unbilled work-in-progress at cost rates.
WIP @ Cost (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of the project’s unbilled work-in-progress, including held time, at cost rates.
Unbilled Labor @ Cost This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project's labor expenses at cost rates.
Unbilled Labor @ Cost (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project's labor expenses at cost rates. It also includes labor expenses with a billing Hold status at cost rates.
Unbilled Expenses @ Cost This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s reimbursable expenses at cost rates. Units are included as part of unbilled expenses.
Unbilled Expenses @ Cost (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s reimbursable expenses at cost rates. It also includes reimbursable expenses with a billing Hold status at cost rates. Units are included as part of unbilled expenses.
Unbilled Consultants @ Cost This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s consultant expenses at cost rates.
Unbilled Consultants @ Cost (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s consultant expenses at cost rates. It also includes consultant expenses with a billing Hold status at cost rates.
Unbilled Units @ Cost This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s unit expenses at cost rates.
Unbilled Units @ Cost (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s unit expenses at cost rates. It also includes unit expenses with a billing Hold status at cost rates.
Work-in-progress @ Billing This is the monetary value of the project’s unbilled work-in-progress at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

WIP @ Billing (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of the project’s unbilled work-in-progress, including held time, at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

WIP @ Billing (incl. Add-ons) This is the monetary value of the project’s unbilled work-in-progress, including add-ons, at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

WIP @ Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) This is the monetary value of the project’s unbilled work-in-progress, including held time and add-ons, at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Labor @ Billing This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project's labor expenses at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Labor @ Billing (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s labor expenses at billing rates. It also includes labor expenses with a billing Hold status at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Labor @ Billing (incl. Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s labor expenses at billing rates. It also includes any add-on multipliers applied to expenses at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Labor @ Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s labor expenses at billing rates. It also includes reimbursable expenses with a billing Hold status and any add-on multipliers, both at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Expenses @ Billing This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s reimbursable expenses at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Expenses @ Billing (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s reimbursable expenses at billing rates. It also includes reimbursable expenses with a billing Hold status at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Expenses @ Billing (incl. Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s reimbursable expenses at billing rates. It also includes any add-on multipliers applied to expenses at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Expenses @ Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s reimbursable expenses at billing rates. It also includes reimbursable expenses with a billing Hold status and any add-on multipliers, both at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Consultants @ Billing This is the monetary value of work in progress for a project’s consultant expenses at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Consultants @ Billing (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work in progress for a project’s consultant expenses at billing rates. It also includes consultant expenses with a billing Hold status at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Consultants @ Billing (incl. Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work in progress for a project’s consultant expenses at billing rates. It also includes add-on multipliers at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Consultants @ Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s consultant expenses at billing rates. It also includes consultant expenses with a billing Hold status and add-on multipliers, both at billing rates.

If the effective dates feature is enabled in the Billing application, it can affect the value in this field.

Unbilled Units @ Billing This is the monetary value of work in progress for a project’s unit expenses at billing rates.
Unbilled Units @ Billing (incl. Held) This is the monetary value of work in progress for a project’s unit expenses at billing rates. It also includes unit expenses with a billing Hold status at billing rates.
Unbilled Units @ Billing (incl. Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work in progress for a project’s unit expenses at billing rates. It also includes add-on multipliers at billing rates.
Unbilled Units @ Billing (incl. Held and Add-ons) This is the monetary value of work-in-progress for a project’s unit expenses at billing rates. It also includes unit expenses with a billing Hold status and add-on multipliers, both at billing rates.
JTD Write-offs @ Cost This is the sum of all billing transactions for the project with a status of W (to be written off) or X (previously written off), at cost rates.
JTD Write-offs @ Billing This is the sum of all billing transactions for the project with a status of W (to be written off) or X (previously written off), at billing rates.
Percent Complete This is the overall percent complete at billing rates, if Enable Reporting at Billing Rates is selected in Labor Options Settings (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options); otherwise at cost rates.
Percent Complete @ Cost This is the overall percent complete at cost rates, even if Report at is set to Billing in the Reporting Amounts section on the Options tab of the Reporting form for the Project Summary Report.
Percent Complete (Lab/OH/Dir) This is the total percent complete for labor, overhead, and direct expenses, but not for reimbursables.

This amount is at billing rates, if Enable Reporting at Billing Rates is selected in Labor Options Settings; otherwise at cost rates.

Percent Complete (Lab/OH/Dir) @ Cost This is the total percent complete for labor, overhead, and direct expenses, but not for reimbursables. This amount is at cost rates even if Report at is set to Billing in the Reporting Amounts section on the Options tab of the Reporting form for the Project Summary Report.
Labor Percent Complete This is the labor percent complete at billing rates, if Enable Reporting at Billing Rates is selected in Labor Options Settings; otherwise at cost rates.
Labor Percent Complete @ Cost This is the labor percent complete. This percentage is based on cost rates even if Report at is set to Billing in the Reporting Amounts section on the Options tab of the Reporting form for the Project Summary Report.
Expense Percent Complete This is the percent complete for all expenses, both direct and indirect.

