Accounting Tab of the Projects Form

Use the Accounting tab to enter a variety of accounting information for the project, including billing client information, revenue calculation methods, and cost calculation methods.


Field Description
Charge Type This field displays the project's charge type:
  • Regular: Regular projects are revenue-producing projects. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expense, and reimbursable expense.
  • Overhead: Overhead projects are not revenue-producing. Costs charged to overhead projects include indirect labor and indirect expense. The total cost of these projects is distributed to regular projects during overhead allocation. Typical overhead projects include General Overhead, Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday, and Civic Duty. Overhead projects zero out when you initialize for a new fiscal year.

    Because of the very different purposes of overhead projects and regular projects, a number of fields, and options that are available in the Projects hub for regular projects are not available for overhead projects (for example, fields and options related to billing and revenue).

  • Promotional: A promotional project is a special project that you create specifically for managing the pursuit of a new contract, for tracking labor costs and other expenses that you incur in the process of that pursuit, or for both purposes. Promotional projects are similar to overhead projects in that they do not produce revenue. However, Vantagepoint does not zero out job-to-date (JTD) costs for a promotional project when you initialize for a new fiscal year.

    A promotional project can be linked to a specific regular project, or it can be a standalone project with no associated regular project. You can link a standalone promotional project to a regular project at any time (for example, after you win the contract and set up the regular project in Vantagepoint).

    Because of the very different purposes of promotional projects and regular projects, a number of fields, and options that are available in the Projects hub for regular projects are not available for promotional projects (for example, fields and options related to contract amounts).

Once you assign a charge type to a new project, you cannot change it. If you save a project with the wrong charge type, delete the project and add it again.

Approved for Use in Processing Select this option if the WBS element is approved for use when processing accounting transactions.
To set this option, you must be designated as an Accounting user through your security role. It is not available to any other users. Vantagepoint sets this option by default when an Accounting user does the following:
  • When you add a new project that is assigned to a Won stage, it is selected for all WBS elements.
  • When you add a new phase or task to a project that is assigned to a Won stage, it is selected for that new WBS element.
  • When you add a new project that is assigned to any type of stage except a Won stage, it is not selected for any WBS elements.
  • When you add a new phase or task to a project that is assigned to any type of stage except a Won stage, it is not selected for that new WBS element.
  • When you change the stage of a project from an In Pursuit stage to a Won stage, it is selected for the top-level WBS element.
You can set this option as appropriate for each WBS element individually. If this option is selected, Vantagepoint prompts you to enter any required information that is missing on the Accounting tab and elsewhere in the Projects hub.

Accounting users can select this option at any time. However, you can clear this option only if the WBS element has not been used in any accounting transactions.

Billing Client Select the firm that is the client to be billed for the project. You can only select firms that are marked as a client in the Firms hub. (You can also specify the billing client on the Invoices form and on the Billing Terms form.) The billing client can be different than the primary client selected on the Overview tab.

When you specify a billing client, Vantagepoint does the following, if not done previously:

  • Adds the client to the Firms grid on the Team tab.
  • Adds the project to the Projects grid on the Associations tab for the client in the Firms hub.
Address Description Select the client address that you want to use as the billing address. This address displays on invoices. (You can also specify the billing address on the Invoices form in the Projects hub.)

When you are in Edit mode, the actual address does not display in this field, only the description of the address from the Firms hub. When you are not in Edit mode, the full address displays along with the billing client name.

Contact Select the billing contact for the project. This contact must be associated with the billing client. (You can also enter or change the billing contact on the Invoices form or on the Billing Terms form.)

When you specify a billing contact, Vantagepoint does the following:

  • Adds the contact to the Team Members grid on the Team tab.
  • Adds the project to the Project grid on the Associations tab for the contact's record in the Contacts hub.
Revenue Method Use this drop-down list to select a revenue method for the project, phase, or task. The revenue method that you select determines how Vantagepoint recognizes revenue for the project as it accrues.

Vantagepoint provides standard revenue methods if the revenue generation feature is enabled.

If a project contains phases or tasks, you specify the revenue method at the phase or task level, unless the Overall Revenue field on this tab is set to Calculation. If that is the case, you can also specify a revenue method at the project level.

