Move a Timesheet Entry on the Calendar

You can change the locations and durations of your timesheet entries on the calendar.

You can move a timesheet entry on the calendar if the new date is within a timesheet period that is in progress or if you are allowed to resubmit timesheets. You cannot move timesheet entries that are in the approval process or fall within a timesheet period that is closed. Timesheet entries can overlap only if you are not required to enter Start and End Times for your timesheet.

To move a timesheet entry:

  1. In the navigation pane, go to the My Stuff section and select Calendar.
  2. Click the entry you want to move and drag it to the new location on the calendar.
    • If the calendar is in Day view, you can drag the timesheet entry block to a new time period in the same day. You can also click and drag the bottom of the entry up or down to shorten or lengthen the time duration.
    • If the calendar is in Week view, you can drag the timesheet entry block to a new time period in the week. You can also click and drag the bottom of the entry up or down to shorten or lengthen the time duration.
    • If the calendar is in Month view, you can drag the timesheet entry block to another day in the month but you cannot change the duration of the entry.
    If you move the entry to a different timesheet period, the entry displays in the new time location on the Calendar and is also updated on the employee Timesheets form in the new timesheet period and removed from the original timesheet period. If timesheet auditing is enabled, the entry in the original timesheet period continues to display on the employee Timesheets form with the hours removed from the right grid.