This is the expense percent complete at billing rates if Enable Reporting at Billing Rates is selected in Labor Options Settings; otherwise at cost rates.

Expense Percent Complete @ Cost This is the percent complete for all expenses. This percentage is based on cost rates even if Report at is set to Billing in the Reporting Amounts section on the Options tab of the Reporting form for the Project Summary Report.
Expense Percent Complete (Dir) This is the percent complete for direct expenses only.

This is the expense percent complete at billing rates if Enable Reporting at Billing Rates is selected in Labor Options Settings; otherwise at cost rates.

Expense Percent Complete (Dir) @ Cost This is the percent complete for direct expenses only. This percentage is based on cost rates even if Report at is set to Billing in the Reporting Amounts section on the Options tab of the Reporting form for the Project Summary Report.
Planned Labor @ Cost This is the Labor Cost on the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Labor @ Billing This is the Labor Billing on the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Direct @ Cost This is the sum of Direct Consultants and Other Direct Expenses at cost, on the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Reimb @ Cost This is the sum of Reimbursable Consultants and Other Reimbursable Expenses at cost, from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Reimb @ Bill This is the sum of Reimbursable Consultants and Other Reimbursable Expenses at billing, on the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Direct Consultant @ Cost This is the Direct Consultants at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Direct Exp @ Cost This is the Direct Expenses at cost, from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Reimb Consultant @ Cost This is the Reimbursable Consultants at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Reimb Exp @ Cost This is the Other Reimbursable Expenses at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Reimb Consultant @ Billing This is the Reimbursable Consultants at billing from the Analysis tab inPlanning > Project Planning.
Planned Reimb Exp @ Billing This is the Other Reimbursable Expenses at billing from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Baseline Labor @ Cost This is the baseline labor at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Baseline Exp @ Cost The baseline Expenses at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Baseline Consultant @ Cost This is the baseline Consultants at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Baseline Labor @ Billing This is the baseline Labor at billing from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Baseline Exp @ Billing This is the baseline Expenses at billing from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Baseline Consultant @ Billing This is the baseline Consultants at billing from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned ETC @ Cost This is the total ETC at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Labor ETC @ Cost This is the Labor ETC amount at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Labor ETC Hours This is the Labor ETC hours from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Expense ETC @ Cost This is the Expenses ETC at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Consultant ETC @ Cost This is the Consultants ETC at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Cost This is the Overall % Complete at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning Project Planning.
Planned Labor Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Cost This is the % Complete Labor at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Expense Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Cost This is the % Complete Expenses at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Consultant Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Cost This is the % Complete Consultants at cost from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned ETC @ Billing This is the total ETC at billing from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Labor ETC @ Billing This is the Labor ETC at billing from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Expense ETC @ Billing This is the Expenses ETC at billing from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Consultant ETC @ Billing This is the Consultants ETC at cost from the Summary tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Billing This is the Overall % Complete at billing from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Labor Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Billing This is the % Complete Labor at billing from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Expense Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Billing This is the % Complete Expenses at billing from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Planned Consultant Pct Compl (JTD/EAC) @ Billing This is the % Complete Consultants at billing from the Analysis tab in Planning > Project Planning.
Compensation This is the project’s Compensation, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub (Hubs > Projects > Contract Management).
Fee Direct Labor This is the project’s Fee Direct Labor, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Fee Direct Expense This is the project’s Fee Direct Expense, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Direct Consultant This is the project’s Direct Consultant, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub
Reimb Allowance This is the project’s Reimbursable Allowance, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Fee Reimb Consultant This is the project’s Fee Reimbursable Consultant, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Fee Reimb Expense This is the project’s Fee Reimbursable Expense, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Compensation This is the project’s Contract Compensation, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Direct Labor This is the project’s Contract Direct Labor, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Direct Expense This is the project’s Contract Direct Expense, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Direct Consultant This is the project’s Contract Direct Consultant, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Reimb Allowance This is the project’s Contract Reimbursable Allowance, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Reimb Consultant This is the project’s Contract Reimbursable Consultant, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Contract Reimb Expense This is the project’s Contract Reimbursable Expense, specified on the Contract Management form in the Projects hub.
Budgeted Overhead Rate This is the project’s Budgted Overhead Rate, specified on the Accounting tab of the Projects form, in the Projects hub.
Project Specific Amount This is the project’s Multiplier or Amount, specified on the Accounting tab of the Projects form, in the Projects hub.
Method Specific Amount When you select this field for a revenue method formula, Vantagepoint prompts you to enter a value, which becomes a constant in the formula.
User-defined numeric field(s) This is the value entered in any user-defined field in the Projects hub for the project, where the field's Data Type is Numeric, as specified on the User Defined Tabs form in Settings > General > User Defined Components.