Multiplier or Amount Enter the multiplier or amount by which to increase or decrease revenue for the project, phase, or task. Revenue method calculations that contain a multiplier or an amount use this field.

For example, if you select Revenue Method M, (Job-to-date Direct Labor x Multiplier) + Job-to-date Reimbursable Expenses @ Cost Rates, and you want the multiplier to be two and one half times labor, enter 2.50 in this field.

Revenue Methods Revenue methods are formulas used for calculating revenue when you run Revenue Generation. After you consider a project's contract type and other factors, you assign a revenue method to each revenue category that will accurately recognize each category's revenue. You establish revenue methods in Settings > Accounting > Revenue and in Settings > Accounting > User Defined Revenue.

Each category’s revenue method calculates JTD revenue independently of other categories when Revenue Generation is run. If a project contains phases or tasks, you specify the revenue method for each category at the phase or task level, not at the project level.

Labor Select the revenue method for labor. This drop-down list lists all revenue methods defined for labor.
Consultant Select the revenue method for consultants.
Expense Select the revenue method for reimbursable expenses.
Revenue Method 4 Select the revenue method for units.
Revenue Method 5 Select the revenue method for "other" revenue.
Enable Overall Revenue Limit Select this check box to enable the overall revenue upset limit feature for this project. When you select this option, Vantagepoint enables the Include in Limit fields.

If you select this check box at the phase or task level, then Vantagepoint defaults to the Upset Limits option. You cannot modify this selection.

If you select this check box at the project level and Enable Additional Revenue Calculations at Project and Group Levels is selected in Settings > Accounting > Revenue, you can select a method for overall revenue in the Basis field.

Basis If this field is available, select one of the following methods for overall revenue:
  • Upset Limits: Select this option at the project level to define a limit for the entire project. Vantagepoint calculates revenue at each of the lower WBS levels and then compares this value with the limit that you set in the Include in Limit section of this tab (which can be a combination of any of the values in the Compensation, Direct Consultant, and Reimbursable Allowance fields). If the calculated revenue is higher than the compensation, the difference is posted to the adjustment phase and task. Select this option at the phase or task level if you use the revenue by category feature and want to define a limit for the WBS level that includes multiple revenue categories. When you select this option, Vantagepoint enables the To Adjust fields and the Include in Limit fields.
  • Revenue Method: Select this option to calculate overall revenue at the project level. Vantagepoint calculates the revenue at each of the lower WBS levels and then compares it to the value of the revenue calculation defined at the project level. When you select this option, Vantagepoint enables the following fields: Revenue Method or Revenue Categories, if you use revenue categories, and To Adjust. If you select this option, but the project is already listed as a subproject for a revenue group, revenue calculation is not allowed.
To Adjust These fields are required if you select Enable Overall Revenue Limit. These fields calculate overall revenue for all subprojects that are part of a revenue group for the specified revenue method. If there are differences within the calculations, Vantagepoint posts based on the entries in the Phase, Task, or Category fields within the To Adjust group box.
Phase to Adjust Select the phase that you want to use as the adjustment phase for this project.

The adjustment phase is the phase to which Vantagepoint posts the negative revenue amount needed to keep the project's total revenue within the upset limit. You should define a separate phase solely for this purpose. The revenue method for this phase should be N (no revenue recognition).

Task to Adjust This field is required if the Phase to Adjust has tasks.

Select the task that you want to use as the adjustment task for this project. The adjustment task is the task to which Vantagepoint posts the negative revenue amount needed to keep the project's total revenue within the upset limit.

Category to Adjust This field displays if you use revenue categories. Select a revenue category to be used to determine the unbilled revenue and unbilled services accounts that are used for the adjustment when the revenue limit is reached.
Include in Limit If you set Basis to Upset Limits, indicate what sources of revenue you want to include when Vantagepoint calculates revenue. If the calculated revenue is higher than the compensation, the difference posts to the adjustment phase and task.
Compensation Select this option to include compensation in the revenue upset limit calculation.
Direct Consultant Select this option to include direct consultant fees in the revenue upset limit calculation.
Reimbursable Allowance Select this option to include the reimbursable allowance in the revenue upset limit calculation.
Budgeted Overhead Rate Enter the budgeted overhead rate for the project, phase, or task. You should only enter a budgeted overhead rate for projects with the Regular charge type.

