Employees Employment Details Tab

Use this tab in the Employees hub to enter and view an employee's job-related information that is important for human resources and project billing purposes.


Professional Information Section

Field Description
Labor Category Select the default labor category for the employee. The employee's default labor category determines the billing rate for labor that is entered on a timesheet if both of the following apply:
  • The employee's labor hours are applied to a project that bills labor by labor category (By Category is selected in the Method field on the Labor tab in Billing Terms for the project).
  • No override table is specified for the project's billing terms on the Labor tab in Billing Terms, or the employee is not included in the override table that is specified in a project's billing terms

Employees can override the default labor category that prefills on their timesheets if a system administrator has specified that the Labor Category field displays on the Timesheet form (select Name in the Labor Category field in Settings > Time > Options). If None is selected in the Labor Category field in Settings, the Labor Category field does not display on the Timesheet form, and the default labor category that is entered on the Employment Details tab in the Employees hub is always used for an employee.

A system administrator defines the list of labor categories for the drop-down list in this field in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.

Billing labor category rate tables that define billing rates for labor categories and billing override tables are set up in Settings > Rate Tables.

Hours/Day Enter the number of hours per day that the employee is generally expected to work.
Utilization Target

Enter the maximum amount of time (expressed as a percentage) that you can assign the employee as a named resource on your firm's projects. For example, if you expect an employee to spend 75% of their time actively involved in project work, enter 75 in this field.

Resource managers can use the utilization target to help determine if an employee is over-utilized or under-utilized.

The utilization target that you enter here also displays on the Profile tab on the employee card when you open it from Resource View.

Target Ratio

This field displays only if you have both the Accounting and Time & Expense modules installed.

Enter the percentage of the employee's time that you expect will be charged to regular, revenue producing projects. This information displays on the Time Analysis report.

Use one of the following formulas to calculate a target ratio:

  • Gross Chargeable Ratio: Vantagepoint calculates this ratio by dividing the total direct hours by the total hours worked. The average for all employees is typically about 65%.
  • Net Chargeable Ratio: Vantagepoint calculates this ratio by dividing the total direct hours by the total hours charged or worked minus any benefit hours. The average for all employees must be higher than the Gross Chargeable Ratio.
  • Direct Hours divided by Standard Hours
  • Direct Hours divided by (Standard Hours minus Benefit Hours)
Use Total Hours as Standard on Time Analysis

This field displays only if you have both the Accounting and Time & Expense modules installed.

Use this check box to specify how standard hours or amounts are calculated for the employee on the Time Analysis report.

If you select this check box, Vantagepoint uses the total hours worked to determine the standard current (CUR), month-to-date (MTD), and year-to-date (YTD) hours or amounts.

If you do not select this check box, Vantagepoint calculates the standard current (CUR), month-to-date (MTD), and year-to-date (YTD) hours or amounts using one of the following formulas:


Vantagepoint bases the standard hours calculation for current amounts on the job cost frequency. The job cost frequencies and formulas follow:

  • weekly (hours per day x 5)
  • biweekly (hours per day x 10)
  • semi-monthly (hours per day x 260 [52 weeks x 5 days per week] divided by 24 [two periods per month])
  • monthly (hours per day x 260 [52 weeks x 5 days per week] divided by 12 [one period per month])


Vantagepoint bases the standard hours calculation for month-to-date amounts on the following formula:

Hours per day x number of workdays between the accounting period start or hire date and the "as of" date specified on the General tab for Time Analysis

Vantagepoint increases the number of workdays to the nearest week. For example, if your employee completes 22 workdays for the current month, Vantagepoint increases the figure to 25 to calculate standard hours for five complete weeks.


Vantagepoint bases the standard hours calculation for year-to-date amounts on the following formula: hours per day x number of workdays between the fiscal year start or hire date and the as of date specified on the General tab for Time Analysis.

Vantagepoint increases the number of workdays to the nearest week. If, for example, your employee has completed 22 workdays for the current year, Vantagepoint increases the figure to 25 to calculate standard hours for five complete weeks.

Key Dates Section

Field Description
Hire Date Enter the date on which the employee was hired.
Raise Date Enter the date of the employee's next scheduled raise.
Termination Date

Enter the date that the employee was terminated.

When there is a date in this field, the Standard Hours on the Time Analysis report stop on the entered date. For example, if the Termination Date is 05/01/2021, there are no standard hours on the Time Analysis report past 05/01/2021 when using the Hours-per-Day method to calculate standard hours. If you terminate and then rehire the employee, you must clear the Termination Date field for the correct data to display on the Time Analysis report.