Marketing Campaigns Overview Tab

The Overview tab provides a snapshot of the selected marketing campaign's description, manager, coordinator, and most recent actions.


When you click the add record option on the form to add a new record to the hub, you enter information in the fields on this tab. To edit information on this tab after you save a new record, hover over a field name and click to open the field in edit mode. Alternatively, you can use the Actions bar and select Edit to edit any fields on any of the tabs in the hub without having to hover over a field name and click . Some fields, such as calculated fields, cannot be edited.

The field descriptions in this topic describe how to enter information for a new record.

Description Section

Field Description

Enter a description of the marketing campaign.

Number Enter a number in this field to identify the marketing campaign record.

If you select an existing record, Vantagepoint populates this field with the selected record's number.

Project Enter the promotional project associated with the marketing campaign. You can enter a promotional project name directly in this field, or select a promotional project from your database.
Universe Enter the total number of firms targeted by the marketing campaign.


Use these fields to record the manager and coordinator information for the campaign. After completing these fields, click the name to display a tooltip containing additional employee information. Click More in the tooltip to display the full employee record on a separate browser tab. (If the row is in edit mode, you cannot display the tooltip. In that case, click anywhere outside the row to take it out of edit mode and then click the name.)
Field Description
Organization Enter the name or use the quick find to select the organization in your firm to which this marketing campaign belongs. Organizations are discrete business units within your company. You can set up organizations by region, function, responsibility, or any other method.
Marketing Campaign Manager Select the employee who is the Campaign Manager for the marketing campaign.
Marketing Manager Select the employee who is the Marketing Manager for the marketing campaign.
Marketing Coordinator Select the employee who is the Marketing Coordinator for the marketing campaign.


Use these fields to enter information about the campaign's status. Your system administrator defines the Action options in the Settings > Labels and Lists.

Field Description
First Select the first action in the campaign, such as Campaign Kickoff or Initial Campaign Meeting.
Current Select the current action in the campaign.
Next Use this drop-down list to select the next action in the campaign.