If you use the assignment method for overhead allocation, Vantagepoint uses the budgeted overhead rate for both budgeting and allocation purposes. For all other overhead allocation methods, Vantagepoint uses the budgeted overhead rate to calculate the overhead amount only for the project budget.

If a project WBS contains phases or tasks, you specify the budgeted overhead rate at the phase or task level, not at the project level. Use this field to override your company's standard overhead rate, which you define in Settings > Accounting > Overhead Allocation.

Payroll Tax Locale Select the state for the payroll tax. Vantagepoint uses this tax locale during payroll processing to calculate withholding taxes for an employee if you selected the Follow Project Locale method for an employee (in the Locale Method field on the Payroll tab in the Employees hub).

When the Follow Project Locale method is selected for an employee, Vantagepoint uses the following hierarchy to determine the tax locale to use to calculate withholdings for the employee when payroll is processed:

  1. Use the tax locale that is entered in the Payroll Tax Locale field at the task level if the tax locale is specified as Active for an employee in the State/Local/Tax Jurisdictions grid on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.
  2. If no tax locale is found in step 1, use the tax locale that is entered in the Payroll Tax Locale field at the phase level if the tax locale is specified as Active for an employee in the State/Local/Tax Jurisdictions grid on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub.
  3. If no tax locale is found in step 2, use the tax locale that is entered in the Payroll Tax Locale field at the project level if the tax locale is specified as Active for an employee in the State/Local/Tax Jurisdictions grid on the Payroll tab on the Employees hub.
  4. If no tax locale is found in step 3, use the employee's default tax locale that is entered in the Default Tax Locale field on the Payroll tab in the Employees hub.
Field Description
Cost Method Select the cost calculation method you want to use for a project, phase, or task. You can specify different cost methods for some WBS elements than you do for others.

This field displays if the Enable Cost Rate Tables option is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options. Use the cost rate tables to override the cost rate information entered in the Employees hub.

The settings for this option are as follows:

  • None: This is the default value. If you select this setting at the phase or task level, Vantagepoint uses the method selected at the next higher level of the WBS. If you select this setting at all WBS levels, Vantagepoint uses the cost rate specified for the employee in the Employees hub.
  • From Employee Cost Rate: Select this option to use the employee's cost rate for the project, phase, or task.
  • From Labor Rate Table: Select this option to specify a labor rate table to use for the project, phase, or task.
  • From Category Rate Table: Select this option to specify a labor category rate table to use for the project, phase, or task.
  • From Labor Code Table: Select this option to specify a labor code table to use for the project, phase, or task.

Cost Method Hierarchy

You can also specify cost rate methods and tables on the Accounting tab of the Employees hub. When you post employee labor charges to a project, Vantagepoint looks first at the project record and then at the employee record to determine how to apply cost rates. Vantagepoint uses the first setting it finds, based on the following hierarchy:

  1. Projects hub: Task Cost Method field on the Accounting tab.
  2. Projects hub: Phase Cost Method field on the Accounting tab.
  3. Projects hub: Project Cost Method field on the Accounting tab.
  4. Employees hub: Cost Rate Table Method field on the Accounting tab.
  5. Employees hub: Rate field ion the Accounting tab.

If you track multiple companies in Vantagepoint, and cost rates are not enabled for the active company, the Cost Method and Cost Table fields do not display on the Accounting tab of the Projects form.

Cost Table If you selected a cost method that uses rate tables, select the rate table for the WBS element. The drop-down list displays the rate tables that are appropriate for the cost method you selected.

This field displays if the Enable Cost Rate Tables option is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Use the cost rate tables to override the cost rate information entered in the Employees hub.

If you track multiple companies and cost rates are not enabled for the active company, the Cost Method and Cost Table fields do not display on the Accounting tab of the Projects form.

Pay Method Select the pay rate method that you want to use for a project, phase, or task. You can specify different pay methods for some WBS elements than you do for others.

This field displays if the Payroll module is activated and the Enable Pay Rate Tables option is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options. Use the pay rate tables to override the pay rate information entered in the Employees hub.

