Contents of the Unit Tables Form

Use this form to view and edit existing unit tables. You can also create new unit tables and enter, edit, copy, or delete unit details.


Header Fields

Field Description
Unit Tables search Use the Searches drop-down list to find and select the unit table that you want to review or edit. Type a unit table name in the search field or click Searches to select a standard (Active,All, and Mine) , legacy, personal (My Searches) or shared search: :
  • Click Active to select active unit tables.
  • Click All to select all unit tables (active and inactive).
  • Click Mine to select a unit table to which you have access.
  • Click Legacy Searches: to display a list of unit tables based on a search from previous versions of the application or from legacy systems. Although you cannot modify a legacy search, you can build a new search based on a legacy search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. Click Delete and Start Over to build a new search based on the legacy search.
  • Click My Searches : to display a list of unit tables based on your personal search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update your personal search for future use.
  • Click Shared Searches to display a list of unit tables based on a search shared with other team members and roles. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update the shared search for future use.
  • Click + New Search to create a new search for unit table records. Use both basic and advanced search features on the New Search dialog box to refine search criteria.

    For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record to display on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
+ New Unit Table Click this option to create a new unit table. A blank form opens with the appropriate fields enabled.
Click the Switch to List View icon to switch to the list view of the form. In this view, fields are displayed in columns in one grid on the form. Records are displayed in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking to the right of the grid. This opens the Select Columns dialog box.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

For more information about working in list view, see Use List View.

After you switch to list view, you can click the Switch to Detail View icon to switch back to the detailed view of the form. In detail view, all selected fields are displayed on the form. This is the default view when you first open the application. Subsequently, the view that was active when you closed the application is the one that displays when you open it again. Detail view is the view that is described in the Help.
Unit Table Name Enter the name of the unit table at the upper left of the form. Each unit table must have a unique name. You cannot modify a unit table name after it is saved.

Actions Bar: Commonly Used Actions

Click the buttons on the Actions bar to quickly access commonly performed actions.

Field Description
Edit Select this option to open the form and make changes to the currently selected unit table record.

Actions Bar: Other Actions

Click the Other Actions menu to choose other tasks.

Field Description
Copy Select this option to copy and modify the current record to create a new record. Be sure to specify a unique name for the new record. When you copy a record with attached documents, Vantagepoint does not copy the documents to the new record.
Delete Select this option to delete the current record. When you delete a record, you permanently remove it from the database. The deletion cannot be undone. Verify that the record is no longer in use before you delete it.

Fields and Options

Field Description
Status This indicates the status for the unit table. To change the status, click Edit on the Actions bar. In the Status field, you can choose:
  • Active: Select this option to allow users to select units from this unit table in other Vantagepoint applications, such as Timesheets.
  • Inactive: Select this option if you want to allow users to select units from this unit table in other Vantagepoint applications, such as Timesheets, but you want them to receive a warning letting them know that the unit table is inactive.
  • Dormant: Select this option to prevent users from selecting units from this unit table in other Vantagepoint applications. The unit table is removed from Unit Table drop-down list fields or lookups in the other applications.
Available for Project Estimates This check box indicates whether or not the unit table is available for use in project service estimates.
This check box is displayed if:
  • The CRM Plus module is activated.
  • The Enable Service Estimate check box is selected in the Service Estimate Settings section of the Service Estimate tab in Settings > Projects > Estimates.
Available for Project Planning and Estimates, Available for Project Planning, Available for Project Estimates Select this check box to make the unit table available for use in project plans and/or service estimates.

This check box is only available if the Accounting or PSA module is activated along with the Resource Planning module, the CRM Plus module, or both. To use unit tables in project plans, Resource Planning must be activated. To use unit tables in service estimates, CRM Plus must be activated, and the Enable Service Estimate check box must be selected in Settings > Projects > Estimates.

Cost Currency This is the currency that is used when you cost the units in this table to your projects. To change the cost currency, click Edit on the Actions bar. In the Cost Currency field, select the currency to use for costing. You cannot change the cost currency after you post transactions that reference the unit table.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, this value must match the Project Currency that is selected on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.

