Add an Asset Item Directly in the Equipment Hub

You can add asset items directly in the Equipment hub, instead of generating them automatically from another application, such as purchase orders or AP voucher transaction entry.

To add a new asset item directly in the Equipment hub:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Hubs > Equipment.
  2. On the toolbar of the Equipment form, click New > New Equipment.
  3. On the General tab of the Equipment form, enter information for the new asset item.
    You must:
    • Select a purchasing item whose category type is Capital Items in the Item Number field.

      The item's category type displays in the Type field.

    • Select an overhead project in the Project Number field.
  4. On the Purchase Order tab, enter the buyer, the units for the equipment item, a description, and if you use multiple currencies, the currency for the equipment item.
  5. On the Status tab, enter shipping and inspection information.
    You can add this information at a later time, if necessary.
  6. On the Files tab, link any associated files and related URLs (web sites, FTP sites, email addresses, and news groups) to the equipment item.
  7. On the Assignments tab, assign one or more employees to the asset item and enter information about the assignment.
  8. On the GL Cost tab, enter information to determine the depreciation basis for the asset item.
    When you insert an acquisition cost in the Acquisition Cost grid, the type that prefills in the Type field is Insert. The cost is not updated in the general ledger.
  9. On the GL Books tab, enter depreciation or amortization information for the asset item.
  10. On the Additional Books tab, enter depreciation or amortization information for the asset item if you have set up additional depreciation books in Asset Management Settings for tax purposes.
  11. Click Save.