The settings for this option are as follows:

  • None: This is the default value. If you select this setting at the phase or task level, Vantagepoint uses the method selected at the next higher level of the WBS. If you select this setting at all WBS levels, Vantagepoint uses the pay rate specified for the employee in the Employees hub.
  • From Labor Rate Table: Select this option to specify a labor rate table to use for the project, phase, or task.
  • From Category Rate Table: Select this option to specify a labor category rate table to use for the project, phase, or task.
  • From Labor Code Table: Select this option to specify a labor code table to use for the project, phase, or task.

Pay Method Hierarchy

You can also specify pay rate methods and tables on the Payroll tab of the Employees hub. When you post employee labor charges to a project, Vantagepoint looks first at the project record and then at the employee record (if necessary) to determine how to apply pay rates. Vantagepoint uses the first setting it finds, based on the following hierarchy:

  • Projects hub record: Task: Pay Method field on the Accounting tab.
  • Projects hub record: Phase: Pay Method field on the Accounting tab.
  • Projects hub record: Project: Pay Method field on the Accounting tab.
  • Employees hub: Pay Rate Table Method field on the Payroll tab.
  • Employees hub: Pay Rate field on the Payroll tab.

If you track multiple companies and pay rate tables are not enabled for the active company, the Pay Method and PayTable fields do not display on the Accounting tab of the Projects form.

Pay Table If you selected a pay method that uses rate tables, select the rate table for the WBS element. The drop-down list displays the rate tables that are appropriate for the cost method you selected.

This field displays if the Payroll module is activated and the Enable Pay Rate Tables option is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options. Use the pay rate tables to override the pay rate information entered in the Employees hub.

If you track multiple companies and pay rate tables are not enabled for the active company, the Pay Method and Pay Table fields do not display on the Accounting tab of the Projects form.

Apply Rate Method at This Level This field indicates which labor cross charge settings currently apply to this project/phase/task:
  • Global: Select this option to apply the settings from the organization or system level.
  • Project: Select this option to apply a rate method specified on this tab in Rate Method.
  • None: Select this option to disable the labor cross charge feature.

This field displays only if Enable Cross Charge Feature is selected in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Rate Method If you set Apply Rate Method at This Level to Project, select the labor cross charge transfer price calculation method for this project, phase, or task:
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to apply the project, phase, or task's billing terms. If none are specified, Vantagepoint first uses the billing terms set in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms. If none are specified, Vantagepoint then uses the billing terms from Settings > Billing > Default Terms.
  • Multiplier: Select this option to apply a multiplier. Enter the new multiplier in the unlabeled field to the right.
Require Comments for Hours Use this option to control whether comments are required when an employee enters time for a project. This setting allows you to override at the project level the Require Comments setting established in Settings > Time > Options.

The options are:

  • Company: Select this option to honor the timesheet comments option selected on the Options form for timesheet settings.
  • Yes: Select this option to require employees to enter comments for time charged to the project, regardless of how the option is set in Time Settings.
  • No: Select this option to not require the employees to enter comments for time charged to the project, regardless of how the option is set in Time Settings.

The project-level override for timesheet comments does not apply to special category projects. For special category projects, Vantagepoint honors the Require Comments setting on the Options form for timesheet settings.

Apply Timesheet Approval Condition You can use this field as a reference when you create conditions for approval workflow steps. You create approval workflow steps in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application.

Selecting Yes or No for this option does not directly impact any timesheet line approval. This field is only used as an optional condition for an approval workflow step.

Budget Validation Options Use the options under Budget Validation to implement validation of time records based on either the budget or the plan for the project. You specify validation at the lowest level of each branch of the WBS, and you specify validation individually for each lowest-level WBS element. The validation occurs as employees enter time on their timesheets.

The validation options are described below. For a description of the validation that occurs for each possible combination of these options, see Budget Validation for Timesheets.

