Display Custom Check Templates as Options in the Template Field

You can create custom templates for accounts payable checks with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services report writing tools. Contact the Deltek Customer Care team for more information.

The custom templates display as options in the Template field in the Company section of the Accounts Payable settings form.

To set custom templates to display as options in the Template field:

  1. Follow the correct naming convention for each custom template file:
    • Canada: CheckAPDefault_CAD_UniqueTemplateName_Custom.rdl
    • United Kingdom: CheckAPDefault_UK_UniqueTemplateName_Custom.rdl
    • United States: CheckAPDefault_UniqueTemplateName_Custom.rdl
  2. Store the custom template file in the Vantagepoint\Reports\Custom\Check folder on your application server. The default location is C:\Program Files\Deltek\DeltekPS\Reports\Custom\Check. The Check folder does not have to be directly under the Custom folder. You can have other folders between the Custom and the Check folders (for example:  \Reports\Custom\<XXXXX>\Check).
  3. To use subreports for custom templates, copy the following subreports from the \Deltek\DeltekPS\Reports\Check folder on your Vantagepoint application server to the \Deltek\DeltekPS\Reports\Custom folder on your application server.
    • InvoiceDetails.rdl
    • EFT_AP.rdl
Warning: You can modify the subreports in the Custom folder, but you must not rename them. If you rename them, when you print checks with a custom check template, the subreports will not be found.