Examples of User-Defined Revenue Methods When You Use Revenue Categories

When you set up revenue generation to track multiple unbilled accounts using revenue categories, you must create a user-defined revenue method for each revenue category that you set up.

Below are some examples of user-defined formulas that could replace the standard revenue method W or M when you track multiple unbilled accounts.

Standard Revenue Method Equivalent User-Defined Revenue Methods When Using Revenue Categories
Revenue Method W

JTD Revenue = JTD Billings + WIP @ Billing

Projects that previously used revenue method W could have the following three user-defined revenue methods for labor, consultant, and reimbursable revenue categories:

  • A labor revenue method of JTD Labor Billings + Unbilled Labor @ Billing Rates.
  • A consultant revenue method of JTD Consultant Billings + Unbilled Consultants @ Billing Rates.
  • A Reimb revenue method of JTD Reimb Billings + Unbilled Expenses @ Billing Rates.
Revenue Method M

JTD Revenue = (JTD Direct Labor x Multiplier) + JTD Reimbursable Expenses

Projects that previously used revenue method M could have the following three user-defined revenue methods for labor, consultant, and reimbursable revenue categories:

  • A labor revenue method of JTD Direct Labor @ Cost times a Multiplier.
  • A consultant revenue method of JTD Reimb Consultant @ Cost.
  • A Reimb revenue method of JTD Reimb Other @ Cost.