Budget Validation: Type of Validation Select a type of validation to apply to time records entered for the WBS element:
  • None: Timesheet entries are not checked against budget or plan information.
  • Warning: Timesheet entries are checked against budget or plan information. The employee receives a warning message if a time record fails validation. However, the employee can still save and submit the timesheet without changing that time record.
  • Error: Timesheet entries are checked against budget or plan information. The employee receives an error message if a time record fails validation. The employee is not allowed to save or submit the timesheet without correcting the invalid entries.
Budget Validation: Budgeted Source If you selected Warning or Error in Type of Validation, select the source of the information that you want to use to validate time records:
  • Budget Worksheet: Use budget information entered on the Budget form in the Projects hub. If Vantagepoint is not set up to use labor codes, you cannot enter labor budgets for projects, and this option is not available.
  • Project Planning: Use plan information entered on the Plan form in the Projects hub or entered using Project View or Resource View in Resource Management.
Budget Validation: Budgeted Level If you selected Project Planning in Budgeted Source, select the level of plan information that you want to use to validate time records:
  • Employee Only: Use plan information for the employee only.
  • Labor Code Only: Use plan information for the labor code only. If Vantagepoint is not set up to use labor codes, this option is not available.
  • Both: Use plan information for the combination of labor code and employee. If Vantagepoint is not set up to use labor codes, this option is not available.

If you selected Budget Worksheet in Budgeted Source, this field does not display.

Budget Validation: Check Project Plan Start and End Dates If you selected Project Planning in Budgeted Source, select this check box to have Vantagepoint verify that, when hours are entered for a timesheet period, the project plan contains planned hours for that employee and/or labor code (depending on the selection in Budgeted Level) for dates that fall within the timesheet period.

If this check box is selected, one of the following occurs when a time record is entered for a WBS element:

  • If Employee Only is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that planned hours exist for the combination of WBS and employee for dates in the timesheet period.
  • If Labor Code Only is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that planned hours exist for the combination of WBS and labor code for dates in the timesheet period. (When matching time record labor code to plan labor code, only the codes for the labor code levels you select in Labor Code Levels are checked.)
  • If Both is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that planned hours exist for the combination of WBS, labor code, and employee for dates in the timesheet period. (When matching time record labor code to plan labor code, only the codes for the labor code levels you select in Labor Code Levels are checked.)

If you selected Budget Worksheet in Budgeted Source, this check box does not display.

Budget Validation: Check Project Plan Planned Hours If you selected Project Planning in Budgeted Source and either Employee Only or Both in Budgeted Level, select this check box to have Vantagepoint verify that the hours an employee enters against a WBS element do not exceed the remaining planned hours.

If this check box is selected, one of the following occurs when a time record is entered for a WBS element:

  • If Employee Only is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that the time record hours do not exceed the remaining planned hours for the combination of WBS and employee.
  • If Both is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that the time record hours do not exceed the total remaining planned hours for the combination of WBS, labor code, and employee. (When matching time record labor code to plan labor code, only the codes for the labor code levels you select in Labor Code Levels are checked.)

Note that If the Check Project Plan Start and End Dates check box is also selected, the timesheet hours are checked against the remaining planned hours for dates that fall within the current timesheet period. If the Check Project Plan Start and End Dates check box is not selected, the timesheet hours are checked against the total remaining planned hours through the plan end date. When timesheet hours are checked against the total remaining planned hours, any unposted timesheets are included in the calculation of remaining hours.

Budget Validation: Labor Code Levels If you selected Budget Worksheet in Budgeted Source or you selected Project Planning in Budgeted Source and either Labor Code Only or Both in Budgeted Level, select the labor code levels that you want Vantagepoint to check to validate time record labor codes. When Vantagepoint matches the time record labor code to plan or budget labor codes, only the codes for the selected labor code levels must match. All codes for levels not selected here are assumed to be valid.

For example, suppose your labor codes have two levels, Department and Service. You want to validate against the project budget to make sure that employees only enter time for budgeted departments, but you do not want to validate entries at the service level. To do that, you select the Department check box under Labor Code Levels and leave the Service check box unselected. When an employee enters time for a WBS branch and labor code 0121 (Department 01, Service 21), Vantagepoint verifies that a budget exists for that WBS branch for at least one labor code with 01 at the department level. Because you did not set up the project to validate the service level, Vantagepoint does not check for budgeted labor codes with 21 at the service level.

