Firms Contacts Tab

Use the Contacts tab in the Firms area to view and update contact information for a firm.


Firm hierarchies are enabled in Settings > General > Firm Hierarchy .
  • This firm only: Select this option to only display records directly associated to this firm. This option displays when a firm hierarchy is established.
  • This firm and all lower levels of the hierarchy: Select this option to display all records associated to this record and any records associated to records lower in the hierarchy from this firm. This option displays when a firm hierarchy is established.

Much of the information for Vantagepoint is entered and displayed in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

Field Description
Contacts Grid

The grid on this tab displays the contacts who are currently associated with the firm. You can edit contact information, and you can associate a new contact with the firm. Changes you make also update the contact information displayed in the Contacts area.

To add another contact for the firm, click + Add Contact below the grid, and select the contact in Name in the empty row that displays. Type one or more characters from the contact name to select from a list of contacts whose names contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of contacts. (You can also search for a first name - last name or preferred name - last name combination, or for an email address.)

To copy or delete a contact on the grid, click , and select the desired option.


This column displays the contact's name.

Click the name to display a tooltip containing contact information: job title, location, phone numbers, and email address. Click More in the tooltip to display the full contact record on a separate browser tab. (If the row is in edit mode, you cannot display the tooltip. In that case, click anywhere outside the row to take it out of edit mode and then click the name.)

A contact can only be associated with one firm. If you try to associate a contact with a second firm, Vantagepoint informs you about the existing association. If you confirm that you want to create a new firm association, the existing association with the first firm is removed.

Status This column displays the status of each of the contacts: active (green) or inactive (gray). By default, a newly added contact is active. To change the status of a contact, click the status icon and select the status.
Title This column displays the contact's job title. To change the title, click in Title and select the title. If none of the standard titles apply, you can enter a title that is not on the list. If you enter a title not on the list, however, be aware that your entry is not automatically added to the standard list of titles. If you think it should be on the list, ask your system administrator to add it.
Work Phone This column displays the contact's work phone number. If necessary, you can change that number.
Mobile Phone This field displays the contact's mobile cell phone number. If necessary, you can change that number.
Location This field displays the contact's location. If necessary, you can change that location.
Email This field displays the contact's email address. If necessary, you can change that email address.
Ajera Sync This check box shows you are working on a database that has integration set up between Vantagepoint and Deltek Ajera. Select this check box and Vantagepoint synchronizes the contact with Ajera.
You can select any or all contacts to be synchronized with Ajera.