Billing Currency This is the currency that is used for billing the units in this table when the units are applied to projects. To change the billing currency, click Edit on the Actions bar. In the Billing Currency field, select the currency to use for billing. You cannot change the billing currency after you post transactions that reference the unit table.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, this value must match the Billing Currency that is selected on the Overview tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub.

Properties Section

To edit the fields in the Properties section, click Edit on the Actions bar. The fields become editable.

Field Description
Code Select the code for the unit table. The items in the drop-down list are set up in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
Organization This is the name of the organization in your firm that is responsible for the unit table. Use the Organization lookup to select the organization.
Principal-in-Charge This is the name of the employee who is the principal for the unit table.
Project Manager This is the name of the employee who is the project manager for the unit table.
Supervisor This is the name of the employee who is the supervisor for the unit table.

Units Grid

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
+ Add Unit Click this option below the grid to display the Add Unit dialog box and add a new unit row to the grid.

To copy, edit, or delete a row in the grid, hover over the row, click , and select the desired option.

Unit Number This column displays the number for the unit.

If you use the Purchasing application and you created the unit from an inventory item, this column displays the item number for the row entry. For more information about how certain data is carried over from an existing inventory item to the Units grid of the unit table, see Unit Fields Based on Inventory Items.

Unit Name This column displays the name for the unit. If you use the Purchasing application and you created the unit from an inventory item, this column displays the item description for the row entry.
Singular Label This column displays the label for the unit as it should display for a singular quantity. For example, it displays day if the unit charge is based on one day of labor.

If you use the Purchasing application and you created the unit table from an inventory item, this column displays the purchasing unit of measure for the row entry.

Plural Label This column displays the label for the unit as it should display for a plural quantity. For example, it displays days if the unit charge is based on two days of labor.

If you use the Purchasing application and you created the unit table from an inventory item, this column displays the purchasing unit of measure for the row entry.

Unit Type This column displays the type of the unit that does not affect processing but is useful for reporting purposes.
Billing Rate This column displays the numeric value for the rate at which to bill each individual unit.
Cost per Unit Enter a numeric value for the rate at which to cost each individual unit. Enter the amount that should be costed to the project and general ledger expense account for each unit. If you enter 0 or leave this field blank, the unit is not costed when you post.

For example, you do not want to cost a unit such as a Survey Crew because their time is costed during timesheet posting. If you set up the information in the Billing section to bill units, the unit displays with unit-level detail options to be billed. If you defined labor billing terms, the timesheet detail displays to be billed and should be written off or charged to a non-billable labor code.

Item This column displays the inventory item associated with the unit.
Category This column displays the category of the inventory item associated with the unit.
Employee-specific Revenue This column displays the option to apply the unit's revenue to a specific employee for calculating employee realization.
Consolidate Posting Detail This column displays the option to consolidate your posting detail by project, phase, task, and account.
Available for Timesheet This column displays the option to make the unit available to timesheet users and be able to enter charges against the unit.
Billing Line Format This column displays the option for the print format of the billing line.
Revenue Posting Account This column displays the revenue account to which to post the unit when the unit is billed to the client. The unit charge is posted to this revenue account during the Final Invoice Accept process.
Consolidate Detail on Bill This column displays the option to consolidate a unit's detail to one line on the invoice.
Show Date on Bill This column displays the option to show the transaction date for every transaction charged to a project.
Show Math on Bill This column displays the option to print the unit billing calculations on the invoice for each unit detail line.
Regular Debit Account This column displays the account number to debit when you post units to a regular project.
Overhead Debit Account This column displays the account number to debit when you post units to an overhead or promotional project.
Credit Project This column displays the project number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using the unit.
Credit Phase This column displays the phase number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using the unit. This column is blank if the associated credit project has no available task to credit.
Credit Task This column displays the task number to credit when you distribute costs to projects using the unit. This column is blank if the associated credit project has no available task to credit.
Credit Account This column displays the account to credit when you distribute costs to projects using the unit.
Field Description

Click to filter the grid contents based on column values. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.