If you select one or more labor code level check boxes, one of the following occurs when a time record is entered for a WBS element:

  • If Budget Worksheet is selected in Budgeted Source, Vantagepoint verifies that a budget exists for the combination of WBS and labor code.
  • If Project Planning is selected in Budgeted Source and Labor Code Only is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that planned hours exist for the combination of WBS and labor code. (If Check Project Plan Start and End Dates is also selected, additional validation occurs. See the description of that option above for more information.)
  • If Project Planning is selected in Budgeted Source and Both is selected in Budgeted Level, Vantagepoint verifies that planned hours exist for the combination of WBS, labor code, and employee. (If Check Project Plan Start and End Dates, Check Project Plan Planned Hours, or both are also selected, additional validation occurs. See the description of those options above for more information.)

You are not required to select any labor code levels. However, if you do not select any levels, no labor code validation occurs; all labor codes are considered valid.

If you set up the project for planning at the labor code level using the Plan Settings dialog box, you also select labor code levels there that you specifically want to enter planned hours for. Frequently, the levels selected for planning and the levels selected for budget validation are the same. However, that is not required. For example, you could plan down to the second level of the labor code structure, but only validate time records to verify that planned hours exist for the top level of the labor code.

Unit Table Select a unit table to associate with the project. Vantagepoint uses the unit table as the default when billing unit charges for the project. You can override the unit table in transaction entry. If a project contains phases or tasks, you specify the unit table at the lowest WBS level, not at the project level.

If you track multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the drop-down list includes the unit tables in which the cost and billing currencies match the currencies selected in the Project Currency and Billing Currency fields on the Overview tab. Dormant unit tables are never available for selection.

Bill by Default Specify whether or not certain expenses charged to this WBS element should be billed to the client.

The expense charges must be associated with a specific expense category, as defined in Settings > Expense > Expense Categories.

The options are:

  • Yes: Select this option to always bill expense charges to the client, regardless of whether the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category on the Categories form.
  • No: Select this option to never bill expense charges to the client, regardless of whether the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category on the Categories form.
  • Category: Select this option to only bill charges to the client if the Bill by Default option is selected for the associated category on the Categories form.

This field is enabled for regular projects only and must be selected at the lowest level of the project structure.

Billable Message Use this drop-down list to specify whether or not to display an error message in the Expense Report application when a user charges certain expenses to this project. You can choose to display a message when a user enters an expense category on an expense report and there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project.

This field is only available if you select Yes or No in Bill by Default.

The options are:

  • None: Vantagepoint does not display any message when there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project.
  • Warning: Vantagepoint displays a warning message when there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project. You must explicitly choose to continue with the transaction to process the expense charge to the project using the selected category.
  • Error : Vantagepoint displays an error message when there is a difference between the bill by default method for the category and the project. You cannot process the expense charge to the project using the selected category.

This field is enabled for regular projects only and must be selected at the lowest level of the project structure.

Apply Expense Approval Condition You can use this field as a reference when you create conditions for approval workflow steps. You create approval workflow steps in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application.

Selecting Yes or No for this option does not directly impact any expense line approval. This field is only used as an optional condition for an approval workflow step.

AP Bill by Default This group box displays when you select the Enable Expense Codes option on the Options tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable.

When the expense codes feature is enabled, Vantagepoint enters an expense code on both AP voucher and AP disbursement transactions. Each expense code is assigned to an individual expense code type (consultants or other), which can then be specified as billable or not billable at the project level. If it is billable, Vantagepoint defaults the expense code's reimbursable account during AP voucher and AP disbursement transaction entry. If it is not billable, Vantagepoint defaults the expense code's direct general ledger expense account during AP voucher and AP disbursement transaction entry.

You can also set the expense code type to follow the Bill by Default setting on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes in the desktop application). The Bill by Default setting can be used when you first select the Enable expense codes option, enabling you to start using the feature before you enter the bill by default settings for each project on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub.

Bill by Default Hierarchy

For projects that have the Regular charge type, Vantagepoint determines whether the project's expenses are billable or not by looking at the bill by default setting at the following locations in the order listed. It uses the first one found.

  • Expense code override table: If a project has an expense code override table selected on the Accounting tab of the Projects hub, Vantagepoint uses the bill by default setting for the expense code from the project's expense code override table.
  • Project: If no expense code override table is found for the project or the expense code is not listed on the override table for a project, Vantagepoint looks at the bill by default settings for the project in the Consultants and Other Expenses fields in the AP Bill by Default section on the Accounting tab on the Projects form. If the expense code on the AP voucher or AP disbursement is a consultant expense code type, Vantagepoint looks at the Consultants field for the bill by default setting. If the expense code is an other expense code type, Vantagepoint looks at the Other Expenses field for the bill by default setting.
  • Expense code: If the project's bill by default setting in the Consultants or Other Expenses field in the Projects hub is Expense Code, Vantagepoint looks at the bill by default setting for the AP transaction's expense code on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).

