Set Up Accounts Payable

Define settings that affect how vouchers are processed and paid. For example, you can require voucher numbers for AP vouchers, suppress leading zeros in voucher numbers, enable expense codes, or require expense categories.

To specify accounts payable settings:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.
  2. On the Options tab of the Accounts Payable settings form, to require voucher numbers when accounts payable vouchers are entered in Transaction Entry, set Require Entry of Voucher Numbers to Yes.
  3. To have a warning message display when a user enters a duplicate invoice number, set Warning for Duplicate Invoices to Yes.
    These warnings display in the Transaction Center for Create Voucher from PO, AP Disbursements, and AP Vouchers.
  4. To suppress leading zeros in voucher numbers, set Display Voucher Number Leading Zero to No.
    Suppressing leading zeros may make voucher numbers easier to read on certain reports and dialog boxes.
  5. To use accounts payable expense codes in the Transaction Center, set Enable Expense Code to Yes.
    When you enable expense codes, the following items are enabled throughout Vantagepoint:
    • A Default Expense Code field In the Default Voucher Section of the Vendors tab in the Firms hub.
    • An AP Bill by Default section on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.
    • An Expense Code Overrides menu item in Expense Codes Settings in the desktop application.
    • An Expense Code field in the Transaction Center, for Accounts Payable Disbursements and Accounts Payable Vouchers.
  6. Use the Require Expense Category For option to specify the expense code requirements for accounts payable voucher and accounts payable disbursement entry in the Transaction Center.
    Select one of the following settings:
    • Not Required: You can complete accounts payable voucher and accounts payable disbursement entry without expense codes. If a vendor has a default expense code, it prefills for vouchers and disbursements, but users can delete any prefilled expense code and leave the Expense Code field blank.
    • Regular Projects: You are required to enter expense codes only for projects with a regular charge type.
    • All Projects: You are required to enter expense codes for projects with all charge types (regular, overhead, and promotional). You specify the project charge type on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.
  7. To specify the project, phase, or task level to enter receipts against, use the Project Level to Determine Paid Status option.
    Otherwise, the invoice is not marked as paid.
  8. Click Save.