Set Up Accounts Payable Discounts

You set up discount codes and their general ledger accounts for accounts payable vouchers for a project/phase/task. There is no limit to the number of discount codes that you can define for your enterprise.

You can add or modify discount codes at any time. You can delete a discount code only if there has been no activity posted to it in the current fiscal year.

To set up accounts payable discount codes:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.
  2. Click the Discounts tab of the Accounts Payable settings form.
  3. To add a new discount code, click + Add Discount below the Discounts grid.
  4. Enter the name and description for the discount code.
    The description is used in place of the code on accounts payable reports. If you use organizations, you may want to include the name of the organization.
  5. Specify the project, phase, and task (if applicable) that will receive the discounted credit amount when you post payments in Accounts Payable Payment Processing.
  6. Enter or select the account to which the discount amount is credited.
  7. If you want the discount applied to the taxes included on vouchers, select the Apply Taxes option.
    If a vendor has a discount code and a tax code set up in the Firms hub, when you post a check for a voucher with taxes applied, the discount is also applied to the tax amount (if the payment falls within the discount period).
  8. Click Save.