Because there are two types of expense codes, consultants and other, there are Consultants and Other Expenses fields in the AP Bill by Default section on this tab. The default setting for both of these is Expense Code. This means thatVantagepoint uses the bill by default setting for the expense code. Thus, you can use expense codes as soon as you set them up, without setting up the bill by default setting for each project.

Consultants Select one of the following bill by default settings for the consultant expense code type:
  • Expense Code: Select this option if you want the Bill by Default setting of the expense code to determine if the consultant expense is billable. During AP transaction entry, when the project and expense code are entered, the reimbursable or direct expense account for the expense code defaults based on the expense code’s bill by default setting on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).
  • Yes: Select this option to define all consultant type expense codes as reimbursable for this project. Vantagepoint uses the expense code’s reimbursable expense account as defined on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).
  • No: Select this option to define all consultant type expense codes as not reimbursable for this project. Vantagepoint uses the expense code’s direct expense account as defined on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).
Other Expenses Select one of the following bill by default settings for the other expenses expense code type:
  • Expense Code: Select this option if you want the Bill by Default setting of the expense code to determine if the other expense is billable. During AP transaction entry, when the project and expense code are entered, the reimbursable or direct expense account for the expense code defaults based on the expense code’s bill by default setting on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).
  • Yes: Select this option to define all other type expense codes as reimbursable for this project. Vantagepoint uses the expense code’s reimbursable expense account as defined on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).
  • No: Select this option to define all other type expense codes as not reimbursable for this project. Vantagepoint uses the expense code’s direct expense account as defined on the Expense Codes Accounting tab of the Expense Codes form (Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes of the desktop application).
Override Table Select an override table from the list of override tables set up in Settings > Cash Management > Expense Codes in the desktop application.

Override tables are exception tables that enable you to assign bill by default settings to specific expense codes. Those settings then override any other expense code or expense code type bill by default settings for the project.

For example, all expense codes with the Other expense code type are reimbursable to the client except copies and faxes. In this scenario, you could define other expenses as billable on the Accounting tab on the Projects form by selecting Yes in Other Expenses. You could then enter the expense code for copies and faxes in an expense code override table, but not select the associated Bill by Default option in Expense Codes Settings in the desktop application..

Purchasing Commitments Enter the multipliers for consultant and reimbursable committed expenses.
Consultant Multiplier Enter a multiplier for calculating an estimate of billable committed consultant expenses for the project.

After you process a final purchase order, your committed expenses can be shown on Project Summary reports in the Committed Cost column. When you run project reports at billing rates, the billable committed expenses are calculated using the multiplier specified here.

Committed expenses do not display on financial statements. When a purchase order becomes a voucher, the committed expenses become actual expenses and can then be displayed on financial statements.

This field displays if the Purchasing module is activated.

Reimbursable Multiplier Enter a multiplier for calculating an estimate of reimbursable committed expenses for the project.

After you process a final purchase order, your committed expenses can be shown on Project Summary reports in the Committed Cost column. When you run project reports at billing rates, the reimbursable committed expenses are calculated using the multiplier specified here.

Committed expenses do not display on financial statements. When a purchase order becomes a voucher, the committed expenses become actual expenses and can then be displayed on financial statements.

This field displays if the Purchasing module is activated.

Restrict Charge Companies This option is available if Vantagepoint is set up for multiple companies. This check box is available only at the lowest level of the project's WBS.

By default, the same project records are available in all of your companies, regardless of which company is the currently active company (the company that you selected when you logged into Vantagepoint). Select this check box for a WBS element if you want to restrict the companies in which the following tasks can be performed:

  • Charge labor and expenses to the WBS element.
  • Select asset items that are associated with the WBS element, if the Asset Management module is activated.

When you select this check box, a grid displays for specifying the companies in which these tasks can be performed.

