Equipment Form

Use this form to enter, view, and delete asset items and equipment items in the Equipment hub.

The Equipment hub stores two types of items:

  • Asset items: These are items purchased for overhead projects that are capitalized and depreciated over time.

    You can also enter an asset item for capital leases and prepaid items, such as general liability insurance that are amortized over time. Asset items are created from purchasing items that have a category type of Capital Items.

  • Equipment items: These are items purchased for regular projects that you do not depreciate.

    Equipment items are created from purchasing items that have a category type of Equipment.

Asset items and equipment items can be:

  • Automatically generated from line items on purchase orders, change orders, or release orders from blanket purchase orders in Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
  • Automatically generated from line items on AP vouchers in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry (only asset items can be generated, not equipment items).
  • Entered directly in the Equipment hub (without a purchase order or AP voucher).

Equipment Lookup

The Equipment lookup that opens from the Search field on the Equipment form has an Active Assets and an Inactive Assets check box (located below the search results list). Use these options to search for only active asset items, only inactive asset items, or both. The status of an asset item is entered on the GL Book tab of the Equipment form.

Multiple Companies

If you track multiple companies, by default you have access to asset items that are associated with projects from all of your companies on the Equipment lookup, regardless of which company is the active/current company (the company that you selected when you logged in). However, the Restrict Charge Companies check box and the companies that you enter in the Company Access grid on the Accounting tab in the Project hub for a project affect whether or not you can access asset items that are associated with the project from the active (current) company.

  • When you log in and select as the active (current) company a company that is entered in the Company Access grid for a project, you can access the asset items that are associated with the project on the Equipment lookup.
  • When you log in and you select as the active (current) company a company that is not entered in the Company Access grid for a project, you cannot access the asset items that are associated with the project on the Equipment lookup.