Company access grid

This grid displays when you select the Restrict Charge Companies check box.

In this grid, enter the companies in which users can do the following:

  • Charge labor and expenses to the WBS element.
  • Select asset items that are associated with the WBS element, if the Asset Management module is activated.

When you log into Vantagepoint and select a company that is in this grid for a project, you can do the tasks listed above for the WBS element. When you log into Vantagepoint in a company that is not in this grid for a WBS element, you cannot do those tasks.

Field Description
Firm Select the companies in which you can charge labor and expenses to the WBS element and select asset items for the WBS element.

If you later change this list of companies (which can only happen if there are no postings), and there are billing terms, Vantagepoint validates any tax codes that are defined in the billing terms. This validation ensures that the tax amount is properly expensed to the correct company.

Name This column displays the company name.
To copy or delete a grid row, click this icon and select the option that you want.
+Add Company Click this link to display a blank row in the grid so you can add a company to the list.

Intercompany Labor Billing

Field Description
Apply Rate Method at This Level

If you use multiple companies, specify how you want to handle intercompany billing for labor charges for this project:

  • Global: Select this option to apply global intercompany rate methods. Vantagepoint checks the Global Posting Accounts Options in Settings > Accounting > Posting Accounts to see if a rate is specified at the organization level. If not, Vantagepoint processes intercompany labor charges for the project using the settings in Settings > Accounting > Intercompany Billing in the desktop application.
  • Project: Select this option to specify a rate method or multiplier for the project different from those set up at the organization or company level.
Rate Method

If you select Project in Apply Rate Method at This Level, select one of the following rate methods to process intercompany labor charges for the project:

  • Multiplier: Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on cost and a cost multiplier.
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on the project's billing terms. If no billing terms exist for the project, Vantagepoint uses the reporting default billing terms specified in Settings > Billing > Reporting Default Terms. Specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rate defined in the billing terms.
  • Rate Table: Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.
  • By Category: Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor category table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.
  • By Labor Code: Select this option to calculate intercompany labor charges based on a labor code table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table. (If Vantagepoint is not configured to use labor codes, this option is not available.)

All of these options are available regardless of the project's charge type. However, you should not select the Billing Terms option for an overhead or promotional project.

Rate Table If you select Rate Table, By Category, or By Labor Code as the Rate Method, select the labor rate, labor category, or labor code table in this field.
Multiplier If you select Project in Apply Rate Method at This Level, enter the multiplier that you want to apply to labor charges. You can apply a multiplier regardless of the rate method you select. Enter 1.00 if you do not want to apply a multiplier. (A 0.00 multiplier means that the cost or billing amount will be multiplied by 0.)

Intercompany Expense Billing

Field Description
Apply Rate Method at This Level

If you use multiple companies, specify how you want to handle intercompany billing for expense charges for this project:

  • Global: Select this option to apply global intercompany rate methods set up in Settings > Accounting > Intercompany Billing in the desktop application.
  • Project: Select this option to specify a rate method or multiplier for the project different from those set up at the company level.
Rate Method

If you select Project in Apply Rate Method at this Level, select one of the following rate methods to use to process intercompany expense charges for the project:

  • Multiplier: Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on cost and a cost multiplier.
  • Billing Terms: Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on the project's billing terms. If no billing terms exist for the project, Vantagepoint uses the reporting default billing terms specified in Settings > Billing > Reporting Default Terms. Specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rate defined in the billing terms.
  • By Account: Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on an expense account billing rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.
  • By Category: Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on an expense category billing rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.
  • By Vendor: Select this option to calculate intercompany charges for expenses based on an expense by vendor code billing rate table. Specify the billing rate table in Rate Table. You can specify a multiplier for this method if you want to apply a discount or premium to the normal billing rates defined in the rate table.

All of these options are available regardless of the project's charge type. Select the Multiplier option only if the project is an overhead or promotional project.

Rate Table

If you select By Account, By Category, or By Vendor in Rate Method, select the expense account, expense category, or expense by vendor table in this field.


If you select Project in Apply Rate Method at This Level, enter the multiplier that you want to apply to expense charges. You can apply a multiplier regardless of the rate method you select. Enter 1.00 if you do not want to apply a multiplier. A multiplier of 0.00 means that the cost or billing amount will be multiplied by 0.